Bartonellosis Flashcards
Can Bartonella be seen with a gram stain?
No. A silver stain is required.
What are the three species of Bartonella that cause human disease?
Bacilliformis- causes Bartonellosis
Hensleae- Cat Scratch Disease, Endocarditi and Bacillary Angiomatosis
Quintana- Trench Fever , Endocarditis, Bacteremia
How doses bartonella interact with endothelial cells?
Causes endothelial proliferation
Inhibits endothelial cell death
production of vasculoproliferative cytokines
What is Oroya Fever?
It results from sandfly bites in in the Andes Mtns of Peru, Colombia and Ecuador at an altitude of 1000 to 3000 meters. Incubation of 3 to 12 weeks. Sx of fever, malaise, anorexia, HA , hepatomegaly lymphadenopathy. The treatment is Cipro, PCN or Chloramphenicol. Concurrent salmonella infections may occur.
What is Verruga Peruana (aka Carrion’s Disease)?
It is the eruptive phase of Bartonella Baciliiformis. The lesions appear as blood filled nodules. Bxshows dense proliferation of large and small veins. Serology is diagnostic. The treatment is rifampin or Cipro.
What are some unusual manifestations of Cat Scratch Disease?
Parinaud's Oculoglandular Syndrome- Granulomatous Conjunctivitis with preauricular nodes Granulomatous Hepatitis Pneumonia Osteitis Endocarditis Retinopathy Encephalopathy It is treatd with Azithromycin for 5 days. Severe cases are treated with Doxycycline and Gentamicin
What disease is caused by B, Quintana?
Trench Fever
What are the 4 fever patterns associated with Trench Fever?
Single Fever
Fever lasting 4 to 5 days
3 to 8 febrile episodes over 4 to 5 days
Persistent Fever over 2 to 6 weeks
What is the incubation period of B. Quintana ?
5 to 20 days
What is the treatment for B Quintana?
Doxycycline 100 mg po bid for 4 weeks. If it is causing Endocarditis, treat with Gentamicin 3mg/kg IV daily for 14 days and Doxycycline 200 mg once daily for 4 weeks.
Special things to remember about B. Quintana?
Endocarditis in urban homeless. Angiomatosis in HIV patients with CD4 count less than 100. The Angiomatosis can be found in the respiratory or GI tracts but usually in skin. Can also cause Peliosis Hepatica.