Atypical Lumbar: L5 & Miscellaneous Lumbar Spine Questions Flashcards
What is the appearance of the fifth lumbar vertebral body from the lateral view?
anterior height is greater than posterior height by several millimeters; it appears to form a wedge on a lateral X-ray view
How many joint surfaces are present on the vertebral body of the fifth lumbar?
What joint classifications will be observed at the vertebral body of the fifth lumbar?
cartilaginous (amphiarthrosis) symphysis and fibrous (amphiarthrosis) syndesmosis
What muscle(s) attach to the fifth lumbar vertebral body?
psoas major
What is the name given to ligaments that attach the vertebral body to articular process?
transforaminal ligaments
What ligaments attach the vertebral body to the transverse process?
corporotransverse ligaments
What characteristic of the L1-L4 pedicle may be used to differentiate it from the L5 segment? Be specific and complete as the difference(s) on a segment from each group.
On cranial view, the lateral surface of the pedicle is apparent on a L1-L4 segment.
At L5 the transverse process originates from the vertebral body, pedicle and lamina-pedicle region.
What muscles may attach to the transverse process of the fifth thoracic vertebra?
psoas major, quadratus lumborum, longissimus thoracis, rotator brevis, rotator longus and intertransversarii
What ligaments traditionally attach to the transverse process of the fifth lumbar vertebra?
lumboacral iliolumbar and mammillo-accessory ligaments
What is the reported angulation and X-ray appearance of the fifth lumbar articulation facets?
they lie in the vertical plane and are coronal facets
What is the orientation of the fifth lumbar superior articular facet?
backward, upward, medial (BUM); typically concave
What is the orientation of the fifth lumbar inferior articular facet?
forward, lateral, downward (FoLD); significant convexity
What is the name(s) of the condition in which the L5 spinous process increases in length due to the aging process?
Baastrup’s syndrome or “kissing spines”
What is Knife Clasp Syndrome?
the congenital condition in which the L5 spinous process is elongated, the sacrum exhibits spina bifida and dorsiflexion produces pain
What muscles will attach to the fifth lumbar spinous process?
latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis lumborum, longissimus thoracis, multifidis, rotator longus, rotator brevis and interspinalis
How many synovial joints are maximally observed at each lumbar vertebra?
L1-L5 = four each
How many joints are traditionally observed at each lumbar vertebral body?
L1-L5 = six each