Attachment Flashcards
What is reciprocity?
Interactions between caregiver and infant involving a two way/mutual responsiveness
What is interactional synchrony?
Interactions synchronised so that responses reflect each other
Outline Schaffer and Emerson’s study on attachment
Measured levels of separation protest in 60 infants by asking mother to describe intensity of protest when left on own in 7 situations.
Level of stranger anxiety assessed by infants response to interviewer at every visit
Results of schaffer and Emerson’s study on attachment
by 7 mths 29% had formed several attachments
BY 10 mths, 50% had more than 1 attachment and by 18 months 87% did
Subsequent attachments not as strong as primary attachments
39% of infants formed primary attachment with someone other than who regularly changed fed or bathed them
What are Schaffer and Emerson’s 5 Stages of Attachment
1) Asocial Stage
2) Indiscriminate Attachment
3) Discriminate Attachment
4) Multiple Attachment
Outline Hrdy regarding role of the father
Fathers less suitable as primary caregivers as they are less likely to pick up distress in infants
Outline Frodi in regard to role of the father
No biological difference in men and women in ability to pick up on stress of infant
Outline Geiger in regard to role of the father
Fathers play interractions more pleasurable and exciting whereas mothers more nurturing and affectionate
Outline Lorenz (1935)
Split 12 geese eggs - 6 natural, 6 incubator with Lorenz being first seen large mammal
All placed under box, natural follow mother, others follow lorenz
Imprinting only occur between 4 and 25 hours of hatching
imprinting and following must last for at least 10 minutes
Outline Harlow (1958)
16 Monkeys seperated from mother at birth and placed in 4 seperate conditions with a wire monkey and a cloth monkey, that which provides milk different in each.
Then placed in larger cage with two mothers adnd explorative natures observed.
Went to cloth mother more for comfort even if doesn’t provide food
Explored more with cloth mother
Supports bowlby’s theory that comfort more important than food
What is the learning theory to attachment?
Attachments learnt through nature rather than nurture
What is classical conditioning?
Learning through association
What is operant conditioning?
Learning through consequences/reinforcement
(Negative reinforcers, Primary/Secondary reinforcers)
Bowlby’s Monotropic theory
Infants form a primary attachment which is more important than all secondary attachments
Sensitive period of 3 years after which it is hard to create primary attachment
Internal Working Model
Outline Strange Situation
Infant placed into 8 strange situations and assessed in
1)Proximity Seeking Behaviour
2)Reunion Behaviout
3)Exploration and Secure Base Behaviour
4) Separation Anxiety
5) Stranger Anxiety