Assessment Flashcards
Clinical Scales
1.HS (Hypochondriasis) – concern with bodily sxs of func
2. D (Depression) – helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness
3. HY (hysteria) – awareness of probs and vulnerabilities, high scores suggest conversion reaction
4. PD (psychopathic deviate) – respect for society norms, rules, etc, high scores suggest antisocial tends
5. MF (Masculinity-Femininity) – stereotypical interests/bxs
6. PA (paranoia) – level of trust, vigilance, suspiciousness, sensitivity
7. PT (psychasthenia) – neurotic manifestations of worry, doubts, tension anxiety, phobias, compulsions, etc
8. SC (schizophrenia) – thought disorder, bizarre actions, odd thinking, social alienation
9. MA (Hypomania) – manic style
10. SI (social introversion) introversion/extroversion
Scores reported at t-scores, 50 mean, std 10, any score at or above 65 is considered clinically sig
has FSIQ, 5 indexes, and 5 ancillary index scores and subtest scores
MMPI Conversion V Pattern
scales 1 and 3 high and 2 low – characteristic of individs with a tend to somaticize psych probs, have chronic pain with an organiz etiology, have conversion d/o or som other somatoform d/o
Scale 1
HS Hypochondraisis
concern with bodily sxs of func
Scale 2
D Depression
helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness
Scale 3
HY Hysteria
awareness of probs and vulnerabilities, high scores suggest conversion reaction
Scale 4
PD (psychopathic deviate) – respect for society norms, rules, etc, high scores suggest antisocial tends
Scale 5
MF (Masculinity-Femininity) – stereotypical interests/bxs
Scale 6
PA (paranoia) – level of trust, vigilance, suspiciousness, sensitivity
Scale 7
PT (psychasthenia) – neurotic manifestations of worry, doubts, tension anxiety, phobias, compulsions, etc
Scale 8
SC (schizophrenia) – thought disorder, bizarre actions, odd thinking, social alienation
Scale 9
MA (Hypomania) – manic style
Scale 10
SI (social introversion) introversion/extroversion
Psychotic V Pattern MMPI
(scale 7 sig lower than scales 6 and 8) or “paranoid valley”
Passive Aggressive V Pattern
(scale 5 sig lower than sales 4 and 6)
Validity Scales
Validity Scales:
L or “Lie Scale” - deliberate attempt to present oneself in a favorable light
F or “Infrequency Scale” – used to detect “faking good” or “faking bad” and is a good indicator of degree of psychopathology, high score btwn 70-90 may indicate deviant or antisocial pers, malingering, >90 invalid
K or “Correction Scale” – “defensiveness,” indicates psychological defensiveness and guardedness, more subtle and effective than L scale, high scores indicate attempts to deny any probs or desire to “fake good”, low scores suggest low self-image, a frank and self-critical approach or that the self-protective defensive system is not functioning well, >education usually higher the score
TRIN (true response inconsistency)
VRIN (variable response-random)
· High K (guarded/trying to look good) and L (naïve attempt to look good) with low F means someone who is defensive/guarded and attempting to seem healthy/faking good/favorable light
Psychosis Scale
Psychosis scale 8 (schizophrenia) and 6 (paranoia)
RIsk for sucide scale
2-9 (depressed and hypomanic-suicide)
4-9 Scale
4-9 (psychopathic and hypomania-acting out/threat to others)
Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI), the Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI), the Working Memory Index (WMI), and the Processing Speed Index (PSI).
WISC V Indexes
Verbal Comprehension (VCI), Visual Spatial Index (VSI), Fluid Reasoning Index (FRI), Working Memory Index (WMI), and Processing Speed Index (PSI)