Basic Life Support
Sequences of procedures performed to restore the circulation of oxygenated blood after a sudden pulmonary and/or cardiac arrest
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Combines rescue breathing and chest compressions
Cardiac arrest
Cessation of normal circulation of blood due to failure of heart to contract effectively
Cardiac arrest survival rate
Effect of bystander CPR intervention on survival rate
Doubles or triples the survival rate
Effect of early resuscitation and prompt defibrillation on survival
Results in >60% survival
Adult chain of survival
- Immediate recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of emerygency response system
- Early CPR with good chest compressions
- Rapid defibrillation
- Effective advanced life support
- Integrated post-cariac arrest care
How long should it take to start chest compressions
Within 10s of recognition of cardiac arrest
How to perform compressions
Push Hard, Push Fast
At least 100-120/min, 5cm for adults and children
4cm for infants
Allow complete chest recoil.
BLS Sequence
Chest compressions
Mechanism of action of cardiac pump in chest compressions
Blood pumping is assured by compression of heart between sternum and spine
Between compressions, thoracic cage expands and heart gets filled with blood
Mechanism of action of thoracic pump in chest compressions
During chest compresion, increased pressure in the chest caused forward movement of blood through the circulatory system
Delaying defibrillation reduces survival rate by ……….. each minute
Process of rescue breathing
Adults- 1breath/5-6 sec (10-12min)
Children/infants- 1 breath 3-5secs (12-20min)
Give each breadth within 1 minute
Observe visible chest rise with each breadth
check pulse every 2 min
- Mouth to mask breaths
- Bag mask device