B11.5 - B11.10 - Hormonal Coordination (set B)✔️ Flashcards
What is the menstrual cycle?
Once a girls has gone through puberty - each month, eggs begin to mature in the ovary and uetrus lining thickens (in prepiration for pregnancy) - every 28 days a mature egg is released (called ovulation) if egg is not fertilised arrund 14 days later the lining of the uterus is shed along with egg - cycle repeats
Function of the hormone FSH?
Follicle stimulating hormone is secreated by the pituitary gland - makes eggs mature in their follicles in the ovaries - also stimulates ovaries to produce hormones including oestrogen
Function of oestrogen?
Oestrogen Is made and secreted by the ovaries in response to FSH - stimulates lining of uetrus to grow again after mensturation
What is the response to high levels of oestrogen?
Inhibts the prouction of more FSH and stimulate the release of LH (lutenising hormone) from the pituitary gland
Function of luteinsing hormone (LH)?
Released by pituitary gland and stimulates the release of a mature egg from the ovary - once ovulation has taken place, LH levels fall again
Function of Progesteron?
Secreted by the empty egg follicle in the ovary after ovulation - helps maintain a pregnancy if the egg is fertelised - inhibits both FSH and LH and it maintains the lining of the uterus in the second half of the cycle so it is ready to recieve a developing embryo (if egg is fertelised)
How do hormones act to control what happens in the menstural cycle?
Hormones produced by the pituitary gland and ovary act together - as the oestrogen levels rise, they inhibit the production of FSH and encourage the production of LH which when LH levels reach a peak in the middle of the cycle, stimulate the release of a mature egg
What is testostrone and its role?
Main male reproductive hormone produced in the testes and it stimulates sperm production
What is oestrogen and its role?
Female reproductive hormone produced in the ovary - at puberty eggs begin to mature and one is released approximately every 28 days this is called ovulation
4 Examples of different types of contraception?
- surgical methods
- oral contraceptives
- injections
- barrier methods
How do oral contraceptives work?
Use femal hormones to prevent pregnancy - pill contains low doeses of oestrogen along with progesterone which inhibits the production and release of FSH - affecting the ovaries so no eggs mature
How do contraceptives like injections/implants/skin patch’s work?
Slow release of progesterone to inhibit the maturation and release of eggs for a number of months or years
How do barrier contraceptives work?
Examples such as condoms and diaphragms prevent the sperm reaching an egg
How do spermicidal agents work as contraceptives?
Kills or disables sperm to prevent pregnancys
How can FSH and LH help treat infertility?
Both hormones can be used to stimulate ovulation in women with low FSH levels - it stimulates the eggs in the ovary to mature and also triggers oestrogen production
Explain the fertility treatment vitro fertelisation (IVF)?
IVF is form of fertility treatment used if the oviducts have been damaged or blocked by infection - in some cases where a man produces very few sperm or the sperm do not mature - individual sperm are injected into an egg during IVF process
Explain fully the process of IVF treatment?
1) mother given synthetic FSH to stimulate maturation of eggs , followed by LH to bring eggs to point of ovulation
2) eggs collected and fertelised with fathers sperm in lab
3) fertelised eggs kept in warm special conditions to develop into embryos
4) when they are just balls of cells the embryos are inserted back into the uterus of the mother
3 Disadvantages of IVF?
- not always successful - low success rates
- process is emotionally and physically stressful
- often results in a multiple births
Advantage of IVF?
- allows couples who cant have children the chance
Why do plants produce hormones?
To coordinate and control growth and response to light (phototropism) and gravity (gravitopism or geotropism)
What causes unequal growth rates in plant roots and shoots?
Unequal distribution of auxin
Explain what auxin is and its function?
Plant hormone which stimulates growth and cell division in plants - used as weed killers and rooting powders - extra auxin can send a plant into rapid, uncontrolled growth, killing them
What is ethene used for in plants?
Used to control the ripening of fruits - unriped fruit is stored in warmer temperatures with ethene added which causes it to ripen rapidly for sale when needed
What are gibberellians and what are there use?
Important for initiating seed germination and are used to promote flowering and increase the size of fruit
What are tropisms?
The response of plants roots and shoots to gravity and light - phototropism is the plants response to light - gravitropism is the plants response to gravity result of the uneven distribution of auxin
Which direction do roots grow in?
Grow in the direction of the force of gravity (gravitropism)
Which direction do shoots grow in?
Grow towards light and against the force of gravity (phototopism)
Three things auxins are used for?
- weed killer
- as rooting powders
- promoting growth in tissue culture
Three things gibberellians can be used to do?
- end seed dormancy
- promote flowering
- increase fruit size