Autonomic NS Flashcards
What forms the ventral part of the diencephalon?
The hypothalamus
What is most important function of hypothalamus?
Links nervus system to endocrine system via pituitary gland
What do neuorhormones of hypothalamus do?
Stimulate or inhibit secretion of pituitary hormones
How many peripheral pathways is the autonomic system associated with?
4- 2 motor, 1 sensory and 1 mixed
What do motor (efferent) pathways consist of?
Parasympathetic and sympathetic systems
How many neurons do the efferent pathways have between cord/brainstem and end-organ?
2- the preganglionic fibre (1st) and the postganglionic fibre (2nd)
What is the terminal neurotransmitter in sympathetic pathway?
Where does the sympathetic pathway originate?
The posterior hypothalamic area
Where do the fibres of the sympathetic pathway descend?
In the central autonomic pathways
Where do the sympathetic fibres end?
The lateral horns of grey matter from T1-L2
How do second order neurons pass from lateral horns to sympathetic chain?
emerge from anterior nerve roots and pass via white rami communicates
What is parasympathetic outflow from CNS?
Craniosacral only
What is the neurotansmitter for the parasympathetic system?
Where do parasympathetic fibres originate?
The anterior hypothalamic area
Which 4 cranial nerves are the cranial preganglionic fibres found in?
CN III (ooculomotor), CN VII (facial), CN IX (glossopharyngeal), CN X (vagus)
What do parasympathetic fibres from S2-S4 segments pass as?
Pelvic splanchnic nerves through inferior hypogastric plexus
What are the nerurotansmitters of the NANC division?
NO, ATP, VIP and substance P
What fibres do NANC fibres pass with?
Parasympathetic fibres
What is path of thoracic splanchnics?
Peirce diaphragm and synapse in coeliac, mesenteric or renal ganglia
Where do lumbar and sacral splanchnics pass?
Pass via hypogastric plexuses to supply pelvic viscera