Autoflight, Electrical, Fire Protection and Fuel limits Flashcards
Autopilot must be engaged above _______ unless otherwise permitted by the MEL.
Prohibited during approach
DES MODE (F/D or A/P coupled)
Prohibited during approach
Prohibited for VOR
ADC source coupled to the active autopilot must be the same as that coupled to the ATC transponder during flight in RVSM airspace.
Earliest you can engage AP after Takeoff
Minimum Use Elevation 600 ft AGL
Lowest altitude use of AP for Non-precision - Visual Approach
400 ft AGL
*The autopilot may not be used at an altitude above the terrain that is less than 50 ft below the MDA for the approach procedure or 400 ft AGL, whichever is higher.
Lowest altitude use of AP for Precision Approach
80 ft AGL and glidepath with AP engaged must be ≤3.5°
(>3.5° Prohibited 200/900)
CRJ 700 only, 120 ft AGL >3.5° and ≤4.0° approved < 4000’ AGL
(>4.0° prohibited )
CRJ 900 only, Single engine 110ft <4000 AGL
**The autopilot may not be used at an altitude above the terrain that is less than 50 ft above the
terrain, or the altitude specified above, whichever is higher.
Ground Ops DC ONLY
5 min 5 min 5 min
Max continuous DC TRU
100 A 120 A 120 A
APU generator kVA capability to max altitude
to FL370 – 30kVA
to FL410 – 40kVA
to FL410 – 40kVA
Cargo FIREX Flight time to suitable airport
45 min 60 min 60 min
Total - Pressure Refueling
14,518 lb 19,594 lb 19,594 lb
Total - Gravity Refueling
13,906 lb 14,580 lb 14,810 lb
Max Imbalance for T/O
800 lb 300 lb 300 lb
*Min for GA per wing
450 lb 600 lb 600 lb
*Assumes a maximum airplane climb attitude of 10° nose up.
Takeoff with a fuel load in excess of 500 lb in the center tank is not permitted unless:
Each main tank is above 4,400 lb; or
• Each wing tank is above 2,000 lb; and
• The allowable zero fuel weight is reduced by the weight of the fuel in the center tank
in excess of 500 lb; and
• The allowable center of gravity (CG) in this configuration is verified to be within allowable
CG envelope.
Powered crossflow and gravity crossflow must be:
Off for takeoff.
When fuel other than Jet-A is to be used
consult QRH Volume 1 for limitations.