Assisting in the delivery of a baby Flashcards
What is in the maternity pack?
Name at least 3 items.
Hats (2 sizes)
Wristbands (1 for mum and 1 for baby)
Cord Clamps
Cord Cutters
2x Towels
Incontinence pad
Sanitary pads
Clinical waste bag
Plastic bag (for baby)
Maternity Memoir card
Tin foil blanket
What is gravida
Number of times the woman has been pregnant, including current pregnancy. - Regardless of outcome of pregnancy (miscarriage)
What does parity mean
Number of live births a woman has had
Eg ( G5 P2 ) = Fifth pregnancy but Two live births
What is gestation
- Written as weeks plus days (35+2 is 35 weeks plus 2 days since conception)
What does EDD stand for
Estimated Due Date
What is the cephalic/vertex
Babies Head
What information is in the pregnancy notes
(G P G+ EDD )
Estimated Due Date
What is the first stage of labour
.Dilation of the cervix from 0cm to 10 cm
.Contraction increase in length, strength and frequency as the 1st stage progresses.
.Can range from minutes to hours
What are Braxton Hicks
Braxton Hicks are when the womb contracts and relaxes, they are IRREGULAR, CHANGE, WEAK and UNCOMFORTABLE. Sometimes they are known as false labour pains
Inspection of vagina in birth. What should you do?
2.Visual inspection
-Any bleeding
-Is the baby visible
3. Is there a prolapsed loop of cord (when umbilical cord goes in front of baby)
4.Does the perineum (douche) bulge with each contraction.
5.Environment (are the waters broke)
What are the signs of the second stage of labour
Contractions are more expulsive
More frequent contractions
Mum has the urge to push
Baby head may be visible at introitus (entry)
Anus will be dilated
How do you prepare the environment for birth
Call for second crew and midwife
Ensure privacy
Offer entonox
Make sure its warm
Lay down clean blanket with incontinence pads
Get warm blankets for newborn
Open maternity pack
Prepare resus area
What is the resuscitation area in childbirth
BVM, blankets and a pad to out under a babies shoulders. Have a stethoscope to hand.
Keep baby warm
Top tips to assist in normal delivery
.Support woman in position of comfort ( not flat on back)
.Provide support and reassurance
.Encourage mum to breathe slowly - give entonox
.Allow babies head to be born slowly - encourage panting rather than pushing
.Once the head is born, the rest is usually complete in the next 2 mins
.Avoid touching umbilical cord. If tight around neck or obstructing birth, then you can unloop it.
If you ‘catch’ baby in a towel after the mum has given birth to it what should you do?
1.Support baby and dry baby with towel.
2.Take off wet towel and replace with clean dry warm towel.
3. Quickly assess baby - if no need for resus then give straight to mum for skin to skin
4. Delay cord cutting
What is radiant heat loss that a new born baby can experience
Radiant heat loss - bare skin exposed to an environment containing objects of a cooler temperature.
What is evaporative heat loss that a baby can experience?
Neonates are wet with amniotic fluid (which is cold)
What is conductive heat loss that a neonate can experience?
When neonates are placed in contact of a cool object or surface.
What is Convective heat loss that a neonate can experience?
A flow of cooler ambient air carries heat away from the neonate.
For ever 1 degree decrease of temperature of a neonate, what is the associated mortality rate?
Why is skin to skin contact from neonate to mother so important?
Regulates babies temperature
Regulates babies heart rate and breathing
Stimulates release of oxytocin
Provides protection against infection
What should you assess when you assess the neonate
Colour, tone, heart rate and resp rate.
A baby that is floppy is likely to be unconscious and has hypoxia.
Babies are usually born blue an turn pink, however, if they are white they may have a serious cardiovascular compromise
What does APGAR stand for when assessing a neonate
Activity (movement)
Steps of Cord Cutting
Delay until cord has stopped pulsating
Would mum/dad like to do it
1.Apply two cord clamps (about 3 cm apart and 15 cm from the babies umbilicus)
2.Cut between two clamps ensuring that babies fingers and genitals are out of the way.