Attachment Flashcards
Emotional bond between two people, it is a two way process that endures over time
Caregiver infant interactions
Reciprocity- a two way interaction between caregiver and child, sometimes referred to as turn taking, the two respond to others signals to sustain communication. The behaviour of each party elicits a response from the other
Interactional synchrony- simultaneous, coordinated, sequence of movements, communication or emoticons between a caregiver and an infant. Infants as young as two weeks old demonstrated interactional synchrony. An adult model displayed one of the three facial expressions or hand movements, a dummy was placed in the infants mouth to stop any response, following the display the dummy was removed and an association was found between the infants behaviour and that of the adult model
Evaluation of caregiver and infant interactions
+ mother interacted with babies over a video monitor, in the next part of the study the babies were played a tape of their mother so she was not responding to them, the babies tried to attract their mothers attention and when failed to do so, stopped responding. Babies want their mothers to reciprocate
+observed infant behaviour when interacting with a puppet that looked like a human mouth opening and closing, infants made little responses to this, so they aren’t imitating what they see, it is a specific social response to other humans
-difficulty to determine an infants intention, psychologists rely on inferences
Stages of attachment
Shaffer (1964)- longitudinal study of 60 infants and their mothers for 2 years
Pre attachment (0-3 months)- infants become attracted to other humans, preferring them to toys and events. Demonstrated by their smiling towards people’s faces
Indiscriminate attachment (4-7 months)- infants begin got discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar faces smiling more towards the people they know, they still allow stranglers to handle them
Discriminate attachment (7 months)- a specific attachmnet to the primary attachment figure (usually the mother) staying close to this person, showing seperation protest and stranger anxiety. The primary attachment figure wasnt always the one who spent more time with the child but the quality of the time spent
Multiple attachments (7 months)- very soon after developing their first attachment infants develop strong emotional ties with other major caregivers, they are called secondary attachments, the fear of strangers weakens but their attachment to the primary attachment figure remains the strongest
Evaluation of stages of attachment
- data collected buy Shaffer (1964)- may be unreliable because it relies on the mothers reports of their infants, some mother might have been less sensitive to their infants protests and therefore been less likely to report
- the sample was biased- only working class population
- sample biased because it only included individualistic cultures
- lacks temporal validity- done in the 1960s
- inflexible and doesn’t take into account individual differences, some infants might develop multiple attachments first rather than starting from a single attachment
Multiple attachments
Majority of babies refer to their mothers as the primary attachment figure, at around the age of 7 month, babies form secondary attachment, 75% of babies studied had formed an attachment with their father by the age of 18 months
The role of the father
Fathers are less likely to be the child primary attachment figure, this might be because they spend less time with their infant, it is also possible that most men arent psychologically equipped because of the lack of emotional sensitivity, due to biological factors- hormone oxytocin. Alternatively could be due to societal norms, in some cultures there is also the stereotype that it is feminine to be sensitive to the need of others. Fathers fill a qualitatively different role from that of the mother, fathers provide play and stimulation to complement the role of the mother, which is to provide emotional support, it is just as crucial as the mothers role for the child’s wellbeing
Evaluation of the role of the father
-there is inconsistency in the research, research showing growing up in a single female or same sex parent family show there is no effect on development, suggesting the fathers role is not important
-father is less Importnsnt to later development that he mother in terms of nurture, early attachment to the mother was a better predictor of what the teenage relationship was like than the early attachment with the father, however if the father engaged 2, than the adosclenet relationsips with both parents was strengthened
-research also questions whether the father plays a distinct role, in single father family fathers adopt to the traditional maternal role and can be the child’s primary attachment figure
-field (1978)- comparison of behaviour of primary caregiver mother with primary and secondary caregiver fathers, face to face interactions were analysed from video footage with infants at four months of age, overall it was observed that the father engaged more in game playing and held the infant less. However primary caregiver fathers engaged in more smiling, imitative grimaces, and imitative vocalisations, comparable to the primary caregiver mother
Types of attachments
Type A- insecure avoidant- 20%
Type B- Secure attachment- 70%
Type C- Insecure resistant- 10%
Strange situation
Ainsworth et al. (1990)- Investigated difference in attachment between infants and their caregivers, done in a controlled observation, a room furnished with toys
It investigated the infant in a series of three minute episodes: mother and baby, stranger enters, mother leaves, mother returns.
They recorded an infants proximity seeking, stranger anxiety, seperation protest, reunion joy
Evaluation of strange situation
+standardised procedures which allow replication, it has been replicated many times over the years, it has been carried out successfully in many different cultures
-developed in the USA so there is culture bias, in Germany very few mothers worked at this time, insecure avoidant
-validity can be questioned, proximity seeking could be a measure of insecurity rather than security
-gender biased, only carried out using mothers as caregivers, the child might have different attachment with the mother compared with the father, therefore we arent measuring a child’s overall attachment style but their attachment to one individual
-controlled observation, lacks ecological validity
Cross cultural variation in attachment
Van Ijzendoorn (1988)- conducted a meta analysis of 32 studies into attachment across 8 countries, all used strange situation.
Main findings:
Secure attachment was the most common attachment style, lowest was in china 50% and highest in Britain 75%
-In collectivist cultures like japan and Isreal the rates of insecure resistant were higher
-in west Germany rates of insecure avoidant were higher 35%
-variations between results of studies within the same country were 1.5x greater than those between countries
Evaluation of cultural variation
+ meta analysis
- methodology developed in the USA
- infants from Isreal in this study lived in kibbutz which is a closed community so they did not come into contact with strangers, so they were classified as insecure resistant
- not comparing cultures but countries
- attachment style to the mother only- gender biased
Learning theory of attachment
All behaviours are learned rather than being innate or inherited from parents.
Classical conditioning- an infant is born with certain reflex responses, the stimulus food (us) and it produces the reflex of pleasure (ur), the person providing the food (ns) but overtime becomes associated with the pleasure gained from food the person becomes a (cs) that produces pleasure as a (cr). According to classical conditioning this is how the attachment bond develops and is the reason children feel pleasure in their caregivers presence.
Operant conditioning strengthens attachment, baby receives positive reinforcement (when behaviour produces a pleasant consequence) for crying when they are hungry as the caregiver feeds them
The caregiver receives negative reinforcement (when behaviour removes something unpleasant ) for feeding the baby when they are crying as it makes them stop
Evaluation of the learning theory
+ plausible and scientific as it is founded in a established theory, it is likely that the association between the provision of needs and the person providing those needs can lead to strong attachment
- comfort is more important than food in determining whom a baby will attach to- baby rhesus monkeys
-how attachment forms but not why they form, according to bowlby it is to ensure that they are protected
-reductioninst- oversimplifies
-deterministic it states that early learning determines later attachment behaviours