Attitudes & Social Influence Flashcards
Banaji and Heiphetz (2010)
Handbook chapter on attitude research and measurement.
Implicit/Explicit Attitudes. IAT; fMRI; EDA; EMG
Petty and Cacioppo (1986)
Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion - attitude change can occur through central routes (thoughtful consideration) or via peripheral routes (off affect based on cues). Peripheral routes are often subconscious.
Greenwald and Banaji (1995)
Covers field of implicit social cognition which explains how past experiences influence judgment in a way not introspectively known by the actor.
Ajzen and Fishbein (2005)
The role of attitudes in human social behavior.
Reasoned action approach model - peoples background factors (individual, social,) guides behavioral, normative, beliefs, which guide attitudes, which guide intentions, which guide behavior
Bargh and Chartrand (1999)
conscious, intentional control is quite limited and that most processing occurs subconsciously and through automatic channels (we are on autopilot most of the time). Together non-conscious mental systems perform the main share of the self-regulatory burden and keep the individual grounded and not overwhelmed in their environment.
Supported by Fiske and Taylor (1984) cognitive miser phenomenon -people are stingy in the allocation of on-line capacity (deliberate processing). It is expensive (time-consuming and short-term memory is limited).
Cialdini (2001)
Book on influence.
Contrast principle; rule of reciprocation; foot in the door effect; door in the face effect; commitment; social proof; the liking rule; authority; scarcity principle; primitive automaticity