ARTICLE Flashcards
why are humans able to cooperate
due to shared myths, which provides needed social links
-cooperation networks are imagined orders
what did Babylon created in 1776
Code of Hammurabi: collection of laws and judicial decisions whose aim was to present Hammurabi as role model, asserting social order is universal and eternal principles of justic
the code of hammurabi argued society was __, and people were divided by __ and __
dicated by gods
gender (two) and social classes (three), which all held different values
the code of hammurabi was based on premise that __
if all subjects accepted position and acted accordingly, they could cooperate
-thought man as unequal
what did the declaration of independence proclaim
universal and eternal principles of justice inspired by divine power
-thought man as equal that had unalienable rights
how did the americans get idea of equality? what does this mean?
myths are imagined (have no objective reality) thus liberty is created (only exists in mind)
why are humans innately unequal
based on evolution, which is based on differences thus created equal should be seen as “evolved differently”
-no rights in biology
what three factors prevent people from realizing order is imagined
- imagined order embedded in material world
- imagine order shapes desires
- imagined order in intersubjective (shared imagination)
to change an existing imagined order, must __
believe in an alternative imagined order
-also have to “convince” the mass
sexuality is NOT dichotomy but rather a __
-current notions of masculine/feminine are cultural conceits
what is an intersex
what percent of human births are intersex
individual who deviates from Platonic ideal of physical dimorphism at chromosomal, genital, gonadal or hormonal level
how did Weiner define intersex
discordance between phenotypical/chromosomal sex
what are the most common conditions that are to be argued as intersex
without such conditions, intersexuality is rare, only occurring in __
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
androgen insensitivity syndrome
what is complete androgen insensitivity syndrome
genetically male (XY), cells do not respond to testosterone (androgen receptor defect)
do not form male genitalia (born with female) thus genotypical MALE phenotypically FEMALE
what is congenital adrenal hyperplasia
defect in enzymes that synthesize adrenal hormones leading to block in synthetic pathway thus excessive hormones in different pathway (masculine female in utero)
what is late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia
defect in enzymatic pathways that manifests later (~24 in women) thus many go undetected
what is Klinefelter syndrome
normal genitalia (testies small), normal secondary male characteristics
47, XXY
what is Turner syndrome
infertile, short, no change to genitalia or sexual identity
45, X
what is vaginal agensis
distal third of vagina fails to develop and replaced by 2cm of fibrous tissue (XX with normal ovaries)
females are superior in sociability, explain
greater eye contact
superior social understanding
sensitivity to emotional expressions
better comprehension of social themes in stories
what are the four reasons why sexual dimorphism in sociability is biological
- eye contact shown by infants at 12 months inversly correlated with prenatal testosterone, which is higher in males
- children with autism show reduced attention to face and eyes
- autism predominately male condition (defining social impairment sex-linked)
- those with Turner syndrome who inherit X paternally are more sociable than whose who inherit in maternally
a study examined the sociability sexual dimorphism using neonates (babies) who were presented with a face and a mobile seperately, in a randomized order
what did the research show
male babies prefer mobile whereas females wither had no preference or prefer real face
males show stronger interest in mechanical objects whereas females show stronger interest in face
what are the three components of love
what is this called
intimacy, passion and decision/commitment
triangular theory
what is intamcy
close, connected and bonded feelings
-feelings that create warmth in relationships
what is passion
drives that lead to romance, physical attraction and sexual consummation
what is decision/commitment
consists of two aspects: 1. short term (decision that one loves another)
2. long term (commitment to maintain love)
what is liking
only intimacy
set of feelings and experiences that are true friendships (close, bondedness and warmth)
what is infatuated love (love at first sight)
only passion
obsession; partner viewed as idealized object
what is empty love
only commitment/decision
what is romantic love
combo of passion and intimacy
can be considered liking with element of attraction
what is companionate love
combo of intimacy and commitment
what is fatuous love
combo of passion and commitment
does not contain stabilizing element (intimacy)
what is consummate love (complete love)
all three components present
“relationship goals”
what is non love
absence of all three components
characterizes majority of interpersonal relationships (i.e., not meangingful)
the geometry of the triangle of love depends on two factors, what are they
- intensity of love
- balance of love
relating to the geometry of the triangle, the greater the intensity= __
greater given component of love, __
larger (greater in area) the triangle
further vertex lies from center
love is not a single triangle but many, what are the four main triangles
- real vs ideal
- self vs others
- self-perceived vs others perceived
- thoughts vs actions
the greater mismatch between __, the less satisfaction one experiences in relationship
real vs ideal triangle
what is the time course of intimacy
increase steadily, then grows at slow rate then levels off
what is the time course of passion
rapid development followed by habituation (not as stimulating)
what is the time course of decision/commitment
depends on success of relationship
-starts at zero then increases
male sexual arousal is __
category specific: show greatest arousal to categories of people with whom the prefer to have sex with
__ important source of information for men as they formulate sexual idenitities
sexual arousal patterns
women’s sexual preference may not be related to arousal patterns like men, why
- arousal less important signal of nonheterosexual orientation in women than men
- female sexuality more flexible, with greater intra-individual variation in preferences, behaviours and attitudes
relation between self-reported preference and arousal pattern __ for women than men
all trans and nearly all men had __ to their preferred sex but women did not
stronger genital arousal
studies suggest women have __
non specific pattern of sexual arousal
women’s subjective and genital responses only modestly related to their preferred category, explain
heterosexual and lesbian women experienced arousal to both male-male and female-female stimuli
regardless of sexual orientation, women reported more arousal to __ stimuli whereas men and trans __
female-female stimuli
showed more arousal to their preferred category
trans reject male gender role but continue to show __
category specific pattern of arousal that is characteristic of genetic sex
-biological and social factors do not affect male-typical pattern of sexual arousal
female sexuality more motivated by __ than __
extrinsic factors (desire to initiate/maintain relationship)
intrinsic (genital arousal)
male and females cues elicit similar magnitudes of response in women, what does this mean
they have a gender nonspecific pattern of sexual response
-response patterns do not correspond with self-stated sexual attraction
women reporting any gynephilic sexual activity exhibit __
greater genital responses to female sexual stimuli than male stimuli and exhibit greater gender specificity compared to androphilic women
what is the information processing model (IPM)
automatic and controlled cognitive processing of sexual cues intiates and sustains sexual response
what is automatic processing (according to IPM)
preattentive, unconscious detection of sexual features within stimulus
-genital response follows when and if these features correspond with contents in persons sexual memory
once response is activated, __ ensues whereby __
controlled processing of sexual information
focal attention is directed towards stimulus, which activates explicit processing of sexual meaning of individual
based on IPM, two types of attention (__) have ability to impact two main components of sexual response (__) differently
genital/subjective arousal
automatic processing, according to IPM, is responsible for __ whereas controlled is associated with __
activating physiological genital response
conscious experience of arousal (subjective)
androphilic women appraise male and female cues as sexual (__) whereas gynephilic women only appraise female cues as sexual (__)
gender non-specific automatic appraisal/attention
gender specific automatic appraisal/attention
androphilic and ambiphilic women exhibit __ whereas gynephilic women exhibit __ thus __
gender non-specific viewing times
gender specific viewing times
within gender variability in controlled attentional processing of male/female gender cues
using eye tracking and controlled attention measure (e.g., __) observed __ which suggests __
total fixation duration
androphilic women look similarly long at male/female targets when presented with image of hetero couple
preferred and nonpreferred sexual cues (based on subjective sexual attractions) capture and sustain androphilic women’s attention
controlled attentional processes may be more related to __
self-reported experiences of arousal
exclusively and predominantly androphilic women reported __
ambiphilic women reported __
greater sexual attraction toward male targets than female
similiar sexual attraction toward male and female targets
exclusively androphilic women oriented similarly quickly to __ indicating __
male/female targets
gender non-specific pattern of initial attention
women with predom. gynephilia and concurrent androphilia exhibit controlled attentional bias toward __ whereas other groups exhibited __
female targets
gender nonspecific patterns of controlled attention (similarly long at both male and female targets)
what is Singers (1984) phasic model of sexual responses
begins with aesthetic phase whereby person fixates on object of interest with some hedonic value thus degree of attention devoted to cues represents an index of hedonic quality associated with such cues
attention to sexual cues elicit genital response via __
activation of sexual meanings
stimuli acquire hedonic and sexual value through experience, what are four experiences
- sexual arousal
- presence of sexual fantasy
- feelings of sexual desire/attraction
- prior sexual experiences with stimuli
androphilic women show variation in __, __, __ and __, which suggests flexibility in their sexuality
- cues that elicit arousal
- gender of target within sexual fantasy
- degree of self-reported sexual desire elicited by targets
- their sexual experience with male/female partners
experiences shape degree to which __ and likely influence __
male/female cues become associated with reward
capacity of such cues to attract visual attention
women aroused by variety of cues (leading to __) but motivated by __
degrees of non-specificity for response measures
sexual cues associated with sexual reward only (leading to specificity for other response measures)
women’s motivation to attend to female cues may be driven by __, __ or __
social comparison
threat of unwanted sexual activity
intrasexual mate competition
if homosexuals, transvesties and transgenders appear in all socieities and behaviour manifests similarily in both childhood and adulthood in different cultural settings, then __
biological basis for these variant sexuality is suggested
all people in societies are socialised to be heterosexual, so the universal apperance of homosexuality suggest __
homosexual orientation is biologically based and sexual orientation itself is biologically derived
what are kinsley 5s and what are kinsley 6s
predominantly homosexual with incidental heterosexual interest
exclusively homosexual
all people are unique in gender behaviour and sexual make-up, however __
homosexuality manifests certain behavioural characteristic similarly despite different cultural contexts
what is an argument against the cultural transmission theory
early apperance in all socieities of elements of homosexuality subculture in childhood, long before exposure (interest in “women” activities)
core of nonsexual behaviour (__) appears regardless of culture
core of sexual behaviour (__) appears regardless of culture
thus __
gender behaviour
genital activity
components of general culture determines specific outward core elements take
__ is a core element of gender behaviour
cross-gender behaviour
philippine society does not create cross-gender phenonomen, explain
reacts to core behaviour that appears apart from socialisation and social structural factors, amplifying core gender behaviour and determine through its cultural traditions the specific forms that behaviour takes
culture may impinge on core behaviours but __
neither creates them nor has the power to eliminate them
on the male homosexuality continuum, 10% of population consists of __
masculine homosexuals
-as children, indistinguishable from heterosexual behaviour/interest
on the male homosexuality continuum, the largest group (65%) are __
men of average masculinity who as children were cross-gendered at varying degrees
-at puberty, masculine influence occurs (pressures of puberty/society) thus many abandon it
another group on the continuum, about 25% are __
transvestic homosexuals (embody female traits thus as effeminate)
small subgroup on the male homosexuality continuum (less than 1%) are __
-as children, highly effeminate and show strong cross-gender behaviour
study of homosexuality cross culturally offers insight into nature of __
paraphilic behaviour
-subject to shaping by culture and culture structure
heterosexual trans people __ whereas homosexual trans people __
do not change mannerisms (do not imitate female speech patterns/gestures)
do (become effeminate)
rates of homosexuality do not vary in society but _-
rates of heterosexual engaging with homosexual vary culturally
-varies with socio-sexual tradition and economic conditions
what are the three main types of homosexual contact
- homosexual with other homosexual
- contact between heterosexual (ritual homosexuality)
- homosexual with homosexual (most common form of contact)
there is a complex system of social and sexual relations between heterosexuals and homosexuals in Philippines, explain
permanent feature of society and which for the homosexual male is dominate feature in his social/sexual life
-people tolerate homosexuals
a common term for male homosexual in Cebuano is a __
what activities are popular among these people
fashion shows/beauty contests (female impersonation shows)
-viewed as family entertainment
what is the callboy system
complex and extensive network of sexual and social relations which homosexuals have with heterosexual males
-hetero pay young bayot to have relations for money
why is the callboy system common/tolerated
way for economic gain
acceptable outlet for young sexual activity (offsets frustration of not achieving real object of sexual desires, females)