B11- Endocrine System Flashcards
What are hormones?
Chemicals that are in the blood stream made by glands, which are carried by the blood to its target organ where it would produce an effect triggering a response.
Are hormones fast or slow?
They give fast responses but have a slower affect but can last longer.
What does the pituitary gland do?
Controls the growth of children.
Stimulate the thyroid gland
Stimulates the ovaries to produce and release eggs
Stimulates the testes to make sperm
What does the thyroid do?
Controls the metabolic rate of the body
What does the pancreas do?
Controls the level of glucose in the blood
What does the adrenal do?
Prepares the body for stressful situations
What does the ovaries do?
Controls the development of the female secondary sexual characteristics
What does the testes do?
Controls the development of the male secondary sexual characteristics.
What does the endocrine system consist of?
It consists of a number of glands that secrete hormones that affect the the coordination and control of our bodies.
What is the master gland?
The pituitary gland as some of the ADH it produces can directly affect the body, like controlling the amount of urine produced by the kidneys and making other glands give out their hormones.
How does your blood glucose levels range?
It would be very high after a meal to very low several hours later and is prevented to go to high or low due tl the pancreas which monitors and controls the blood glucose using insulin and glycogen.
Why does the pancreas produce glycogen?
Glycogen gets converted back to glucose to raise the glucose levels in the blood.
Why is insulin released?
When the blood glucose levels are too high insulin converts the glucose to glycogen or taken in by the cells,
What is type 1 diabetes?
Where the pancreas does not make enough insulin so the blood glucose is not controlled.
Kidneys excrete glucose in urine so would produce a lot of urine.
Break down fat and protein more so would be lighter.
What is type 2 diabetes?
Linked to obesity and lack of exercise
Pancreas still makes insulin but less than your body needs, cells stops responding to insulin you make
How do you treat type 1 diabetes?
Inject insulin into your blood before meals to keep blood glucose stable.
Eat healthily and exercise well.
How do you cure type 1 diabetes?
Transplant a pancreas even though the operation is difficult and risky
How do you treat type 2 diabetes?
Have a balanced diet Lose weight Regular exercise Drugs that help insulin work better Reduce the amount of glucose eaten Inject insulin
What are the steps in the menestral cycle?
In day 0-5 the old egg leaves the body in a menestral flow. Day 0-10 maturing new egg in ovary. Day 10-15 new egg is released Day 15-20 new egg travels to the womb Day 20-28 new egg in womb
What does FSH do?
Stimulates the maturing egg
What does oestrogen do?
Stops FSH and starts LH
Maintains the uterus lining
What does LH do?
Stops oestrogen
Starts progesterone
Stimulates the release of the egg
What does progesterone do?
Increases lining of the womb
Stops LH
What is testosterone?
Hormone produced by the testes which creates change through growth spurts, pubic hair, underarm hair, facial hair, testes grow and produces sperm
What is fertility treatment?
Some women do not produce enough FSH to mature the egg in the ovary. Artificial LH can trigger ovulation and may be able tl have a child.
What is IVF?
The eggs are stimulated by FSH and matured by LH and then collected from the ovaries and fertilise with sperm. These then develop into embryos and then inserted into the woman’s uterus.
Disadvantages of IVF?
Expensive Not always successful Emotionally and physically stressful Multiple births increases the risk for both mother and child Parent may not want a child.
Advantages of IVF?
Naturally give birth
Can be stored for later use
What does oral contraceptives do?
Contains oestrogen and progesterone which release FSH and affect the ovaries so no egg matures stopping the pregnancies. The mucus in the cervix is also thick to prevent sperm getting through. Side effects are raised BP and breast cancer.
What are implants?
Contraceptive implant can last for three years and is inserted under your skin and slowly releases progesterone.
What is contraceptive patch?
Contains oestrogen and progesterone and it’s put on your skin and the hormones are absorbed into your bloodstream.
What is chemical contraception?
Chemicals that can kill and disable sperm
What is a condom?
A latex sheath laid over the penis to prevent sperm meeting the egg. Protects against STDs.
Placed over the cervix to prevent entry of sperm. Must be fitted by doctor.
Intanterine devices
Small structures inserted into the uterus by a doctor. Contain copper and prevent early embryos and implanting in the lining of your uterus.
abstaining from intercourse around ovulation when an egg is in the oviduct mean sperm cannot fertilise the egg
Surgical methods
Men can have the spam ducts cut and tied preventing sperm getting into the semen.
Women can have the oviducts cut or tied to prevent the egg reaching the uterus.
What does thyroxine do?
Controls the basal metabolic rate of your body.
What does adrenaline causes.
Heart rate and breathing rate increase
Peoples of your eyes to dilate.
Mental awareness increases
Blood diverted away from the digestive system and to the muscles in your limbs.
Increases oxygen and glucose in your brain and muscles for fight or flight.
What is phototropism.
Response of a plant to light.
What is gravitropism
Response of a plant to gravity.
What is auxin?
Auxin moves from the light inside of the shoot to the unlit side. The cells respond to auxin by growing more that side and then bend towards the lights.
How can auxin be used?
Can be used as weed killer as it sends plants into rapid uncontrolled growth and therefore killing them.
Auxin can be used as modern plant tissue cultures as plant cloning processes they stimulate growth in the tissues producing identical plants.
How can gibberellins being used?
Speed up germination.
Flower throughout the year
Increased the size of fruit
How can ethene be used?
ripened fruit is picked and then treated with ethene and warm temperatures so the fruit can ripen rapidly to the perfect stage for sale.