Autonomic NS Flashcards
PNS in heart
Decrease HR- Negative chronotropic effect
Slows conduction speed- Negative dromotropic effect
SNS in Heart
Increased HR- positive chronotropic effect
Increase conduction speed- Positive dromotropic effect
increase force contraction- positive ionotropic effect
SNS pre and post gang
Pre- short
Post- long
PNS pre and post gang
Pre- long
Post- short
Preganglionic axons
Small diameter
slow conducting
Myelinated B-fibers
Postganglionic axons
Smaller diameter
Slower conducting
Unmyelinated C-fibers
N1 nicotinic Ach receptors
Agonists- Ach
Antagonists- d-tubocurarine
N2 nicotinic Ach receptors
Agonists- Ach
antagonists- hexa-methonium
M1/M3/M5 muscarinic Ach receptors
Agonists- Ach Antagonists- Atropine G-protein- G-alphaQ Linked enzyme-PLC Second messenger- IP3 and DAG
M2/M4 muscarinic Ach receptors
Agonist- ACH antagonists- Atropine G-protein- G-alphaI and G-alphaO Linked enzyme- adenylyl cyclase second messenger- decreasing cAMP
alpha 1 adrenergic receptors
Agonists- NE>EPI Antagonists- phentolamine g-protein- g-alphaQ Linked enzyme- PLC second messenger- IP3 and DAG
Alpha 2 adrenergic receptors
Agonists- NE>Epi antagonists- yohimbine g-protien- alphaI Linked enzyme- adenylyl cyclase second messenger- decrease cAMP
B1 adrenergic receptors
Agonist-Epi>NE antagonist- Propranolol/metoprolol G-protein- alphaS linked enzyme- adenylyl cyclase second messenger- increase cAMP
B2 adrenergic receptores
Agonist- Epi> NE antagonist- butoxamine G-protien- alphaS linked enzyme- adenyly cyclase second messenger- increase cAMP
B3 adrenergic receptors
agonist Epi> NE antagonist- SR- 59230A G-protein- alphaS linked enzyme- adenyly cyclase second messenger- increase cAMP
Heart sympathetic
Sa node- increased Hr- B1
AV nodal conduction- B1
Contractility increased- B1
Heart Parasympathetic
SA node- decreased HR- M
AV nodal conduction decreased- M
Contractility decreased- M
Vascular smooth muscle sympathetic
Skin-splanchnic- constricts- a1
Skeletal muscle- dilates- B2
Skeletal muscle- constricts- a1
Bronchioles- dilates- B2
Vascular smooth muscle parasympathetic
Endothelium- releases EDRF- M
Bronchioles- constricts- M
Smooth muscle walls- relaxes- a2/B2
Smooth muscle sphincter- contracts- a1
salvia secretion- increases- B1
GI- parasympathetic
Smooth muscle walls- contracts- M
Smooth muscle sphincters- relaxes- M
Saliva secretion- increases- M
Pancreatic secretion- increases- M
Bladder sympathetic
Wall- detrusor muscle- relaxes- B2
Sphincter- contracts- a1
Bladder parasympathetic
Wall-detrusor muscle- contracts- M
Sphincter- relaxes- M
Male genitalia- sympathetic
Ejaculation- a
Male genitalia- parasympathetic
Eye- sympathetic
Radial muscle-iris- dilates- a1
Ciliary muscle- dilates- B
Circular sphincter muscle-iris- constricts- M
Ciliary muscle- contracts- M
Skin- Sympathetic
Sweat glands thermoregulation- increase- M!!!!
Sweat glands-stress- increase- a
Pilomotor muscle (goose bumps)- contracts- a
Tumor of the adrenal medulla -secretes more NE than Epi -sustained HTN Treatment -excise tumor -a1 and B1 adrenergic antagonists
Horner syndrome
Injuries to the SNs produce deficits ipsilateral to the lesion
- miosis- partial constriction of pupil
- ptosis- drooping eyelid
- anhidrosis- dryness of face
- enopthalamus- sinking of affected eyeball
1st order lesion of horners
brainstem- interrupting descending tracts
effects other pathways
2nd order lesion of horners
preganglionic sympathetic cell bodies or fibers supplying eye- superior cervical ganglion
3rd order lesion of horners
postganglionic sympathetic cell bodies or fibers
discrete set of symptoms
Ciliary ganglion
- circular muscle
- ciliary muscle
Pterygopalatine ganglion
-lacrimal and nasal glands
Submandibular ganglion
-submandibular and sublingual glands
Otic ganglion
-Parotid gland
Heart lungs bronchial tree stomach SI/LI
Bladder and male genitalia
Edinger-westphal nucleus
Travel with CN III to ciliary ganglion
Superior salivatory nucleus
Travel with CN VII to the pterygopalatine and submandibular ganglia
Interior Salivatory nucleus
Travel with CN IX to the otic ganglion
Rostral portion of ambiguus nucleus
Distribute with CN IX
Nucleus Ambiguus and dorsal motor nucleus of Vagus
Travel with CN X to a host of terminal ganglia in the viscera of the thorax and abdomen
Myenteric plexus
controls motility
- innervates smooth muscle
- PNS- Ach-depol- contraction
- SNS- NE- hyperpol- relaxation
Submucosal plexus
Controls secretion
-innervates blood vessels
solitary tract
autonomic output