Articulation Flashcards
shaping the sound
the process of joining two elements together
articulatory system
the system of mobile and immobile articulators brought into contact for the purpose of shaping the sounds of speech
cavities of the vocal tract
buccal cavity
from lips and cheeks, gums and teeth, to area behind the third molar
oral cavity
- bounded by teeth (anterior, lateral facets) faucets, palate, and tongue
- superior part: hard palate
- back of oral cavity: fauces
–anterior fauces (anterior faucial pillar)
posterior fauces (posterior faucial pillar)
junction of oral/nasal and pharyngeal cavities
aka palatine arches
above = soft palate
below = dorsum of tongue
pharyngeal cavity
~12 cm long three parts: 1. nasopharymx 2. oropharynx 3. laryngopharynx
superior: rostrum of sphenoid
posterior: pharyngeal protuberance of occipital lobe
inferior: soft palate
anterior open to nasal choanae
lateral: level of eustachian tube
superior boundary: soft palate
inferior boundary: hyoid
anterior boundary: faucial pillars
superior boundary: level of hyoid
inferior boundary: esophagus
anterior: epiglottis
nasal cavitis
two chambers separated by bony/cartilaginous septum
anterior boundary: nostrils (nares)
posterior boundary: choanae
superior: nasal bone
inferior: maxillary palatine process and palatine bones
lateral: maxillae
eustachian tube
courses lateral, back, and up to middle ear salpingopharyngeal fold = torus tubarius mucous membrane fold at opening of tube --middle ear function --patent: open
the skull
22 bones
ossicles (3 pair): middle ear bones
-maleus, incus, stapes
bones of the face
mandible maxillae nasal bone palatine bone and nasal conchae vomer zygomatic bone lacrimal bone: inside skull, forms lateral nasal wall and medial orbit hyoid bone
mandible (1 bone)
- jaw, bilaterally symmetric bone, only truly-movable bone of skull (not counting ossicles
- articulates with the temporal bone via the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
posterior mandible landmarks
- mandibular ramus
- angle of the mandible
- corpus/body
- mandibular notch
- coronoid process
- condyloid process
coronoid process
for attachment of temporalis via the zygomatic arch
condyloid process
articulates with mandibular fossa of temporal bone via the temporomandibular joint
medial mandible
- corpus
- mental foramen
mental foramen
-medial outer surface of corpus for lingual branch of mandibular nerve of V trigeminal
inner mandible
- mylohyoid line
- mandibular foramen
mandibular foramen
alveolar nerve of mandibular branch of V trigeminal
visible, projects above gums, 1/3 of tooth
embedded in alveolar process, 2/3 of tooth
thin layer of bone holding tooth
juncture of root and crown
ivory or tooth, bulk of tooth; contains nerves in pulp
- hardest substance in body
- covers crown to root (not on root)
- resists abrasion
- thickest on grinding surface
-second largest face bone
-upper jaw
forms the:
- anterior portion of hard palate
- lower, anterior portion of the face
- floor of nasal cavity
- walls of nasal cavity
- a portion of the eye socket
anterior maxillae landmarks
- frontal process
- zygomatic process
- nasal crest
- nasal notch
inferior maxillae landmarks
- alveolar process
- alveoli
- palatine process
- intermaxillary suture
- premaxilla
- premaxillary suture
- incisive foramen
maxillae: anterior surface
- canine eminence
- infraorbital foramen
- anterior nasal spine
maxillae: posterior surface
- forms part of the infratemporal fossa
- alveolar canals
- maxillary tuberosity
- maxillary sinus
- inter-maxillary suture
- orbital surface
- nasal notch
- lacrimal margin
- nasal crest
- transverse maxillo-palatine suture
nasal bones
- small, paired
- make up bridge of nose, medial to frontal process of the maxilla
articulate with: - frontal bone
- maxilla
-ethmoid bone - septal cartilage
palatine bones
- posterior to maxillae
- makes up posterior 1/4 of hard palate
- posterior 1/4 of nasal cavity
- posterior walls of nasal cavity
- “L” shaped
palatine landmarks
- horizontal plates
- transverse maxillo-palatine suture
- posterior nasal spines
- vertical plate
- inter-palatine suture
- orbital process
- inferior aspect of nasal septum
- unpaired bone
- articulates with maxillae and palatine inferiorly
- articualtes with sphenoid rostrum and perpendicular plate of ethmoid in posterior-superior region
separation wall between the two nasal cavities
zygomatic bone
- lateral aspect and floor of orbit articulates with: - frontal bone - sphenoid - maxilla - temporal bone note: zygomatic arch is made up of temporal process of zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of temporal bone
cranial bones
- ethmoid (1)
- sphenoid (1)
- parietal (1 pair)
- occipital (1)
- temporal (1 pair)
- frontal (1)
- between orbital plates of frontal bone
- forms part of medial orbit
- forms superior part of nasal sinus
landmarks: - crista galli
- cribiform plate
- perpendicular plate
- superior and middle nasal concha
- orbital surface
- ethmoid sinus
crista falli
prominence in cranial cavity for attachmen of falx cerebri (dura mater component)
cribirform plate
separates cranial cavity and nasal cavity
- olfactory bulb through plate
perpendicular plate
part of nasal septum with vomer
- butterfly shaped
- bulk of floor of cranial
landmarks: - greater wing
- medial pterygoid plate
- lateral pterygoid plate hamulus
- orbital surface sella turcica (hypophyseal fossa)
cerebral surface - pterygoid fossa
- pterygoid notch
- lesser wing
- articulate with each other, frontal, temporal, and occipital bones
- divided by sagittal suture
landmarks: - occipital margin
- superior temporal line
- squasmosal/temporal margin
- inferior temporal line
- frontal margin sagittal line
- unpaired
- posterior
-lambdoidal suture to parietal - foramen magnum for spinal cord
landmarks - squamous portion
- inferior nuchal line
- lambdoid (parietal) margin
- basilar portion
- superior nuchal line
- foramen magnum
- mastoid margin
- occipital condyle
- inion
- paired
- mastoid
- styloid process
- external auditory meatus (EAM)
- paretomastoid suture
- zygomatic process
- lateral cranium, includes entire ear, mastoid process, zygomatic arch
landmarks: - squamous portion
- mastoid portion
- petrous portion
- tympanic portion
- styloid process
- unpaired
- coronal suture
- superior orbits
- anterior brain case
- forehead
landmarks - glabella
- supraorbital margin
- ethmoid notch
- temporal fossa
vocal folds
source of sound
oral cavity
we change shape of it to shape the osunds
source-filter theory of sound production
- describes how oral cavity shapes speech
- states that a voicing source is generated by vocal folds, routed through vocal tract, and then shaped into sounds of speech
points of articulation in speech
- lips
- hard palate
- soft palate (velum)
- cheeks
- mandible
- teeth
- tongue - largest articulatory structure
- orifice of mouth & external boundary of buccal cavity
- made up of muscle, mucous membrane, epithelial tissue
- vermillion zone: red part of lips
- philtrum column: vertical line on side of philtrum
- cupid’s bow
- philtrum: groove on upper lip
- labial glands: inner surface of lip around orifice
orbicularis oris
- oval ring of fiber
- encircles mouth as a sphincter (draw string)
- unpaired muscle
- pucker lips, closes mouth
- many other muscles insert here
- surrounds the mouth
transverse muscles
- pulls lips toward teeth
- approach horizontally
- buccinator
- risorius
- pull corners up or down (smile or frown)
- approach at an angle
- levator anguli oris,
- depressor anguli oris,
- zygomatic major and minor
- pull upper lip up, lower lip down
- approach vertically
- mentalis
- levator labii superioris
- depressor labii inferioris
- Bugler’s muscle
- cheek
- deepest facial muscle
- origin: pterygomandibular raphe and mylohyoid line of mandible
- course: anteriorly
- insertion: VII facial
- innervation: VII facial
- function: pulls lips toward teeth
- origin: fscia of masseter
- course: superficial and parallel to buccinator
- insertion: corner of mouth and lower lip
- innervation: VII facial
- function: pulls lips toward teeth
zygomatic minor
- origin: facial surface of zygomatic bone
- course: down
- insertion: orbicularis oris
- innervation: VII facial
- function: elevate upper lip corner
zygomatic major
- origin: zygomatic bone
- course: down
- insertion: corner of mouth
- innervation: VII facial
- function: draws angle (corner) of lips up (grin)
depressor anguli oris
- originL: oblique line of mandible (sup. to angle)
- course: up
- insertion: orbicularis oris at corners
- innervation: VII facial
- function: depress angle (corner) of lip (frown)
levator anguli oris
- superior counterpart to depressor anguli oris
- deep to levator labii superior
- above angle of mouth
- origin: superficial surface of maxilla
- course: down
- insertion: orbicular oris, angle of mouth
- innervation: VII facial
- function: elevate lip corner
- origin: mental protuberance of mandible
- protrusion, lower mid
- course: up
- insertion: center, obicularis oris
- innervation: VII facial
- function: wrinkle chin, lower bottom lip
depressor labii inferior
- origin: mandible, lateral to mental symphysis
- course: up and out
- insertion: corner of mouth, orbicularis oris
- innervation: VII facial
- function: draws lip down and in (pout)
levator labii superior
- origin: infraorbital margin of maxilla
- couse: down and lateral to orbicularis oris and side of nostril (dilates nostril)
- insertion: orbicularis oris
- innervation: VII facial
- function: raises upper lip and flares nostril
- origin: cervical fascia and pectoral region
- course: up
- insertion: lower mandible
- innervation: VII facial
- function: depress mandible
- nearest teeth
- blade: just below alveolar ridge
- dorsum: just below hard palate
- root: beneath soft palate