b cell development Flashcards
What does the bone marrow contain and provide for maturation of B
a. Unique microenvironment for maturation (HSC)
b. Bone marrow stromal cells for support
c. Cell to cell integration and production of cytokines
d. Provide survival and differentiation signals via these cytokines ( & other
The maturation of B cells can be identified by changes in enzyme activity, CD
marker expression & synthesis of BCR. Some of these markers include:
a. CD34, CD10, CD127, CD19**, CD20 **
b. RAG 1 & RAG 2
c. TdT
d. Btk
e. Pre-B Cell Receptor
f. BCR (IgM first then IgD)
CD127 Is?
IL-7 Receptor
What stages of B-Cell development occur in bone marrow?
a. Development from Stem cell to Pro B Cell
Stem cell H- chain/L – chain, Ig Status
Germline & No Ig
What is the order of development of B cells?
Stem cell early PRO-B cell Late PRO- B cell large PRE-B cell small PRE-B cell Immature B-cell
Which chain (heavy or light) is re-arranged first
The heavy chain (H-chain) genes are rearranged before the light chain
At the early pro-B cell level in the bone marrow gene arrangement of the H-
Chain starts how?
Joining of the D and J genes on both chromosomes (maternal and paternal)
If early pro-B cell level rearrangement productive what does the heavy chain
undergo at late pro-B cell stage?
a. V- DJ rearrangement takes place on the first chromosome (either paternal
or maternal).
b. If V- DJ rearrangement on the first chromosome not productive then
attempt on second chromosome
c. If V- DJ rearrangement on the second chromosome not productive then apoptosis signaled (about 50%)
What must accompany any productive heavy chain re-arrangement before
approval to become pre-B cell? (involving IgM)
The C(mu) gene is selected to complete the genes needed for IgM (VDJC(mu)) and further re-arranged with V-DJ
If late pro-B cell level rearrangement productive what does the cell become?
Still late Pro- B cell
What is the final step before a Pro-B cell can become a pre-B cell?
Functionality checking of µ chain
How is this functionality checking done?
a. The late pro-B cell will express a surrogate light chain, to test if the heavy
chain can successfully pair with a potential light chain.
b. Expression of both the recombined heavy chain with the surrogate light
chain forms the pre-BCR, which is the first checkpoint in the
developing B cell.
c. If this pairing is appropriate, the pre-BCR will be expressed on the
surface of the cell
d. This expression will initiate signaling that indicates the cell is ready to
progress to the large pre-B-cell stage.
e. If the heavy chain is in some way defective or unable** to pair with the
surrogate light chain, the B cell will not receive the appropriate maturation
signals and will subsequently die by apoptosis**
What is the significance of Bruton’s tyrosine Kinase (Btk) in this process?
a. Operates as apart of the signal to tell the cell that it has successfully
rearranged its Ig H chain and has made functional u chain to shut down
further H chain rearrangement, stop synthesis of surrogate chain, start L
chain gene rearrangement.
***b. Mutation in Bkt gene results in lack of differentiation to immature B cell level. Common in boys – X-linked agammaglobulinemia.
What occurs at pre-B cell stage?
Light chain gene re-arrangement
What becomes activated and starts gene re-arrangement of light chain in SMALL
pre-B cell?
RAG Enzyme
Where does L-Chain rearrangement start in PRE-B Cell?
a. Recombination begins at the kappa ()-chain loci;
b. If not productive on both chromosomes the cell will then attempt recombination at the lambda ()-chain loci.
c. If none of these four opportunities work productive then signal for
If re-arrangement productive what happens?
Once productive it will pair with the previously made heavy chain and
be expressed on the cell surface as BCR complex & be called an Immature B- Cell.
Immature B-cell express?
What has to occur before B-cell can leave bone marrow?
Check for self reactivity (third checkpoint)
Self reactivity/ Self tolerance involves?
a. Immature B cell exposed to self antigen in bone marrow
b. If it recognizes self antigens in the bone marrow – allowed to change the light chain (kappa or lamda) but not the u chain
c. If not, leaves bone marrow and enter secondary lymphoid where expresses
both IgD & Ig M
How do B-cell express both IgD & IgM with the same VDJ (heavy chain)?
Alternative mRNA splicing
Maturation and survival of B-cells requires?
Access to lymphoid tissue. If a B cell meets an antigen it proliferate to form the germinal center and became plasma cells – move to the medulla-
produce Ig. Those that do not meet the antigen of their specificity they
move to the medulla enter efferent vessel.