Bacteremia and septicemia Flashcards
- Define bacteremia.
Bacteria in the blood
- Define septicemia
A physiologic response to the presence of bacteria or their toxins in the blood stream
Define sepsis
. A life-threatening physiological response to an infection which results in organ damage. Most commonly a bloodstream infection.
- Gram negative cocci are rod shaped and have a thick cell wall and stain blue. TRUE/FALSE
- Gram negative bacilli are rod shaped and stain red. TRUE/FALSE
- What bacteria are associated with TB?
acid fast mycobacteria
- What is the most virulent species of staphylococcus and what does it look like?
Staphylococcus aureus, The grapes of staph, blue cocci in clusters
- How does streptococcus pyogenes look different from staphylococcus?
Streptococcus forms long blue chains instead of clusters
- What bacteria causes strep through?
Streptococcus pyogenes
- What bacteria causes rheumatic heart disease?
Streptococcus pyogenes
- What does streptococcus pneumoniae look like?
Gram positive (blue) diplococci (pairs)
- What does Neisseria gonorrhea look like?
Gram negative (red) cocci
- What are the symptoms of Neisseria meningitides infection and what type of bacteria causes it?
Inflammation in the lining of the brain, severe headache and stiff neck. Palpable purpura (skin is bleeding from the vessles), gram negative (red) cocci
- What type of gram negative bacilli are associated with contaminated beef and chicken?
E. Coli & Salmonella
- What type of gram negative bacilli is associated with bloody diarrhea or dysentery?
- What curable and preventable disease is the leading cause of death worldwide and what bacteria causes it? Describe the bacteria. How is it spread?
Mycobacterium tuberculosis or TB, acid fast bacilli, air born
- What are the symptoms of TB?
Coughing, sputum production, may disseminate in immunocompromised individuals