Autoflight Flashcards
What are the two separate functions of the premus auto flight control system?
Flight Director and auto pilot
How does the auto pilot receive pitch and roll commands?
The flight guidance system provides input to position the command bars, which are followed by the auto pilot
Where are the selected modes shown on the flight Guidance controller?
At the top of the PFD 
How can the auto pilot be instructed to follow the no 2 command bar instead of no 1
The couple button on the FGC
What does the low bank mode do?
It reduces bank angle from 27° down to 14° when and heading mode. The low bank mode is automatically selected when climbing above 25,000 feet and automatically canceled when descending below 24,750 feet.
Which mode is utilized for capturing VOR, radials, LOC, approaches, MMS, navigation, and GPS approaches
Which mode is used for ILS and VOR approaches
What caption will appear next to the couple arrow on the PFD when NAV mode is selected using FMS navigation
What is the default lateral mode?
ROL (heading mode)
Which button allows the pilot to climb or descend at a desired airspeed
What are the preset climb speed/rates of descent associated with the FLC button
For climbs: 240kt below 10,000 feet, then gradually increasing to 270 KT above 12,000 feet until reaching 17,377 feet where it changes to .56 Mach
For decents: 2000 FPM down to 12,000 feet then gradually reducing to 1000 FPM below 10,000 feet 
How is a desired rate of climb/decent set?
By pressing the VS button and setting the rate using the speed set knob
How is a desired altitude for level off Set
By using the ASEL knob. It is then shown at the top of the altitude tape.
What are the normal flight Guidance control selections for takeoff
Take off sub mode and heading
What pitch setting is shown when the takeoff sub mode is selected?
14° up with flaps to 9° or 13° nose up with the flap set at 18°
How is the heading bug synced to the current heading?
By pressing the center of the heading select knob
What color indicates an armed, lateral or vertical mode?
What color indicates a captured lateral or vertical mode?
What does an amber TKNB message on the PFD indicate
The turn control knob is out of the center detent position, and auto pilot is disengaged
How can the auto pilot be disconnected?
By pressing the auto pilot disconnect button, or by activating the pitch trim switch
If the auto pilot is engaged, will pressing the pitch trim button, disengage the yaw damper
No, only the auto pilot
What does the touch control steering (TCS) button do?
It allows maneuvering of the aircraft without disengaging in the auto pilot. If a new pitch attitude has been established, the auto pilot will maintain it when the TCS button is released. Lateral control will revert to the previously selected mode.
What does pressing the center of the speed select knob do
It changes the airspeed indication at the top of the airspeed tape between indicated airspeed and Mach
When an armed mode transitions to recapture mode, how is the transition shown?
By a box around the mode for five seconds
What is shown on each side of the couple arrow at the top of the PFD when established on an ILS localizer and glideslope with the approach mode selected
LOC and GS
Is a single engine go around with the auto pilot engaged authorized
No it is prohibited
Approach mode selection during localizer capture is allowed only under the condition?
When the aircraft is inbound
What will the indications on the PFD be upon pressing the TOGA buttons on a normal dis approach
The command bars will move to +10° and ROL GA will be shown at the top of the PFD
What is the maximum altitude that go around mode can be selected?
RA 2500 feet or 15,000 feet pressure altitude for invalid RA signal
What is the minimum altitude for engagement of the auto pilot?
FAA 500 feet AGL; EASA 1000 feet AGL
What is the minimum disengagement altitude for the auto pilot during an ILS approach?
What is the minimum disengagement altitude for the auto pilot on a non-precision approach
What does the heading select mode do?
It all allows a flight Director to track the heading bug set by the head select knob
What is the purpose of the VOR approach mode? (VAPP)
It provides the same capabilities as the VOR NAV mode, but with higher gain for operation close to the station
Which mode allows the aircraft to climb or descend to a predetermined altitude, and then level off and maintain the altitude
Altitude pre-select (ASEL)