Attraction Flashcards
What is parental investment theory?
men and women have different motivations and strategies for sex
How are men opportunists?
- reproduction is cheap
- goal is to have as many children as possible
How are women choosy?
- reproduction is expensive
- goal is to have highest quality children
What were the differences in gender for the questions: “how long do you need to know someone before having sex” and “how many partners do you want in ___ amount of time”
- men need less time before having sex
- men want more partners in same amount of time
What was the methods and results of the date/apartment/sex experiment?
- attractive researcher approached opposite sex
- asks if they would like to go on a date, back to their apartment or have sex
- date had equal acceptance rate
- men more likely to say yes to apartment and sex than women
What are women looking for in a partner?
- committed (stick around for offspring)
- has resources
- big, strong, athletic, attractive (better genes)
What are men looking for in a partner?
- attractiveness (more important to men than women)
- sexually faithful (mama’s baby, papa’s maybe)
What is the reward model of attraction?
- more intimate relationship if person gives more rewards to us
- if rewards stop, love fades
How can someone be rewarding?
- propinquity (physically close by)
- familiarity
- similarity
- attractiveness (up to a point)
What is the pratfall effect?
when perfect person does little goof, becomes more attractive/likeable
(stops upwards comparison)
What is the pratfall experiment method and findings?
- listen to person in trivia show then interview
- person either competent/qualified or not
- person either spills coffee during interview or not
- competent/qualified: becomes more attractive if spills coffee
- incompetent/unqualified: becomes less attractive if spills coffee
What is the evolutionary perspective on love?
function to keep people together so they reproduce
What is the 2 factor theory of love?
think we are in love when we have increased arousal around a hot person
What was the field experiment method testing the 2 factor theory of love?
- approach man after scary bridge or safe bridge
- attractive man or woman asks them to participate in research
- shown image of couple eating dinner and asked to make a story about picture
- research assistant gives number for “follow up questions”
What was the findings of the field experiment testing the 2 factor theory of love?
- low arousal: woman got more sexual stories; man and woman same number of phone calls
- high arousal: woman got MUCH more sexual stories; woman MUCH more likely to receive phone call
- need high arousal and explanation to think you’re “in love”
What is response facilitation theory?
when aroused, dominant response is emphasized
What was the experimental method on response facilitation theory?
- participant runs for 30 seconds or 2 mins
- watch dating video with attractive or unattractive woman
- participants rate woman’s attractiveness
What was the findings of the response facilitation theory experiment? Why doesn’t it support 2 factor theory of love?
- when aroused, attractive woman becomes more attractive and unattractive woman becomes more unattractive
- don’t normally become incredibly aroused by unattractive person
What is the need for affiliation?
desire to establish and maintain rewarding relationships
When do we feel the need to affiliate?
- stress (if others reduce impact of stressful situation e.g. by knowing info)
- when we’re lonely
- if lack of power/influence
How do shy people’s brains react to images of strangers?
greater activation of amygdala
What are shy people’s view of social interactions?
- negative self-evaluations
- assume they’ll fail interactions
- blame self if they have bad interaction
What is intimate loneliness?
want but doesn’t have person to rely on for emotional support
What is relational loneliness?
wants but lacks friendship from school/work/family
What is collective loneliness?
wants but lacks remote relationships and groups we belong to