B2 Chapter 1 Summary Pages 4-20 Helath And Lifestyle yr 8 Flashcards
What are nutrients?
Nutrients are essential substances that your body needs to survive.
Name some types of nutrients.
They are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water and fibre.
What are food tests used to find out?
Food tests are used to find out which nutrients a food contains.
How can you remain healthy?
Consider what a balanced diet means?
To remain healthy you must eat a balanced diet. This means eating food containing the right nutrients in the correct amounts.
What do underweight people lack?
Underweight people often lack energy. They may also suffer from a vitamin or mineral deficiency, which can cause problems like a poor immune system
What do overweight people have to be careful of?
Overweight people have an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers.
Explain what happens to the molecules during digestion.
During digestion large molecules like lipids and proteins are broken down into small molecules. They can then pass into the blood where they are used by the body.
What are enzymes?
Enzymes are proteins that break large molecules into small molecules. They are biological catalysts - they speed up digestion without being used up.
What are drugs?
Drugs are substances that alter the chemical reactions that take place inside your body. Medicinal drugs have benefits. Recreational drugs are taken for enjoyment.
What does it mean if people have an addiction on a drug?
If a person becomes dependent on a drug, they have an addiction.
What could happen to the person if they stop taking the drug?
A person with an addiction can suffer withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking the drug.
What are alcoholic drinks?
Alcoholic drinks contain the drug ethanol. This is a depressant, which slows down the nervous system.
What happens if you drink a large amount over a long time?
Drinking large amounts over a long period of time can cause stomach ulcers, heart disease, and brain and liver damage.
What is a person with an alcohol addiction called?
A person with an alcohol addiction is called an alcoholic.
What can smoking tobacco cause?
Smoking tobacco can cause breathing problems, cancer, heart attacks and strokes.
What does the tobacco in cigarettes contain?
Tobacco smoke contains nicotine. This is a stimulant, which speeds up the nervous system. It is also addictive
Which chemical in the cigarettes makes smoking addictive?
Nicotine which is found in tobacco smoking is the chemical that makes smoking addictive.