AUC 5 Ch. 2 Adds. 1 - 10 Flashcards
Multiple Dwelling Law does not permit the conversion of a loft building to a MD. Therefore, a loft occupancy shall not exceed how many units
Shall not exceed 2 separate individual units used for living purposes
Note: No High Fire Hazards are allowed in these buildings
The sign AIR must be displayed where in a loft building
Outside of the building
What are the dimensions of the sign AIR
8” by 10”
Note: Must be metal
The height of the letters on an AIR sign
2 inches
Note: Will be black lettering on a white background
The height of the posted AIR sign
7 feet above sidewalk level
Note: Should be as close as possible to the main entrance of front wall outside of building
As per this addendum the term 3F on an AIR sign will indicate what
Third Floor
Note: Not 3 Front. If the letter R is showing, this will indicate Rear
Between High, Medium and Low fire hazards, which one or ones are/is not permitted in a residential Loft
High only
At a construction site that is in excess of 75 feet, the standpipe system shall serve all floors that have what type of stairway
Permanent stairs
Units that encounter a standpipe that is not painted red should consider what possibility
May not be in a state of readiness
Name an occasion at a construction site when the standpipe system may be maintained as a dry system
Freezing conditions
Existing standpipe systems in structures undergoing a full demolition shall be maintained as Dry or Wet systems
At demolition sites standpipe risers shall be capped on what floor
Above the outlet on the floor immediately below the floor being demolished
True or False. At demolition sites, standpipe hose, nozzles and spanners are not required to remain on site
During alteration or partial demolition in an unoccupied building, what 3 criteria’s must be met in order for the standpipe to remain dry
- Approval of buildings commissioner 2. Approval of fire commissioner 3. System is equipped with an air pressurized alarm system
Name two buildings that are required to have standpipe pressurized alarm systems
- Vacant buildings being demolished 2. New buildings higher than 75 feet
Name an occasion when a standpipe may be used to supply water or compressed air for construction or demolition operations
At least one standpipe riser is maintained at all times for firefighting operations
Buildings under construction shall have exposed standpipes painted what color
Buildings under construction shall have sprinkler piping painted what color
Buildings under construction shall have dedicated standpipe valve handles painted what color
Buildings under construction shall have combination standpipe valve handles painted what color
Buildings under construction shall have dedicated sprinkler valve handles painted what color
True or false. When existing sprinkler systems with FD hose are present in buildings undergoing full or partial demo., the system shall be maintained as an automatic sprinkler system
Shall be maintained as a non automatic
During construction of a new building, at least one permanent stair shall be brought within how many feet or floors below the working deck
40 feet or 4 floors below
Buildings under construction or demolition shall have an elevator reach within how many feet or floors to the working deck
Within 75’ or 7 floors. Ex: A 15 story building must have an elevator that reaches the 8th floor.
Note: This applies to all buildings that have reached 75’
Name 5 exceptions when using Open Fires are allowed
- Portable BBQ’s 2. Outdoor non-commercial BBQ’s in parks 3. Training of fire brigades 4. Special effects for TV, theatre, entertainment 5. Salamanders at construction sites
Note: All other types of Open Fires are prohibited
The minimum amount of fire extinguisher required at Open Fires
What action should be taken if a patio fireplace is encountered
No enforcement action other than the discontinuance of its use
The total Grate area (cooking area on the BBQ) of a BBQ shall not exceed what
10 square feet
Outdoor barbecues shall not be stored within how many feet of combustible waste
What type of extinguishing agent must be readily accessible when using an outdoor BBQ (2 answers)
Garden hose attached to water supply or 1 portable fire extinguisher
Describe R-1, R-2 and R-3 dwellings
R-1 = transient buildings R-2 = apartment houses R-3 = 1 and 2 family homes
In apartment houses (R-2), LPG containers hooked up to a BBQ are limited to what size
16.4 ounces
Note: A max. of 4 containers are allowed per dwelling
A max. of (blank) 20 lb. LPG containers are allowed in 1-2 family dwellings (R-3)
Storage shall be maintained how far down below ceiling level
2 feet
Storage that is protected by a sprinkler system shall be maintained how far below the head deflectors
18 inches
Exterior access to shaftways shall have the word “Shaftway” posted using what color lettering and background
Red lettering. White background
Note: Will be 6 inches high
Steps or ramps shall be provided on rooftops to conceal any piping that exceeds what height or width (2 answers)
1 foot in height or 24 inch width
On what date were rooftop conduit’s required to be color-coded
July 1, 2014
What color will conduit containing High Voltage wiring be on rooftops
What color will conduit containing Low Voltage wiring be
What color will piping be containing Natural Gas
What color will piping be containing Other Compressed Gas
Yellow, labeled at regular intervals with the type of gas
What color will piping be containing Fuel Oil
Yellow with Black stripes
In R-1 and R-2 dwellings, a sign posted in the lobby ID ing dwelling units and direction is required if how many dwellings units are present
8 or more per floor (9 total)
Note: This applies to buildings not protected by a sprinkler system
In a duplex or triplex, the entrance door to a multi floor dwelling unit shall be identified where
On the door jam of the public corridor side of the door
Note: Markings will be not more than 12” from the bottom of the door
Name an occasion when combustible liquids are allowed to be stored in basements, cellars, or other areas below grade
When protected throughout by a sprinkler system
Name an occasion when flammable liquids are allowed to be stored in basements, cellars, or other areas below grade
Never allowed
Illegal storage and use of LPG is enforced with what action (2 answers)
Immediate summons and confiscation through the vendor or immediate summons and confiscation through the FDNY
Name 2 exceptions when LPG containers are allowed to be used in basements, pits or other areas below grade
- Use with self contained torch assemblies in accordance with the fire code and rules 2. Manhole operations in accordance with the rules
It is prohibited to store, handle or use LPG in any container with a capacity greater than (blank) pounds
100 lbs
True or False. It is illegal to handle, use on the roof of any building LPG containers of any type of capacity
LPG’a containers that are 16.4 oz or less are permitted
Note: Only storage of any type of LPG is prohibited on a roof
16.4 LPG containers stored in a building that’s accessible by the public shall not exceed a quantity of how many pounds
200 lbs
Note: Buildings shall be protected by a sprinkler system in storage and display areas
16.4 LPG containers stored in an industrial building (not accessible by public) shall not exceed a max. capacity of how many pounds
300 lbs
Outdoor storage of LPG shall be limited to not more than (blank) pounds
400 lbs
Note: Must be located at or above grade level
Storage of LPG containers for sale and containers connected for use shall be located not less than (blank) feet from building openings
Note: The 20’ rule also applies to any motor vehicle fuel dispenser
What personnel are allowed to move LPG containers
A certificate of fitness holder
LPG containers greater that 20 lbs are allowed to be moved to another floor of a building using what 3 types of elevators
- Freight elevator 2. Construction elevator 3. Passenger elevator
Note: Elevators shall be occupied only by those persons engaged in moving the containers
What type of LPG containers may be moved in a building stairwell
20 lb containers or less.
Note: Stairwell must be unoccupied
Name an occasion when a 16.4 LPG container can be used below grade
Emergency indoor repairs
Note: LPG container is not to be left unattended
The person responsible for ensuring that proper safety precautions are taken when a fire protection system is out of service is known as who
The Impairment Coordinator
Note: If there is not one designated then owner will be responsible for these duties
When does the department get notified of an OOS Standpipe system
Name 3 occasions when a notification will be made to the department for an OOS sprinkler system
- System will be OOS on more than 1 floor 2. Repair work cannot be completed within 8 hrs. 3. When a fire protection system will also be OOS at the same time
Name 2 occasions when notification to the department is made for an OOS fire alarm system
- Work or repairs will require the fire alarm system to be OOS for more than 8 hours 2. Sprinkler system will also be OOS at the same time
True or False. Torch operations shall not be conducted on a construction site that has an OOS standpipe system
Upon notification of an OOS fire protection system, what 2 actions should the officer on duty do
Obtain full particulars and make a company journal entry
Under what circumstances should the officer request the BC to respond to a building with an OOS fire protection system (3 answers)
- Large life hazard 2. Large property value 3. A sprinkler head replacement is considered
What shall be used to indicate that a fire protection system or portion is 00S
A tag
Who is responsible to place tags on a fire protection system
Owner or Impairment Coordinator
A fire watch required for an OOS fire system shall be maintained by how many fireguards
1 or more
During fire watch coverage an area must be patrolled how often
At least once an hour
The area being patrolled by a fireguard shall not exceed more than (blank) square feet of floor area
What will be served if a fire protection system is discovered during routine inspection and not previously reported to the department
Immediate summons
When a water flow alarm has activated and access is not available, when should forcibly entry be considered
When the dispatcher informs you that the alarm system has not reset
Who will be notified if a standpipe system in a commercial occupancy is OOS during an operation/inspection and no responsible party is present
Fire Marshals
Note: Notify PD for security if forcible entry was required
Who is notified for an OOS fire protection system found in an residential occupancy but no owner, impairment coordinator or responsible building staff is present
Who should the IC consider using to perform a fire watch when a responsible party is not available
Engine company
An A-500 will be forwarded to Division commanders if a sprinkler or standpipe will be OOS for how long
More than a business day
Note: the system must also impact a commercial occupancy or residential with a large life hazard
In R-3 (1 or 2 family dwellings) buildings what will be issued for an OOS fire alarm or sprinkler system
Forthwith VO
Who can order the replacement of sprinkler heads to FD members
BC or above
When should FD units consider replacing sprinkler heads
Only if occupancy has the required heads
Name 3 places FD members will not replace sprinkler heads
- Compactor chutes 2. Shafts 3. Any other unsafe areas determined by the IC
Smoke alarm batteries shall be non removable and power an alarm for a minimum of _____ years
True or False. In order for enforcement action to be taken for a defective smoke detector in an apartment, members do not have to enter an apartment
They can observe from the apt. doorway if denied entry
Written complaints regarding absent/defective smoke detectors are forwarded to who
Bureau of Fire Prevention’s Field Public Operations Support Unit (FPOSU)
Verbal notifications regarding absent/defective smoke detectors are referred to who
Note: Then refer to Department of Housing Preservation and Development when calling
Regular enforcement of CO detector requirements in residential premises is being assumed by what 2 agencies
Complaints with installation or maintenance of CO’s in occupancy groups G/E and H/I are referred to who
Field Public Operations Support Unit (FPOSU)
At street festivals, fire apparatus access shall be provided by maintaining an unobstructed fire lane of not less than ______ feet in width
At street festivals, how will the sponsor/promoter mark and indicate the location of fire hydrants
Solid yellow circle 12” in diameter in center of emergency access lane
True or False. At street festivals, when the fire escape ladder is obstructed by a participating vendor, the sponsor/promoter shall mark the lower rung of the fire escape with a solid yellow circle 12” in diameter
Fire escape ladders shall not be obstructed in any manner
Name the 4 procedures that are done when encountering overcrowded conditions
- Request a B.C 2. Issue a summons 3. Forthwith V.O to reduce occupants 4. If conditions are hazardous (can not reduce load) issue a vacate order
At cabarets or social clubs, there must be at least ____ sq. ft. of space per person
If a company is initially denied access for an inspection what will be done next
Explain to the individual that the Fire Code allows FD access.
Note: If still denied entry then have BC respond
When denied access to a premises after a B.C arrives to the scene what will be done next
Note: This will done if the area to be inspected is open to the general public at the time of inspection.
If an owner denies access to members after serving a summons to the premises, what is done next
Obtain an inspection warrant
PD has the authority to execute what 2 types of warrants
Administrative and Criminal Search
Note: Peace officers (FD) are not empowered with this authority
What report is forwarded when doubt exists as to the legality of an alteration using steel plates
DOB Referral Report marked as High Priority
Although normally requiring a full sprinklered system, when may a partial sprinkler system be recommended (2 answers)
- It provides sufficient protection 2. A fire in the un-sprinklered section would not affect the steel plated area
The dimensions of the sign that is posted in front of the building “Steel Plating On _____”
12” X 15”
Name 3 entries that should be placed in CIDS for steel plating
- Location of steel plating 2. Area covered by sprinklers 3. Location of shut offs and any other pertinent info.