AR 600-20 Flashcards
What does AR 600-20 cover?
Army Command Policy;
It prescribes the policies and responsibilities of command, which include the Well-being of the force, military discipline, and conduct, the Army Equal Opportunity (EO) Program, and the Army Sexual Assault Victim Program
What is Command?
Command is exercised by virtue of office and the special assignment of members of the United States Armed Forces holding military grade who are eligible to exercise command
What is a Commander?
A commissioned or WO who, by virtue of grade and assignment, exercises primary command authority over a military organization or prescribed territorial area that under pertinent official directives is recognized as a “command”
What are the key elements of command?
Authority and Responsibility
What is duty?
Obedient and disciplined performance
What is the chain of command?
The chain of command assists commanders at all levels to achieve their primary function of accomplishing the unit’s assigned mission while caring for personnel and property in their charge
How does the NCO Support channel Support the Chain of Command?
It parallels and complements the chain of command
What is the NCO Support Channel?
It is a channel of communication and supervision from the command sergeant major (CSM) to first sergeant (1SG) and then to other NCOs and enlisted personnel of the units
Describe the position of the Sergeant Major of the Army.
the senior sergeant major grade and designates the senior enlisted position of the Army
Describe the Position of Command Sergeant Major.
This position title designates the senior NCO of the command at battalion or higher levels and carries out policies and standards, and advises the commander on the performance, training, appearance, and conduct of enlisted Soldiers they also establish the unit’s Noncommissioned Officer’s Development Program
Describe the Position of First Sergeant.
designates the senior NCO at company level and they administer the unit Noncommissioned Officer’s Professional Development Program
Describe the Position of Platoon Sergeant.
key assistant and adviser to the platoon leader and In the absence of the platoon leader, the platoon sergeant leads the platoon
How do you determine Seniority between Enlisted members of the Same rank?
- By DOR
- By length of active Federal Service in the Army
- By length of total active Federal Service
- By date of birth
What is Army Well-being?
the personal—physical, material, mental, and spiritual-state of the Army Family, including Soldiers (active, reserve, and guard), retirees, veterans, DA civilians, and all their Families, that contributes to their preparedness to perform and support the Army’s mission
What are the four basic dimensions of individual life experience that Well-being includes?
- the physical state centers on one’s health and sense of wellness, satisfying physical needs through a healthy Lifestyle
- The material state centers on essential needs such as shelter, food, and financial resources
- The mental state centers on basic needs to learn, grow, achieve recognition, and be accepted
- The spiritual state centers on a person’s religious/philosophical needs, providing powerful support for values, morals, strength of character, and endurance in difficult and dangerous circumstances
What is military discipline founded upon?
self-discipline, respect for properly constituted authority, and the embracing of the professional Army ethic with its supporting individual values
Who is the Commander required to perform a memorial service for?
every Soldier who dies while assigned to their unit, regardless of the manner of death to include suicides
Who does the commander not have to conduct a memorial service for?
- Soldiers convicted of a capital offense
- Soldiers convicted of a capital offense
- Soldiers not convicted of serious crime because they were not available for conviction
Can a memorial ceremony be mandatory?
Yes, because it is a command program.
What may a memorial ceremony include?
Prelude, Posting of the Colors, National Anthem, Invocation, Memorial Tribute, Readings, Address, Memorial Prayers, Silent Tribute or Roll Call, Music, Benediction, Firing of Volleys, and Sounding of Taps
What is the difference between a memorial ceremony and a memorial service?
The Memorial Ceremony is a Command Program and the Memorial Service is religious oriented
What events may be included in the memorial service?
Prelude, Invocation, Scripture Reading, Meditation, Prayer, Silent Tribute or Roll Call, and Benediction
What chapter of AR 600-20 covers EO?
Chapter 6
What is the purpose of the EO Program?
EO Program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential and to ensure fair treatment for all persons based solely on merit, fitness, and capability in support of readiness
What is discrimination?
Any action that unlawfully or unjustly results in unequal treatment of persons or groups based on race, color, gender, national origin, or religion
What are Disparaging terms?
Terms used to degrade or connote negative statements pertaining to race, color, gender, national origin, or religion. This includes verbal statements, printed material, visual material, signs, symbols, posters, or insignia
At what level should there be an Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA)?
BDE and higher
At what level should there be an Equal Opportunity Representative (EOR)?
CO and BN
What rank must an EOR be?
SGT (P) and above
What regulation governs the investigation of EO Complaints?
AR 15-6
What is the form used to file a Formal EO complaint?
DA Form 7279 (Equal Opportunity Complaint Form)
How long do Soldiers have to file a Formal Complaint?
60 Days from the Incident
What Chapter in AR 600-20 covers Sexual Harassment?
Chapter 7
What Chapter in AR 600-20 covers Sexual Assault?
Chapter 8
What are the Goals of the Army’s SHARP program?
- Create a climate that minimizes sexual assault incidents, which impact Army personnel, Army civilians, and family members, and, if an incident should occur, ensure that victims and subjects are treated according to Army policy
- Create a climate that encourages victims to report incidents of sexual assault without fear
- Establish sexual assault prevention training and awareness programs to educate Soldiers
- Ensure sensitive and comprehensive treatment to restore victims’ health and well-being
- Ensure leaders understand their roles and responsibilities regarding response to sexual assault victims, thoroughly investigate allegations of sexual assault, and take appropriate administrative and disciplinary action
What is Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature between the same or opposite genders
What is POSH?
Prevention of Sexual Harassment
What are the three factors of Sexual Harassment?
- Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person’s job, pay, career
- Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employment decisions affecting that person
- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment
What are the categories of Sexual Harassment?
- Verbal 2. Non-Verbal 3. Physical Contact
What are the types of Sexual Harassment?
- Quid Pro Quo 2. Hostile Environment
What are the five techniques of dealing with Sexual Harassment?
- Direct approach
- Indirect approach
- Third party
- Chain of command
- Filing a formal complaint
What is the purpose of SHARP?
The SHARP Program reinforces the Army’s commitment to eliminate incidents of sexual assault through a comprehensive policy that centers on awareness and prevention, training and education, victim advocacy, response, reporting, and accountability
What is the Army’s Definition of Sexual Assault?
a crime defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent
What are the two types of Reporting Sexual Assault?
Restricted and Unrestricted
What is Restricted reporting?
Restricted reporting allows a Soldier who is a sexual assault victim, on a confidential basis, to disclose the details of his/her assault to specifically identified individuals and receive medical treatment and counseling, without triggering the official investigative process
What is Unrestricted reporting?
Unrestricted reporting allows a Soldier who is sexually assaulted and desires medical treatment, counseling, and an official investigation of his/her allegation to use current reporting channels (for example, the chain of command or law enforcement), or he/she may report the incident to the SARC or the on-call VA
Who are considered the “Responder Group” for Sexual Assaults?
- Sexual assault response coordinators
- Victim advocates
- Healthcare
- Law enforcement and criminal investigators
- Judge advocates
- Chaplains
Who can a Soldier report a Sexual Assault to if they want it to be unrestricted?
Chain of command, Law enforcement, or SARC/UVA/IVA