AV - Adult - Precis Notes (O2, Pain relief, CVA/TIA, Agitation) Flashcards
A0001 - O2 Rx
Dot points?
- Stop (4)
- Adequate SpO2 (1)
- Mild - moderate (1)
- Severe (3)
- Chronic hypoxaemia (3)
- Regardless of SpO2 (2)
A0001 - O2 Rx
> Stop points?
> Stop
- Reliant upon accurate pulse oximetry
- Only for Pts >= 12 yrs
- High concentration O2 may be harmful to Pts at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure (COPD, severe asthma)
- Suspect COPD if Pt > 40 AND a smoker / ex-smoker w/ SOBOE, chronic cough / sputum, family Hx of COPD
A0001 - O2 Rx
> Adequate SpO2?
> Mild - moderate?
> Adequate SpO2 (>= 92%)
- No O2 req’d
> Mild - moderate (85-91%)
- Titrate O2:
NC @ 2-6L OR
SFM @ 5-10L
A0001 - O2 Rx
> Severe?
Critical illness?
> Severe (< 85%) OR a Critical Illness
Initial Mx:
- NRBM @ 10-15L
- Consider BVM / IPPV / SGA
Once haemodynamically stable:
- Titrate O2 to SpO2 92-96%
Critical illness:
- Cardiac Arrest / Resuscitation
- Major Trauma / Head Injury
- Anaphylaxis
- Shock
- Status epilepticus
- Severe sepsis
- Ketamine sedation
A0001 - O2 Rx
> Chronic hypoxaemia?
Chronic conditions?
> Chronic hypoxaemia
Titrate O2 w/ NC OR mask to SpO2 88-92%
If SpO2 < 85%, Rx as per > Severe
Chronic conditions:
- Neuromuscular disorders
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Severe kyphoscoliosis
- Obesity
- Bronchiectasis
A0001 - O2 Rx
> Regardless of SpO2?
> Regardless of SpO2
O2 via NRBM @ 10-15L
Pts presenting with:
- Decompression illness
- Toxic inhalation exposure
- Cluster headache
- Shoulder dystocia
- Cord prolapse
A0501 - Pain Relief
To reduce pain to a level that the Pt is comfortable
A0501 - Pain Relief
What factors determine adequacy of analgesia?
- Pt reporting comfort (most important)
- distressed appearance
- physiological signs of pain
- verbal numerical rating
A0501 - Pain Relief
True or false:
Pts must be able to report or rate pain in order to be given analgesia (incl. pts w/ dementia, intellectual disability, neurodiversity, NESB)
Where discomfort is evident, analgesia may be indicated
A0501 - Pain Relief
What (2) things should be considered in small, frail, or elderly pts?
- dose reductions
- longer dose intervals
A0501 - Pain Relief
If a pt remains in pain and the maximum doses have been reached, what else can an ALS paramedic do?
Consult for IV ketamine +/- further doses of opioids
A0501 - Pain Relief
What is the preferred approach regarding quality analgesia?
Multi-modal approach (e.g. paracetamol, opioid, methoxyflurane) of smaller doses of multiple different agents.
The effect is usually improved pain and less adverse effects
A0501 - Pain Relief
True or false:
Ketamine may be given to treat chest pain in suspected acute coronary syndrome
Option 1: Opioids IV
Option 2 (no IV access): Fentanyl IN
Option 3 (no IV or IN): Morphine or fentanyl IM
+/- methoxyflurane if req’d
A0501 - Pain Relief
What cohort of pts have potentially greater adverse effects from ketamine?
What are these medical conditions?
Adolescent / elderly / frail pts
Pts w/ Hx of anxiety / psychosis
A0501 - Pain Relief
What are the standard paracetamol doses?
What are they for S/F/E pts?
Standard: 1000mg PO (2 x tabs)
small/frail/elderly/malnourished/liver disease:
500 mg PO (1 tab)
A0501 - Pain Relief
What are the standard morphine doses?
What are they for S/F/E pts?
Standard IV:
Up to 5mg
Rpt @ 5/60
Max: 20mg (consult for more)
Standard IM: 10mg Rpt 5mg @ 15/60 PRN Max: 15mg S/F/E: 0.1mg/kg (e.g. 50kg = 5mg) NO rpt dose
A0501 - Pain Relief
What are the standard ketamine doses?
What are they for S/F/E pts?
Standard IN: 75mg Rpt 50mg @ 20/60 Max: none* *CDA (clinical discretion advised) S/F/E: 50mg Rpt 25 mg @ 20/60 Max: none* IV route: consult only
A0501 - Pain Relief
What are the standard methoxyflurane doses?
3mL inhaled
Rpt 3mL @ 20-25/60
Max: 6mL / 24 hrs
A0501 - Pain Relief
What are the standard IV fentanyl doses?
What are they for S/F/E pts?
IV fent:
Up to 50mcg
Rpt @ 5/60
Max: 200mcg (consult for more)
A0501 - Pain Relief
What are the standard IN fentanyl doses?
What are they for S/F/E pts?
IN fent: 200mcg Rpt up to 50mcg @ 5/60 Max: 400mcg S/F/E: 100mcg Rpt up to 50mcg @ 5/60 Max: 200mcg
A0501 - Pain Relief
What is the mx of significant respiratory depression due to opioids?
What dose and repeats?
Other considerations?
Titrate small doses of IV Naloxone until pt is adequately self-ventilating.
Dose: Naloxone 100mcg IV Rpt 100mcg IV @ 2/60 Max: 2mg *no IV access: Naloxone 400mcg/mL IM Single dose only
Consider SGA insertion and tx w/out delay
A0501 - Pain Relief
What actions are required to mx ketamine side effects?
> Hypersalivation:
- suction (sufficient on most occassions)
- where this becomes difficult to mx and airway is compromised»_space; MICA (Atropine IV/IM)
> Emergence reaction:
For significant or persistent reactions,
Midazolam 0.5 - 1mg IV (ALS consult)
A0711 - Suspected Stroke / TIA
Dot points?
- Stop (3)
- Ax (3)
- Non-urgent tx (1)
- Non-ECR eligible stroke (3)
- Possible ECR eligible stroke (5)
- MICA (1)
A0711 - Suspected Stroke / TIA
Stop points?
- Excl. stroke mimics (incl. hypoglycaemia)
A0711 - Suspected Stroke / TIA
Ax points?
- Sx onset time
- co-morbidities
A0711 - Suspected Stroke / TIA
Non-urgent tx?
MASS pos. >= 12hrs AND
Susp. TIA:
- Tx to closest thrombolysing stroke centre
A0711 - Suspected Stroke / TIA
Non-ECR eligible stroke?
MASS pos. < 12hrs AND
ACT-FAST neg.:
- IV access: 18G, large vein, reflux valve
- Consider R/v w/ MSU (metro, M-F)
- Tx to closest thrombolysing stroke centre w/ notification (name & DOB)
A0711 - Suspected Stroke / TIA
Possible ECR eligible stroke?
MASS pos. < 24hrs AND
ACT-FAST pos. at time of loading:
- IV access: 18G, large vein, reflux valve
- Consider R/v w/ MSU (metro, M-F)
- Tx to closest thrombolysing stroke centre w/ notification (name & DOB)
- Consider tx to ECR centre if equivalent tx time
- rural: tx to closest VST centre w/ notif.
A0708 - Agitation
Dot points?
- Stop (2)
- Ax (3)
- Mild agitation (2)
- Mod. agit’n. (2)
- Sev. agit’n. (3)
A0708 - Agitation
Stop points?
- Maintain safe enviro. for paramedics, pts, family, bystanders
- Pts < 16, RCH consult PRIOR to sedation
A0708 - Agitation
Ax points?
- Ax with SAT tool
- MX clinical causes
- Consider grief / stress
A0708 - Agitation
Mild agitation mx?
S/F/E/drug or alco affected?
SAT +1:
Olanzapine 10mg ODT
Rpt 10mg @ 20/60 if still SAT +1
Max: 20mg
S/F/E/drug or alco affected:
Olanz 5mg ODT
Rpt 5mg @ 20/60 if still SAT +1
Max: 10mg
A0708 - Agitation
Moderate agitation mx?
S/F/E/SBP<100/drug or alco affected?
SAT +2:
Midazolam 5-10mg IM
Rpt 5-10mg @ 10/60 TTR
Max: 20mg
S/F/E/SBP<100/drug or alco affected:
Midaz 2.5-5mg IM
Rpt 2.5-5mg @ 10/60 TTR
Max: 10mg
A0708 - Agitation
Severe agitation mx?
Plan if it doesn’t work?
SAT +3 Ketamine IM (single dose): - <60kg = 200mg - 60-90kg = 300mg - >90kg = 400mg
- consult for more
- consult for Midaz IM/IV if pt hyperthermic or increased muscle tone