Autonomic Nervous System Of The Head And Neck Flashcards
Where are the preganglionic sympathetic neurons located?
Thoracolumbar (T1-L2)
True or False. There are preganglionic sympathetic fibers in the head.
Where are the preganglionic sympathetic cell bodies located?
Intermediolateral Cell column of the 1st and 2nd thoracic levels of the spinal cord
Where do the postganglionic sympathetic fibers originate from?
Cervical Sympathetic Ganglia
Describe the location of the Sympathetic Trunk or chain.
POSTerior to the Common Carotid and ANTerior to the Longus Colli and Capitus Muscles
* Usually embedded in OR deep to the prevertebral fascia
Where does the Superior Cervical Ganglion receive preganglionics from? Where does it send its postganglionic fibers?
Preganglionics: Many from T1
Postganglionics: Upper Cervical (C1-3) and lower cranial nerves (IX-XII), the pharynx, Carotid body and sinus, and the internal carotid nerve
Which nerve will form the internal Carotid Plexus? Where in the blood vessel will this be located?
Internal Carotid Nerve leaves the superior cervical ganglion and forms the internal carotid plexus in the TUNICA ADVENTITIA of the internal carotid
The Internal Carotid Plexus is going to branch at which point?
Carotid Siphon
List the 4 main branches off the Internal Carotid Plexus.
- Perivascular Plexuses
- Sympathetic Branch to the Ciliary Ganglion
- Deep Petrosal Nerve
- Carotico-tympanic Nerve
Which structure controls the preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system in the neck?
At which vertebral level is the middle cervical ganglion located? Where does it send its postganglionic fibers to?
Middle Cervical Nerves (C4-6), and the Vertebral Artery via the Vertebral Plexus
At which vertebral level is the Vertebral Ganglion located? Where does it send its postganglionic fibers to?
C6 Nerve and the vertebral plexus
What is the ansa subclavia?
Vertebral Ganglion sends a cord which will loop around the anterior surface of the subclavian artery and terminates in the Inferior Cervical (Stellate Ganglion)
Describe the Stellate Ganglion. Where does it get preganglionics from? Where does it send postganglionics?
Fusion of the Inferior Cervical and the First Thoracic Ganglia.
It receives preganglionic fibers DIRECTLY from T1
Sends Postganglionic fibers to the Lower Cervical and First thoracic Nerves, heart, and vertebral and subclavian plexuses.
What are the main causes of Horner’s Syndrome?
** Interruption of Sympathetic Innervation to the Head
- Interruption of the cervical sympathetic trunk
- Transection of the spinal cord above the level of T1
- Hemisection of the spinal cord above the level of T1 (Brown-Sequard Syndrome)