assessment: terminology and ethical issues Flashcards
The systematic process of gathering and documenting information regarding a client’s knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs.
10 types of assessments:
- power tests
- speed tests
- maximal performance test
- typical performance test
- standardized tests
- nonstandardized tests
- individual tests
- group tests
- objective tests
- subjective tests
army alpha
Developed by Robert Yerkes, the Army Alpha is an intelligence test developed during World War I to screen the cognitive ability of military recruits.
army beta
The language-free version of the intelligence test used during World War I to screen the cognitive ability of military recruits who could not read or speak English.
The process of defining and estimating the magnitude of human attributes and behavioral expressions.
A subset of assessment used to yield data regarding an examinee’s responses to test items.
Making a determination of worth or significance based on the result of a measurement.
power tests
Assessments that are designed to prevent test-takers from attaining perfect scores by including difficult test items that few individuals can answer correctly
speed tests
Assessments that are designed to prevent test-takers from attaining perfect scores by including too many items to answer in the allotted time. Speed tests assess how quickly the test-taker can understand the question and choose the right answer.
maximal performance test
: A type of assessment that yields information regarding the client’s best attainable score/performance (e.g., on an achievement or aptitude test).
typical performance test
A type of assessment that measures one’s normal performance.
standardized tests
A type of assessment that is designed to ensure the conditions for administration, test content, scoring procedures, and interpretations are consistent.
nonstandardized tests
Unlike standardized tests, these tests allow for variability and adaptation in test administration, scoring, and interpretation. Nonstandardized tests do not permit an individual’s score to be compared to a norm group
individual tests
Tests that are administered to one examinee at a time.
group tests
Tests that are administered to two or more test-takers at a time
objective tests
Tests that include questions that have one correct answer (e.g., multiple choice, true and false, matching). An objective test provides consistency in administration and scoring to ensure freedom from the examiner’s own beliefs or biases.
subjective tests
Tests that include open-ended questions having more than one correct answer (e.g., essay questions). A subjective test is sensitive to rater and examinee beliefs
diagnostic systems
Standardized terminologies, or common languages, that allow mental health professionals to communicate with one another regarding client diagnosis and treatment planning.
responsibilities of users of standardized tests (RUST)
A policy statement published by the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling (AARC) to ensure counselors use standardized tests with clients in an accurate, fair, and responsible manner
join committee on testing practices (JCTP)
Disbanded in 2007 after publishing several documents concerning testing standards in educational, psychological, and counseling fields. The most notable of the JCTP’s publications are Rights and Responsibilities of Test Takers, Test User Qualifications, and Code for Fair Testing Practices in Education.
fair access coalition on testing (FACT)
A non-profit organization that works to ensure qualified professionals are given fair access to testing instruments they were trained to use