Barron1215 Unsorted List 2v2 Flashcards
wane weɪn
grow gradually smaller suy yếu, tàn tạ, mất dần đi quyền lực hay tầm quan trọng From now until December 21, the winter solstice, the hours of daylight will wane. [+] abate, subside; cf. wax
mendicant ˈmendɪkənt
beggar ăn xin; ăn mày; hành khất; kẻ ăn xin; kẻ ăn mày; kẻ hành khất From the moment we left the ship, we were surrounded by mendicants and peddlers. Beggar
iconoclastic aɪˌkɒnəˈklæstɪk
attacking cherished traditions (thuộc) bài trừ thánh tượng George Bernard Shaw’s iconoclastic plays often startled more conventional people.
immaculate ɪˈmækjələt
pure; faultless; without a spot or stain; perfectly clean; right in every detail; pure; spotless tinh khiết, trong trắng George Washington’s immaculate reputation as a dedicated patriot has been an inspiration to many generations of Americans.; The West Point cadets were immaculate as they line d up for inspection. [+] stainless, unblemished, undefiled, unsullied
aberrant æˈberənt
abnormal or deviant 1. Lầm lạc. 2. Khác thường Given the aberrant nature of the data, we came to doubt the validity of the entire experiment. [+] anomalous, atypical, untypical;
problematic ˌprɒbləˈmætɪk
perplexing; unsettled; questionable khó giải quyết, khó hiểu Given the many areas of conflict still awaiting resolution, the outcome of the peace talks remains problematic. [+] arguale, debatable, disputable, moot
permeable ˈpɜːmiəbl
porous; allowing passage through có thể thẩm thấu Glass is permeable to light. [+] penetrable, pervious
mite maɪt
very small object or creature; small coin Phần nhỏ; Vật nhỏ bé Gnats are annoying mites that sting. [+] particle
malleable ˈmæliəbl
capable of being shaped by pounding Gold is a malleable metal. [+] adaptable, plastic supple
voracious vəˈreɪʃəs
devouring or eager to devour large puantities of food; very greedy or eager in some desire or persuit; insatiable; ravenous tham ăn, phàm ăn; ngấu nghiến; khao khát, rất hào hức Has antone ever measured how many hours of TV time are needed to satisfy a small boy’s voracious appetite for Westerns?; the wolf is a voracious animal, its hunger never satisfied. [+] covetous, gluttonous, greedy, rapacious, ravening
exotic ɪɡˈzɒtɪk
introduced from another country; foreign or unusual style; striking or pleasing because colorful or unusual; not native; strange ở nước ngoài đưa vào, ngoại lai; kỳ lạ , kỳ cục Has it occured to you that the exotic foods that we eat only on special occasions are part of the everyday diet in other parts of the world?; Because of his exotic headdress, he was followed in the streets by small children who laughed at his strange appe [+] alien, extrinsic
stigmatize ˈstɪɡmətaɪz
describe somebody scornfully; brand; mark as wicked làm nổi rõ tính cách xấu ,bêu xấu Have we reached the stage where anyone who refuses to go along with the majority opinion is to be stigmatized as a malcontent and a radical?; I do not want to stigmatize this young offender for life by sending her to prison. [+] denounce, vilify
abjure əbˈdʒʊə
renounce upon oath 1. Tuyên bố từ bỏ, tự nguyện bỏ. 2. Rút lui (ý kiến, lời hứa) He abjured his allegiance to the king. [+] recall, recant, retract, withdraw;
kith kɪθ
familiar friends bạn bè, người quen biết He always helped both his kith and kin
antiseptic ˌæntiˈseptɪk
chemical substance preventing infection; preventing infection; substance that prevents infection N-adj: Khử trùng He bathed the wound with an antiseptic.; It is advisable to apply an antiseptic to any wound, no matter how alight or insignificant.
apostate (=stand)> əˈpɒsteɪt
one who abandons his faith; one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs Kẻ bỏ đạo, bội giáo, bỏ đảng He became an apostate when he left the church.; Because he switched from one party to another, his former friends shunned him as an apostate. [+] betrayer, defector, recreant, renegade
inarticulate ˌɪnɑːˈtɪkjələt
speechless; producing indistinct speech Không có tài ăn nói, ú ớ, không nói rõ ràng được He became inarticulate with rage and uttered sounds without meaning. [+] indistinct
berate bɪˈreɪt
scold sharply; scold strongly la mắng He began to berate tyrants.; He feared she would berate him for his forgetfulness. [+] revile, upbraid, vituperate
beseech bɪˈsiːtʃ
ask earnestly or urgently cầu xin, cầu khẩn, van xin He beseeched forgiveness for his folly. to beg; to implore; to plead; to pray; to entreat; to beseech
oaf əʊf
stupid, awkward person đứa bé ngu ngốc; người đần độn và vụng về He called the unfortunate waiter a clumsy oaf. Idiot, fool
comport kəmˈpɔːt
bear one’s self; behave xử sự He comported himself with great dignity. [+] bear, conduct, demean, deport
conjure ˈkʌndʒə
summon a devil; practice magic; inagine; invent trò ảo thuật, gọi hồn He conjured up an image of a reformed city and had the cotters completely under his spell. [+] invoke
calumny ˈkæləmni
malicious misrepresentation; slander lời vu khống He could endure his financial failure, but he could not bear the calumny that his foes heaped upon him. [+] belittlement, defamation, depreciation, detraction, disparagement, slander
pedagogue ˈpedəɡɒɡ
teacher; dull and formal teacher nhà sư phạm, mô phạm He could never be a stuffy pedagogue; his classes were always lively and filled with humor. [+] instructor, tutor
pittance ˈpɪtns
a small allowance or wage (n) tiền thù lao còm, tiền thu lao rẻ mạ, số lượng nhỏ He could not live on the pittance he received as a pension and had to look for an additional source of revenue.
suppliant ˈsʌplɪkənt
entreating; beseeching năn nỉ, van xin, khẩn khoản He could not resist the dog’s suppliant whimpering, and he gave it some food. [+] supplicatory; cf. supplant
devoid dɪˈvɔɪd
completely without; lacking không có, trống rỗng He delivered a simple, low-key speech, completely devoid of fancy language or emotional appeals.; He was devoid of any personal desire for gain in his endeavor to secure improvement in the community. [+] destitute, empty
alacrity əˈlækrəti
cheerful promptness Sự sốt sắng, nhanh nhảu, hoạt bát He demonstrated his eagerness to serve by his alacrity in executing the orders of his master. [+] promptness, agility;
mundane mʌnˈdeɪn
worldly; dull, ordinary; worldly as opposed to spiritual He devoted himself to the spiritual needs of his followers, and left to his aides such mundane tasks as providing food and shelter.; He was concerned only with mundane matters, especially the daily stock market quotations. [+] earthly, secular, uncelestial, worldly;
broach brəʊtʃ
open up bắt đầu He did not even try to broach the subject of poetry.
captious [‘kæp∫əs]
finding fault or making protests especially about unimportant points; faultfinding xảo trá, ngụy biện; hay xoi mói, hay bắt bẻ He dismissed all of my carefully formulated criticisms with the casual rejoinder that I was being “unreasonably captious “.; His criticisms were always captious and frivolous, never offering constructive suggestions. [+] carping, faultfinding
thwart θwɔːt
baffle; frustrate cản trở, ngăn trở, phá ngang, làm trở ngại He felt that everyone was trying to thwart his plans and prevent his success. [+] balk, circumvent, foil
deign deɪn
condescend hhạ cố He felt that he would debase himself if he deigned to answer his critics. [+] vouchsafe
misanthropy mɪˈsænθrəpi
hatred of mankind He forgot his misanthropy when he fell in love.
troth trəʊθ
pledge of good faith especially in betrothal lòng trung thành; sự trung thực He gave her his troth and vowed he would cherish her always. [+] betrothal
penchant ˈpentʃənt
strong inclination; liking thiên hướng He had a strong penchant for sculpture and owned many statues. [+] predilection, predisposition, proclivity, propensity, tendency;
ornate ɔːˈneɪt
richly ornamented; full of flowery language; not simple in style or vocabulary; excessively decorated; highly decorated trang sức lộng lẫy, công phu He has a very ornate writing style, using many unusual words, figures of speech, and involved constructions.; Furniture of the Baroque period can be recognized by its ornate carvings. [+] baroque, flamboyant, rococo
incorrigible ɪnˈkɒrɪdʒəbl
that cannt be corrected, improved, or reformed beacause firmly established as a bad habit; uncorrectable Không thể sửa được He has deceived me so many times that I am forced to the conclusion that he is simply an incorrigible liar.; Because he was an incorrigible criminal, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
empirical ɪmˈpɪrɪkl
relying on observation and experiment, not on theory; relying or based on practical experience; based on experience theo kinh nghiệm, dựa vào kinh nghiệm He has no confidence in magical formulas that will solve all our social problems overnight; the whole bent of his thinking is practical and empirical.; He distrusted hunches and intuitive flashes; he placed his reliance entirely on empirical data. [+] experiential
dubious ˈdjuːbiəs
doubtful lờ mờ, mơ hồ, thiếu minh bạch; không chắc chắn He has the dubious distinction of being the lowest man in his class. a dubious light ánh sáng lờ mờ [+] equivocal, suspect, skeptical
awry əˈraɪ
distorted; crooked méo, xiên, lệch, hỏng, không như ý muốn He held his head awry, giving the impression that he had caught cold in his neck during the night. inclined, sloping, slanting, askew, oblique, lop-sided
unwonted ʌnˈwəʊntɪd
unaccustomed ko thông thường, ko quen, hiếm thấy; bất thường He hesitated assume the unwonted role of master of ceremonies at the dinner. [+] extraordinary, singular, uncommon, unusual
inveigh ɪnˈveɪ
denounce; utter censure or invective công kích, đả kích, phản kháng kịch liệt He inveighed against the demagoguery of the previous speaker and urged that the audience reject his philosophy as dangerous. [+] abuse
lecherous ˈletʃərəs
impure in thought and act; lustful; unchaste phóng đãng, dâm đãng He is a lecherous and wicked old man.
fatuous ˈfætʃuəs
foolish; inane ngu ngốc, đần độn He is far to intelligent to utter such fatuous remarks. [+] asinine, idiotic, silly, witless
glib ɡlɪb
fluent lém lỉnh, liến thoắng, trơn He is glib and articulate speaker. [+] voluble;
sagacious səˈɡeɪʃəs
keen; shrewd; having insight thông minh ,sắc sảo He is much too sagacious to be fooled by a trick like that. [+] sage, discerning, insightful, judicious, perceptive
guileless ˈɡaɪlləs
without deceit ngây thơ, chân thật He is naive, simple, and guileless; he cannot be guilty of fraud. [+] artless, ingenouos, naive, unaffected, unsophisticated
notorious nəʊˈtɔːriəs
widly known for something bad; outstandingly bad; unfavorably known Ai cũng biết vì một hành động hoặc tính cách xấu nào đó; khét tiếng; có tiếng xấu He is notorious for his habit of taking small loans from friends and then conveniently forgetting about them.; Captain Kidd was notorious pirate. [+] flagrant, infamous
detraction di’træk∫n
slandering; aspersion sự lấy đi, sự khấu đi; sự làm giảm uy tín, sự làm giảm giá trị; sự chê bai, sự gièm pha, sự nói xấu He is offended by your frequent detractions of his ability as a leader. [+] aspersion, belittlement, calumny, defamation, depreciation, disparagement, libel, slander, traducing, vilification
suave swɑːv
smooth; bland ngọt ngào; khéo léo, tinh tế ((thường) nói về đàn ông) He is particularly good in roles that require suavity and sophistication. [+] refinement
amiable ˈeɪmiəbl
good-tempered; kind-hearted; easy and pleasant to talk to; agreeable; lovable Tử tế, tốt bụng, nhã nhặn, dễ thơng He is so skillful in dealing with people that he can seem amiable even when he is refusing to give them what they want.; His amiable disposition pleased all who had dealings with him. [+] complaisant, courteous, lenient
jaded ˈdʒeɪdɪd
fatigued; surfeited mệt mỏi, mệt rã rời, kiệt sức, phải làm việc quá sức, chán ứ, chán ngấy He looked for exotic foods to stimulate his jaded appetite.
deposition ˌdepəˈzɪʃn
testimony under oath lắng đọng, lời khai, chúng thực He made his deposition in the judge’s chamber. [+] testimony;
vehement ˈviːəmənt
impetuous; with marked vigor mãnh liệt, kịch liệt, dữ dội; say đắm He objected vehemently to a vote taking place in the absence of a quorum. [+] ad. vehemently; ardent, fervent, fervid, passionate
indolence ˈɪndələns
laziness Sự lười biếng He outgrew his youthful indolence to become a model of industry and alertness on the job. [+] sloth, sluggishness
stint stɪnt
supply; allotted amount; assigned portion of work hà tiện ,hạn chế He performed his daily stint cheerfully and willingly.
gullible ˈɡʌləbl
easily deeived khờ dại, cả tin He preyed upon gullible people, who believed his stories of easy wealth. [+] credulous
palatial pəˈleɪʃl
magnificent nguy nga, trạng lệ, như lâu đài He proudly showed us through his palatial home. [+] impressive, regal, splendid
recondite ˈrekəndaɪt
abstruse; profound; secret Khó hiểu, tối nghĩa, bí hiểm. He read many recondite books in order to obtain the material for his scholarly thesis. [+] esoteric;
rote rəʊt
repetition Kiểu học vẹt He recited the passage by rote and gave no indication he understood what he was saying; to learn by rote. cf. mote;by rote
aloof aloof
remote in manner; apart; reserved adj-adv-ở xa, tách xa, cách biệt He remained aloof from their quarrel.; apathetic, impassive, indifferent; reserved, reticent, taciturn
ribald ribald
wanton; profane Hài hước 1 cách thô tục. He sang a ribald song that offended many of the more prudish listeners. [+] blasphemous, dissolute;
skulk skʌlk
move furtively and secretly Lẩn tránh, lẩn trốn He skulked through the less fashionable sections of the city in order to avoid meeting any of his former friends. [+] sneak
correlation ˌkɒrəˈleɪʃn
mutual relationship mối tương, quan tương hỗ He sought to determine the correlation that existed between ability in algebra and ability to interpret reading exercises. [+] interrelation
fluency ˈfluːənsi
smoothness of speech sự nói lưu loát; viết trôi chảy He spoke French with fluency and ease. [+] glibness, volubility
humility hjuːˈmɪləti
humbleness of spirit sự khiêm tốn, nhúng nhường He spoke with a humility and lack of pride that impressed his listeners. [+] courtesy, modesty
adulation ˌædjuˈleɪʃn
flattery; admiration Sự nịnh hót, bợ đỡ He thrived on the adulation of his henchmen. [+] blandishment
abstruse əbˈstruːs
deep in meaning; difficult to understand; obscure; profound; difficult to understand 1. Khó hiểu. 2. Thâm thuý, sâu sắc He tried to conceal his lack of true scholarship and intellectual depth by making use of unnecessarily abstruse language.; She read abstruse works in philosophy. [+] esoteric profound, recondite, enigmatic
eschew ɪsˈtʃuː
avoid tránh, kiêng cữ He tried to eschew all display of temper.
facilitate fəˈsɪlɪteɪt
make less difficult làm cho dễ dàng, thuận tiện He tried to facilitate matters at home by getting a part-time job.
lucrative ˈluːkrətɪv
profitable có lợi, sinh lợi He turned his hobby into a lucrative profession. [+] remunerative
pseudonym ˈsuːdənɪm
name taken, especially by author, instead of his real name; pen name (Cách viết khác: nom de plume) biệt hiệu, bút danh He used a woman’s psudonym for the Gothic romance.; Samuel Clemen’s pseudonym was Mark Twain. [+] alias
mnemonic nɪˈmɒnɪk
pertaining to memory (thuộc) trí nhớ; giúp trí nhớ He used mnemonic tricks to master new words.
hirsute ˈhɜːsjuːt
hairy rậm lông He was a hirsute individual with a heavy black beard.
mendacious menˈdeɪʃəs
lying; false He was a pathological liar, and his friends learned to discount his mendacious stories. [+] deceitful, dishonest, fraudulent, unveracious
droll drəʊl
queer and amusing khôi hài, buồn cười, như trò hề; kỳ cục, kỳ quặc, anh hề; đóng vai hề; làm trò hề He was a popular guest because his droll anecdotes were always entertaining. ( + with, at, on) đùa cợt, làm trò khôi hài [+] comic, ludicrous
rabid ˈræbɪd
like a fanatic; furious Hung dữ, bị bệnh dại, điên He was a rabid follower of the Dodgers and watched them play whenever he could go to the ball park. [+] frantic, frenetic, frenzied; a rabid dog a rabid rabbit
adamant ˈædəmənt
hard; inflexible 1. adj-cứng rắn, sắt đá. 2. n-Cái cứng như đá, kỷ cương He was adamant in his determination to punish the wrongdoer. [+] inexorable, obdurate, rigid, uncompromising, unyielding
minion ˈmɪniən
a servile dependent Kẻ bợ đỡ; thuộc hạ; tay sai He was always accompanied by several of his minions because he enjoyed their subservience and flattery. [+] sycophant
reverie ˈrevəri
daydream; musing Sự mơ màng, mơ mộng He was awakened from his reverie by the teacher’s question. cf. revelry
imbroglio ɪmˈbrəʊliəʊ
a complicated situation; perplexity; entanglement tình trạng hỗn độn, rắc rối He was called in to untangle the imbroglio but failed to bring harmony to the situation.
censure ˈsenʃə
blame; criticize phê bình, chỉ trích, khiển trách He was censured for his inappropriate behavior. [+] condemn, denounce, denunciate, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprobate, reprove;
parry ˈpæri
ward off a blow miếng đỡ, miếng gạt, động tác đỡ, gạt He was content to wage a defensive battle and tried to parry his opponent’s thrusts. [+] deflect
perdition pɜːˈdɪʃn
damnation; complete ruin kiếp trầm luân, sự diệt vong He was damned to eternal perdition. [+] downfall
brindled ˈbrɪndl
tawny or grayish with streaks or spots vệt nâu đốm He was disappointed in the litter because the puppies were brindled; he had hoped for animals of a uniform color. [+] piebald, pied
endue in’dju
provide with some quality; endow mặc (áo, quần); phú cho (ai/ đức tính) He was endued with a lion’s courage. [+] bestow, confer
exculpate ˈekskʌlpeɪt
clear from blame giải tội, bào chữa, tuyên bố vô tội He was exculpated of the crime when the real criminal confessed. [+] absolve, acquit, exonerate, vindicate;
felicitous fəˈlɪsɪtəs
apt; suitably expressed; well chosen rất thích hợp, khéo léo; may mắn He was famous for his felicitous remarks and was called upon to serve as master-of-ceremonies at many a banquet. [+] applicable, proper, suitable
immune ɪˈmjuːn
exempt được miễn (thuế), miễn dịch He was fortunately immune from the disease and could take care of the sick. [+] exempt;
euphoria juːˈfɔːriə
sense of well-being; elation; feeling of exaggerated (or unfounded) well-being He was full of euphoria after the birth.; “Jill`s been on cloud nine ever since Jack asked her out, “ said Betty, dismissing her friend’s euphoria. [+] elation, exaltation
goad ɡəʊd
urge on kích thích, thúc giục He was goaded by his friends until he yielded to their wishes. [+] exhort, instigate, prick, prompt, propel, spur
impale ɪmˈpeɪl
pierce Đâm qua, xiên qua, làm chết đứng,làm ngây người, rào bằng cọc He was impaled by the spear hurled by his adversary. [+] perforate, prick, puncture
indefatigable ˌɪndɪˈfætɪɡəbl
tireless Không biết mệt He was indefatigable in his constant efforts to raise funds for the Red Cross. [+] inexhaustible
meticulous məˈtɪkjələs
excessively careful He was meticulous in checking his accounts and never made mistakes. [+] fastidious, fussy, heedful, punctilious, scrupulous
dilettante ˌdɪləˈtænti
aimless follower of the arts; amateur; dabbler người ham mê nghệ thuật tay chơi tài tử, người không chuyên sâu; (a)tài tử He was not serious in his painting; he was rather a dilettante. [+] amateur, tyro
mercurial mɜːˈkjʊəriəl
fickle; changing Hay thay đổi, không kiên định, đồng bóng He was of a mercurial temperament and therefore unpredictable. [+] capricious, fickle, inconstant, unstable;
anomalous əˈnɒmələs
abnormal; irregular Bất thường, dị thường, không quy tắc He was placed in the anomalous position of seeming to approve procedures which he despised. [+] aberrant, abnormal, atypical, deviant, untypical;
conclave ˈkɒŋkleɪv
private meeting buổi họp kín He was present at all their conclaves as an unofficial observer.
progeny ˈprɒdʒəni
children; offspring con cái; dòng dõi, con cháu; (nghĩa bóng) kết quả He was proud of his progeny but regarded George as the most promising of all his children. [+] descendants, posterity, scions
abstemious əbˈstiːmiəs
not eating and drinking too much; frugal; temperate; sparing in dringk, etc. 1. Tiết chế, có điều độ. 2. Sơ sài, đạm bạc He was so abstemious that he extended his self-control even to his beloved music, and listened to records no more than an hour each day.; The drunkards mocked him because of his abstemious habits. [+] abstinent, continent, temperate
profligate ˈprɒflɪɡət
profligate person; shamelessly immoral; reckless, extravagant; dissipated; wasteful; licentious (a) phóng đãng, trác táng; hoang toàng, ngông cuồng;(n) kẻ phóng đãng, kẻ trác táng He was so profligate with his inheritance that he consumed in a few years the fortune it had taken his parents a lifetime to accumulate.; In this profligate company, she lost all sense of decency. [+] extravagant, wasteful; dissolute, wanton
nefarious nɪˈfeəriəs
very wicked Hung ác; Bất chính he was universally feared because of his many nefarious deeds. [+] flagrant, infamous, vicious
descant ˈdeskænt
discuss fully baì bình luận dài dòng He was willing to descant upon any topic of conversation, even when he knew very little about the subject under discussion. [+] expatiate
augment ɔːɡˈment
make or become greater, increase He will augment his income by tending bar at night.; How can we hope to augment our forces when our allies are deserting us? [+] aggrandize, boost, expand, extend, magnify
tawdry ˈtɔːdri
cheap and gaudy loè loẹt, phô trương, hào nhoáng He won a few tawdry trinkets in Coney Island. [+] meretricious
amass əˈmæs
collect, pile or heap up Chất đống, tích luỹ, cóp nhặt He would later amass a fortune from the small investment.; The miser’s aim is to amass and hoard as much gold as possible. [+] accumulate, cumulate, garner, stockpile
virtuoso ˌvɜːtʃuˈəʊsəʊ
highly skilled artist nghệ sỹ bậc thầy, người nghệ sỹ rất thành thạo; sự cho thấy kỹ năng đặc biệt Heifetz is a violin virtuoso. [+] expert, master
arduous ˈɑːdjuəs
hard; strenuous khó khăn, gian khổ,hết sức mình, gắng gỏi Her arduous efforts had sapped her energy. [+] laborious, toilsome
belie bɪˈlaɪ
give a wrong or untrue idea of; fail to justify or be equal to what is hoped for or promised; contradict; give a false impression gây ấn tượng sai lầm, , không giữ lời hứa,nói ngược lại Her behavior belied her story.; His coarse, hard-bitten exterior belied his innate sensitivity. [+] contradict, contravene, controvert;
lacerate ˈlæsəreɪt
mangle; tear xé, xé rách, làm tan nát Her body was lacerated in the automobile crash. [+] rend
disperse dɪˈspɜːs
scatter in all directioms; rout giải tán, phân tán xua tan, làm tan tác (mây mù…); rải rắc, gieo vãi, gieo rắc, truyền (tin đồn…)(vật lý) tán sắc Her bright, optimistic manner did much to disperse the atmosphere of gloom that had settled over the meeting.; The police fired tear gas into the crowd to disperse the protesters. [+] dispel, dissipate
chaste tʃeɪst
pure trong trắng, tiết hạnh Her chaste and decorous garb was appropriately selected for the solemnity of the occasion. [+] decent, immaculate, stainless, unblemished, undefiled, unsullied
staid steɪd
sober; sedate Trầm tính ít nói Her conduct during the funeral ceremony was staid and solemn. [+] grave, sedate, solemn
craven ˈkreɪvn
cowardly nhát gan Her craven behavior in running away from the enemy at this critical period was criticized by her comrades. [+] cowardly, poltroonish, pusillanimous;
diaphanous daɪˈæfənəs
transparent, translucent; sheer; transparent trong mờ Her diaphanous grown seemed part of the moonlight.; Corot painted poetic and diaphanous landscapes, in which even solid objects seemed to be suffused with light and movement.; They saw the burglar clearly through the diaphanous curtain. [+] flimsy, gossamer, sheer, transparent
polemic pəˈlemɪk
controversy; argument in support of point of view (n)(số nhiều polemics) cuộc luận chiến, bút chiến; bài luận chiến, bút chiến; ( số nhiều) sự luận chiến, sự bút chiến; thuật luận chiến, thuật bút chiến Her essays were, for the main part, polemics for the party’s policy. [+] debate, disputation
fervid ˈfɜːvɪd
ardent nồng nhiệt, nhiệt thành Her fervid enthusiasm inspired all of us to undertake the dangerous mission. [+] fervent, passionate
lithe laɪð
flexible; supple mềm mại, dễ uốn, yểu điệu, uyển chuyển Her figure was lithe and willowy. [+] lissom(e), lithesome
forbearance fɔːˈbeərəns
patience, self-control sự tự chủ, kiên trì; sự độ lượng Her forbearance during the depression was inspiring.; We must use forbearance in dealing with him because he is still weak from his illness. [+] endurance, temperance
irascible ɪˈræsəbl
irritable; easily angered nóng nảy cáu kỉnh Her irascible temper frightened me. [+] choleric, fractious, peevish, petulant, touchy
meretricious ˌmerəˈtrɪʃəs
flashy; tawdry đẹp giả tạo; đẹp mã; hào nhoáng Her jewels were inexpensive but not meretricious. [+] garish, gaudy
lustrous ˈlʌstrəs
shining Bóng láng, rực rỡ, chói ngời Her large and lustrous eyes gave a touch of beauty to a otherwise drab face. [+] brilliant, effulgent, fulgent, lambent, lucent, luminous, radiant, refulgent
vivacious vɪˈveɪʃəs
lively,high-spirited,gay; animated; gay sôi nổi, hoạt bát, lanh lợi; (thực vật) sống dai, lâu năm Her manner of speaking is so vivacious that even commonplace remarks semm to suggest charm and excitement.; She had always been vivacious and sparkling. [+] cheerful, frolicsome, gay
apathy ˈæpəθi
absence of sympathy or interest; indifference; lack of caring; indifference Sự thờ ơ, hờ hững, lãnh đạm Her moods seem to go from one extreme to the other-from deepest apathy to unlimited enthusiasm.; A firm believer in democratic government, she could not understand the apathy of people who never bothered to vote. [+] impassiveness, indifference
peculate ‘pekjuleit
steal; embezzle thụt két, biển thủ Her peculations were not discovered until the auditors found discrepancies in the financial statements. [+] defalcate
chagrin ˈʃæɡrɪn
vexation; disappointment sự chán nản, sự thất vọng Her refusal to go with us filled us with chagrin. [+] mortification
reminiscence ˌremɪˈnɪsns
recollection Sự nhớ lại, hồi tưởng, kỷ niệm Her reminiscences of her experiences are so fascination that she ought to write a book. [+] retrospection, remembrance
languid ˈlæŋɡwɪd
weary; sluggish; listless uể oải, lừ đừ, yếu đuối, thiếu sinh động, chậm chạp Her siege of illness left her languid and pallid. [+] lackadaisical
voluble ˈvɑːljəbl
loquacious; able to talk very quickly and easily; fluent; rotating; fluent; glib liến thoắng, lém, ba hoa; lưu loát, trơn tru, trôi chảy thanh thoát His answer at the press conference was rambling and voluble while giving practically no information.; She was a voluble speaker, always ready to talk.
apocalyptic əˌpɒkəˈlɪptɪk
prophetic; pertaining to revelations Thuộc sách khải huyền( cuốn cuối cùng của bộ kinh Tân ước-tôn giáo), có tính tiên tri His apocalyptic remarks were dismissed by his audience as wild surmises. [+] sibylline
convoluted ˈkɒnvəluːtɪd
coiled around; involved; intricate quấn , xoắn , phúc tạp His argument was so convoluted that few of us could follow it intelligently. [+] meandering, sinuous, tortuous, winding;
abysmal əˈbɪzməl
bottomless Không đáy, thăm thẳm, sâu không dò được, vô cùng His arrogance is exceeded only by his abysmal ignorance. [+] fathomless
austere ɒˈstɪə
strict; stern khắc khổ, khổ hạnh His austere demeanor prevented us from engaging in our usual frivolous activities. [+] ascetic, rigorous, severe, stern, strict
bellicose ˈbelɪkəʊs
warlike hiếu chiến, thích đánh nhau, hay gây gổ His bellicose disposition alienated his friends. [+] belligerent, combative, contentious, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome, warlike.
eulogy ˈjuːlədʒi
tribute; high praise bài tán dương, ca tụng; lời khen,/ca tụng His brother delivered the eulogy at the funeral.; All the eulogies of his friends could not remove the sting of the calumny heaped upon him by his enemies. [+] Compliment, encomium, panegyric;
bumptious ˈbʌmpʃəs
self-assertive tự phụ, tự mãn His classmates called him a show-off because of his bumptious airs. [+] impertinent, obtrusive
conventional kənˈvenʃənl
ordinary; typical hình mẫu nguyên mẫu His conventional upbringing left him wholly unprepared for his wife’s eccentric family. [+] customary, orthodox
rudimentary ˌruːdɪˈmentri
not developed; elementary Sơ bộ, bước đầu, mới phôi thai His dancing was limited to a few rudimentary steps. [+] basal, embryonic
decadence ˈdekədəns
falling to a lower level in morals, art, literature, etc. especially after a period at a high level; decay ấnự suy đồi His definition of decadence is simply anything that differs from the standards and customs that he is accustomed to.; The moral decadence of the people was reflected in the lewd literature of the period. [+] declination, degeneracy, deterioration, downgrade
paraphernalia ˌpærəfəˈneɪliə
equipment; odds and ends đồ dùng cá nhân, trang thiết bị cho sở thích cá nhân His desk was cluttered with paper, pen , ink, dictionary and other paraphernalia of the writing craft.
disavowal ˌdɪsəˈvaʊəl
denial; disclaiming sự chối, sự không nhận; lời chối, sự từ bỏ His disavowal of his part in the conspiracy was not believed by the jury. [+] negation, refusal, repudiation
earthy ˈɜːθi
unrefined; coarse như đất; bằng đất; (nghĩa bóng) trần tục, phàm tục His earthy remarks often embarrassed the women in his audience. [+] crude, gross, uncouth
elusive iˈluːsɪv
evasive; baffling; hard to grasp có tính chất lảng tránh, thoái thác His elusive dreams of wealth were costly to those of his friends who supported him financially. [+] elusory; incomprehensible, intangible
manifest ˈmænɪfest
understandable; clear Rõ ràng, hiển nhiên His evil intentions were manifest and yet we could not stop him. [+] distinct, obvious, unambiguous
livid ˈlɪvɪd
lead-colored; black and blue; enraged có màu của chì, xám hơi xanh, bầm tím, thâm tím, giận tím gan, cáu tiết His face was so livid with rage that we were afraid that he might have an attack of apoplexy. [+] ashen, pallid, wan
incessant ɪnˈsesnt
continuous; not stopping; often repeated; uninterrupted Không ngừng, không ngớt, liên miên His feverish and incessant activity cannot hide the fact that he dosen’t know what he is doing.; The crickets kept up an incessant chirping which disturbed our attempts to fall asleep. [+] ceaseless, continuous, everlasting, interminable, perpetual, unceasing
choleric ˈkɒlərɪk
hot-tempered hay cáu, nóng tính His flushed, angry face indicated a choleric nature. [+] irascible, testy, touchy
frenetic frəˈnetɪk
frenzied; frantic điên cuồng; cuồng tín His frenetic activities convinced us that he had no organized plan of operation. [+] furious, rabid
bereavement bɪˈriːvmənt
state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved tình trạng bị mất người thân, vật thân thiết His friends gathered to console him upon his sudden bereavement.
fulsome ˈfʊlsəm
disgustingly excessive thái quá trong lời khen, lòng yêu mến His fulsome praise of the dictator annoyed his listeners. [+] extravagant, exuberant, lavish, profuse
grandiose ˈɡrændiəʊs
imposing; impressive hùng vĩ, phô trương His grandiose manner impressed those who met him for the first time. [+] majestic, stately
haphazard hæpˈhæzəd
random; by chance bừa bãi, lung tung His haphazard reading left him unacquainted with the authors of the books. [+] aimless,desultory
quixotic kwɪkˈsɒtɪk
idealistic but impractical hào hiệp viển vông, như Đông-ki-sốt His head is in the clouds; he is constantly presenting these quixotic schemes. [+] ant. practical
inherent ɪnˈhɪərənt
firmly established by nature or habit Vốn có, cố hữu, vốn thuộc về His inherent love of justice compelled him to come to their aid. [+] congenital, inborn, innate, intrinsic
perfidious pəˈfɪdiəs
faithless; treacherous; basely false phản bội, lữa dối, không trung thành His intense greed and lack of confidence in our good faith turned him into a perfidious associate who sold our formulas to the competitors.; Your perfidious gossip is malicious and dangerous. [+] disloyal, recreant, treacherous
luminous ˈluːmɪnəs
giving out light; bright; clear; easily understood; shining; issuing light tỏa sáng trong bóng tối, dạ quang, rõ ràng minh bạch His luminous intelligence has helped to guide the nation during a time of confusion and darkness.; The sun is a luminous body. [+] brilliant, effulgent, fulgent, lambent, lucent, radiant, refulgent
BrE [ˈʒɒ̃rə] BrE [ˈʒɒnrə]
NAmE [ˈʒɑːnrə]
style of art illustrating scenes of common life thể loại His painting of fisher folk at their daily tasks is an excellent illustration of genre art. [+] category
impervious ɪmˈpɜːviəs
not allowing water, etc. to pass through; not moved or influenced by; not penetrable; not permitting passage through Không thể thấm qua được, trơ, không bị xúc động His parents tried to encourage an interest in literature, music and art, but he seemed to impervious to such influences.; You cannot change their habits for their minds are impervious to reasoning. [+] impassable, impenetrable, impermeable, imperviable, unpierceable
parsimonious ˌpɑːsɪˈməʊniəs
stingy; excessively frugal chi li, keo kiệt, bủn xỉn His parsimonious nature did not permit him to enjoy any luxuries. [+] miserly, niggardly, penurious
puerile ˈpjʊəraɪl
childish có tính chất trẻ con; tỏ ra non nớt; tầm thường, vặt vãnh His puerile pranks sometimes offended his more mature friends. [+] immature
raucous ˈrɔːkəs
harsh and shrill Khàn khàn, khó nghe (giọng nói) His raucous laughter irritated me and grated on my ears. [+] strident
disjointed dɪsˈdʒɔɪntɪd
disconnected bị tháo rời ra bị tháo rời khớp nối ra; bị trật khớp rời rạc, không mạch lạc His remarks were so disjointed that we could not follow his reasoning. [+] discontinuous, disordered, incoherent, incohesive, unorganized
risible ˈrɪzəbl
inclined to laugh; ludicrous Đáng buồn cười, tức cười; dễ cười. His remarks were so risible that the audience howled with laughter. [+] comical, droll
resonant ˈrezənənt
echoing; resounding; possessing resonance Vang dội lại, vang vọng; His resonant voice was particularly pleasing. [+] orotund, rotund, sonorous
reverent ˈrevərənt
respectful Tôn kính, cung kính; Đức cha. His reverent attitude was appropriate in a house of worship. [+] deferential
flaccid ˈflæsɪd
flabby mềm nhũn; ẻo lả; yếu đuối, uỷ mị His sedentary life had left him with flaccid muscles.
epitome ɪˈpɪtəmi
summary, digest; something which shows, on a small scale, the characteristics of something much larger; summary; concise abstract bản tóm tắt, hình ảnh thu nhỏ, ví dụ mẫu mực/ hoàn hảo His sonnet was the epitome of all love poems.; This final book is the epitome of all his previous books. [+] abstract, synopsis; recapitulation
homily ˈhɒməli
sermon; serious warning bài thuyết pháp, những lời dạy buồn tẻ His speeches were always homilies, advising his listeners to repent and reform. [+] discourse
exuberant ɪɡˈzjuːbərənt
abundant; effusive; lavish hoa mỹ; dồi dào; chứa chan (tình cảm), sum suê His speeches were famous for his exuberant language and vivid imagery. [+] lavish, luxuriant, opulent, profuse, prodigal
strut strʌt
pompous walk; supporting bar Dáng đi khệnh khạng, kênh kiệu His strut as he marched about the parade ground revealed him for what he was : a pompous buffoon.; The engineer calculated that the strut supporting the rafter needed to be reinforced. [+] prop
timorous ˈtɪmərəs
fearful; demonstrating fear sợ sệt, nhút nhát His timorous manner betrayed the fear he felt at the moment. [+] cowardly, timid;
imperious ɪmˈpɪəriəs
commanding; haughty; arrogant; urgent; domineering Hống hách, độc doán, khẩn cấp His tone of voice was so imperious that I wasn’t sure if he was asking me for a loan or demanding payment of tribute.; His imperiousness indicated that he had long been accustomed to assuming command. [+] haughtiness, hauteur, hubris, loftiness, superciliousness
ulterior ʌlˈtɪəriə
beyond what is first seen or said; situated beyond; situated beyond; unstated về sau; sau, tương lai; kín đáom ko nói ra; nằm ngoài điều quan sát His ulterior motive was not clear even to himself.; You must have an ulterior motive for your behavior, since there is no obvious reason for it.
vacillation ˌvæsəˈleɪʃn
fluctuation; wavering (sự) lắc lư, lảo đảo; chập chờn, lung lay; do dự, dao động His vacillation when confronted with a problem annoyed all of us who had to wait until he made his decision. [+] vacillation;
imbue ɪmˈbjuː
saturate; fill nhúng, làm thấm đẫm His visits to the famous Gothic cathedrals imbued him with feelings of awe and reverence.
lachrymose ˈlækrɪməʊs
producing tears hay chảy nước mắt, khóc lóc, buồn rầu, sụt sùi, sướt mướt His voice has a lachrymose quality which is more appropriate at a funeral than a class reunion. [+] lugubrious, mournful
effeminate ɪˈfemɪnət
having womanly traits giống như một người đàn bà; không mang tính đàn ông His voice was high-pitched and effeminate. [+] female, feminine
wanton ˈwɒntən
unruly; unchaste; excessive bướng, ngang ngạnh; phóng đãng, bừa bãi, trái đạo đức His wanton, drunken ways cost him many friends. [+] perverse, wayward; dissolute, lewd, licentious, lustful; bestial, brutal, cruel
ingratiate ɪnˈɡreɪʃieɪt
bring oneself into favor,especially in order to gain an adventage; flatter; become popular with Làm cho mình được mến How can we have any respect for people who try to ingratiate themselves by offering flattery and favors?; He tried to ingratiate himself into her parents’ good graces.
abscond əbˈskɒnd
go away suddenly and hide; depart secretly and hide Bỏ trốn, trốn tránh pháp luật-nđt How can you accuse me of absconding with all your brilliant ideas when you have never had an original idea in your life!; The teller absconded with the bonds and was not found. [+] flee
tantalize Tantalus)>
ˈtæntəlaɪz ‘tæntələs
keep just out of reach something that somebody desires; raise hopes that cannot be realized; tease; torture with disappointment nhử, nhử trêu ngươi How can you be so cruel as to tantalize the poor dog by offering him tidbits that you will never let him have?; Tom loved to tantalize his younger brother.
travail ˈtræveɪl
painful labor công việc khó nhọc, công việc vất vả, những cố gắng khó nhọc How long do you think a man can endure such travail and degradation without rebelling? [+] drudgery
terse tɜːs
concise; abrupt; pithy ngắn gọn; súc tích, dùng ít từ (văn),cộc lốc, cụt ngủn, ít lời I admire his terse style of writing; he comes directly to the point. [+] laconic, succinct
objurgate ‘ɔbdʒə:geit
scold; rebuke severely Trách móc, quở trách, mắng nhiếc I am afraid he will objurgate us publicly for this offense. Chide; reprove, rebuke, reproach
wreak riːk
inflict tiến hành (trả thù); làm cho hả, trút giận I am afraid he will wreak his wrath on the innocent as well as the guilty. cf. reek
roseate ˈrəʊziət
rosy; optimistic Màu hồng sẫm; lạc quan, yêu đời. I am afraid you will have to alter your roseate views in the light of the distressing news that has just arrived. [+] promising
insipid ɪnˈsɪpɪd
tasteless; dull vô vị, nhạt phèo, chán ngắt tẻ ngắt, không sinh động I am bored by your insipid talk. [+] flavorless, savorless, tasteless, unpalatable
accrue əˈkruː
come as a natural growth or development; come as a natural increase especially of money; come about by addition 1. Sinh ra từ, do từ…mà ra (+from). 2. Đổ dồn về (+to). 3. Dồn lại, tích luỹ lại I am convinced that some substantial advantages will accrue to me if I complete my college education.; You must pay the interest which has accrued on your debt as well as the principal sum. [+] augment
pariah pəˈraɪə
social outcast người cùng khổ I am not a pariah to be shunned and ostracized. [+] derelict
intransigent ɪnˈtrænsɪdʒənt
a person who is intransigent; uncompromising, especially in politics; refusing any compromise I am proud to have it said of me that I am stubborn and intransigent when genuine moral issues are involved.; The strike settlement has collapsed because both sides are intransigent.
proviso prəˈvaɪzəʊ
stipulation (số nhiều provisos, provisoes) điều khoản, điều qui định; điều kiện (được nhấn mạnh trong một hiệp định, hợp đồng…) I am ready to accept your proposal with the proviso that you meet your obligations within the next two weeks. [+] condition, provision
accomplice əˈkʌmplɪs
a person who helps another in a wrong act; partner in crime Kẻ tòng phạm, kẻ đồng loã I am sorry to have to tell you that I was an accomplice in the practical joke that caused you so much pain.; Because he had provided the criminal with the lethal weapon, he was arrested as an accomplice in the murder. [+] conspirator
propagate ˈprɒpəɡeɪt
multiply; spread nhân giống (cây, động vật…); truyền bá (quan điểm, tín ngưỡng..); (vật lý) truyền (âm thanh, ánh sáng…); sinh sản (cây) I am sure disease must propagate in such unsanitary and crowded areas. [+] generate, multiply, reproduce; circulate, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute;
elucidate iˈluːsɪdeɪt
explain; make clear; throw light on a problem, or difficulty; explain; enlighten Làm sáng tỏ, giải thích I am waiting for you to elucidate those strage remarks about the background of my family tree!; He was called upon to elucidate the disputed points in his article. [+] clarify, illuminate, illustrate
obliterate əˈblɪtəreɪt
rub, or blot out; remove all signs of; destroy; destroy completely Xoá, tẩy hoặc xoá sạch, xoá mờ (dấu vết…); Phá hủy hoàn toàn, làm tiêu ma I am willing to forgive you, but I can never obliterate from my mind the memory of your dishonesty.; The tidal wave obliterated several island villages. [+] delete, erase, efface, expunge
scrupulous ˈskruːpjələs
conscientious; extremely thorough Cực kì cẩn thận ,Cực kì chi tiết ,Không để sai I can recommend him for a position of responsibility for I have found him a very scrupulous young man. [+] fussy, heedful, meticulous, punctilious
veracious və’rei∫əs
truthful chân thực, đúng sự thực I can recommend him for this position because I have always found him veracious and reliable. [+] candid, frank, honest, ingenuous, sincere; n. veracity
fiat ˈfiːæt
command mệnh lệnh, sự đồng ý; sự thừa nhận, cho phép I cannot accept government by fiat; I feel that I must be consulted. [+] decree, mandate