B6-The Digestive system Flashcards
What is the function of Salivary Glands?
1) Amylase added here begins breakdown
2) Food is chewed by the teeth
3) Passes food to the second stage
1) By means of series of muscular contractions called peristalsis the oesophagus delivers food to your stomach
3) Receives food from the mouth
1) Produces HCL acid
2) Stores food
3) First point of digestion with proteins
4) Transfers food to the small intestine
5) Creates a mixture called chyme
Small intestine?
Made up of three parts Duodenum, Jejunum and Ileum
Colon(Large intestine)
1) Produces waste products
2) Water is mainly removed here
3) By the end, stools have been created
Gall bladder ?
1) Produces waste products
2) Stores and concentrate bile
1) Produces insulin-metabolizes sugars
2) Produces three different enzymes
1) Processed nutrients absorbed from small intestine(chemical factory)
2) Bile is created(helps the breakdown of fats and to make conditions alkali
3) Detoxifies potential harmful chemicals
Forces faeces/stool
2) Stores stool prior top defaecation
3) Secrete mucus
10Main function to remove stools from the body but also plays a part in stopping/controlling stools before they are ready to leave.(by the sphincter muscles )