Bacterial diversity and species concept Flashcards
“Housekeeping” functions
- cell structure
- replication, transcription, translation
- metabolism
“Accessory/supplementary” functions
- virulence
- antibiotic resistance
- metabolism - rare substrates
Genomes vs. Environment
selection acts to increase a species fitness for its environment
Genome changes
- point mutation SNPs, frame shifts
- acquisition
- deletion
- rearrangement
Bacterial diversity: mechanisms and examples
- point mutation
- acquisition
- deletions
Bacterial diversity: point mutation
- example
Myobacterium tuberculosis
- mutation rate 10-6 to 10-9
- Rifampicin resistance
- targets a sub-unit of RNA polymerase
- nt substitutions in rpoB gene
targets a sub-unit of RNA polymerase
- DNA movement between cells
- DNA movement within cells
DNA movement between cells
- transformation
- bacteriophage
- plasmids
DNA movement within cells
- transposable elements
uptake of free DNA from environment DNA recombined into genome cell acquires new gene(s)
can move genes between strains/species harbour accessory functions transduction - phage aberrantly transports non-phage DNA -> bacterial DNA transferred to new cell
extra-chromosomal DNA
can encode ‘accessory’ functions
e.g.) antibiotic resistance - salmonella outbreak
DNA element >10kb in size
Transposition function - one DNA location to another WITHIN a cell
accessory functions
e.g.) Trimethoprin res. - synthetic antibiotic
intra-cellular event scale delection - bt, codons, genes, chromosomal segments various mechanisms - e.g.) recombination -> 2 homologous sequences -> same orientation
Genomic down-sizing
genes which do not make a significant fitness contribution can be lost
e.g.) Mycobacterium leprae - human leprosy
- alter gene arrangements
- alter existing gene function
- irreversible loss of genes
gene acquisition
- adds novel genes
definition of a bacterial species
a collection of strains that share many features in common and differ considerably from other strains
methods of identifying species
- morphological
- physiological
- biochemical
numerical taxonomy
- 100’s of characters used to ensure that the classification is robust
- species have >80% character in common
genomic DNA homology
>70% co-hybridisation
DNA sequence single gene
use 16S rDNA gene sequence similarity
>97% sequence identity
Identifying strains - genotypic
RFLP - restriction enzyme digest DNA, compare fragments through electrophoresis
Multilocus - sequence typing (MLST)
- compare isolate using DNA sequences
- use housekeeping genes (usually 7)
- ubiquitous, unlike accessory genes (sequences more stable)
- each new sequence of gene (allele), given code number
- strains identified by 7 digit code
panmictic species
lots of horizontal gene transfer
defining bacterial species
16S rDNA sequence