ATP 6-22.1 Flashcards
What does ATP 6-22.1 cover?
The Counseling Process
What is counseling?
Counseling is the process used by leaders to review with a subordinate the subordinate’s demonstrated performance and potential
What eight critical leader responsibilities does regular counseling provide opportunities for leaders to execute?
- Demonstrate genuine interest in subordinates.
- Help subordinates understand their role in accomplishing the unit’s mission.
- Acknowledge and reinforce exceptional work or dedication.
- Evaluate subordinates’ potential for development.
- Provide subordinates with assistance or resources to address issues or further strengths.
- Empower subordinates to identify and solve issues on their own so they are more self-reliant.
- Identify issues before they become significant problems
- Identify and pre-empt causes of sub-standard performance
What are the three major categories of developmental counseling?
- Event
- Performance
- Professional
What is the form for conducting counseling?
DA Form 4856
What is event-oriented counseling?
For a specific event or situation
What is performance counseling?
the review of a subordinate’s duty performance during a specified period
What are the five key characteristics of an effective counselor?
- Purpose
- Flexibility
- Respect
- Communication
- Support
What are the five key qualities of an effective counselor?
- Respect for Subordinates
- Self-Awareness
- Cultural Awareness
- Empathy
- Credibility
What are the three basic counseling skills?
- Active listening.
- Responding.
- Appropriate questioning
What are the six key elements of active listening?
- Eye Contact
- Body Posture
- Head Nods
- Facial Expressions
- Verbal Expressions
- Check for Understanding
What are the four stages of the counseling process?
- Identify the need for counseling.
- Prepare for counseling.
- Conduct the counseling session.
- Follow-Up.
What are the four counseling techniques?
- Suggesting alternatives
- Recommending
- Persuading
- Advising
Describe the corrective training technique.
Teach and assist the subordinate in attaining and maintaining the required standard. A subordinate completes corrective training when the standard is consistently attained
Describe the commanding technique.
Order the subordinate to take a given course of action in clear, precise words. The subordinate will face consequences for failing to execute
What are the four components of the counseling session?
- Open the session.
- Discuss the issues.
- Develop a plan of action.
- Record and close the session
What are the three approaches to counseling?
- Non-directive
- Directive
- Combined
What are advantages/disadvantages to the non-directive approach
Advantages: encourages maturity, encourages open communication, develops personal responsibility
Disadvantages: more time-consuming, requires greatest counselor skills
What are the advantages/disadvantages to the direct approach?
Advantages: quickest method, good for people who need clear and concise direction, allows counselors to use their experience
Disadvantages: Does not encourage subordinates to be part of the solution, Tends to treat symptoms and not the problems, Tends to discourage subordinates from talking freely, Solution is the counselor’s not the subordinate’s
What are the advantages/disadvantages of the combined approach?
Advantages: Moderately Quick, Encourages maturity, Encourages open communication, Allows counselors to use their experience
Disadvantages: May take too much time for some situations