Arthritis Flashcards
A 50yr old woman presents to her GP with pain in her joints. She complains that for the past 2 months she has had a lot of difficulty getting dressed in the morning because her hands are always stiff and painful, but this improves as the day goes on. Which investigation is most specific for the most likely diagnosis?
B.Anti-CCP antibodies
C.Rheumatoid factor
C. c-ANCA antibodies
A 50yr old woman presents to her GP with pain in her joints. She complains that for the past 2 months she has had a lot of difficulty getting dressed in the morning because her hands are always stiff and painful, but this improves as the day goes on. What would you be most likely to see on an X-ray of the hand?
A.Joint space narrowing and brown tumours
B.Juxta-articular osteopenia and osteophytes
C.Joint space narrowing and Heberden’s nodes
D.Joint space narrowing and subchondral sclerosis
E.Joint space narrowing and joint erosions
message me if you think differently
What are the seronegative spondyloarthropathies?
What are they asssociated with?
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Enteropathic arthritis
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Reactive arthritis
Asciated thing
- HLA B27
- Enthesitis
- Asymmetrical oligoarthritis with Axial involvement and extra-articular involvement
- Dactylitis
- Seronegative
Ankylosing spondilitis
Who is affected?
What is the presentation?
What are the investigations?
Who is affected? Affects young men (<40yrs)
What is the presentation?
- Affects spine (enthesitis) and sacroiliac joints (arthritis):
- Gradual onset pain and morning stiffness
- Eventually bone fusion, and loss of spinal movement
- Question-mark posture: loss of lordosis, kyphosis, neck hyperextension
- Schober’s test
- Question-mark posture: loss of lordosis, kyphosis, neck hyperextension
Extra-articular: the 5 A’s
Anterior uveitis
Apical lung fibrosis
Aortic regurgitation
Achilles tendonitis
What are the investigations?
Bloods: ACD, ESR/CRP, albumin
MRI: most sensitive
- Mild: sacroilitis
- Late: syndesmophytes & bamboo spine
What is reactive arthritis?
What does it present as?
What is reactive arthritis?
Sterile inflammation ~2 weeks after extra-articular infection:
- GU infection (chlamydia, gonorrhoea)
- GI infection (shigella, campylobacter, shigella)
What does it present as?
- Asymmetrical oligoarthritis of lower limbs + spondylitis
- Dactylitis, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fascitis
Reiter’s syndrome
- “Can’t see, can’t pee, can’t climb a tree”
- Conjunctivitis, urethritis, arthritis
A 28yr old man presents with a 1 month history of lower back pain. When questioned, he mentions it is very difficult for him to get out of bed in the morning, and he struggles to keep his back straight, although this improves over the course of the day. On examination, you note tenderness over the lumbosacral spine and SI joints. Which of the following complications is this man most at risk of?
A.Anterior uveitis
C.Aortic aneurysm
E. Eczema
Septic arthritis
What is the urgency of this problem?
What is the aetiology?
WHat are the risk factors?
What are the presentation?
What are the investigations?
What is the urgency of this problem? - emergency
What is the aetiology?
Inflammation due to infection:
- Usually haematogenous spread
- Staph. Aureus >30yrs
- Neisseria gonorrhoea <30yrs
- Direct inoculation
What are the risk factors?
1.Joint damage:
Rheumatoid arthritis; prosthetic joint; gout
2.Infection risk:
Immunosuppression; diabetes; IVDU
What are the presentation?
Acute monoarthritis, usually affecting the knee:
- Exquisite pain
- Redness and swelling
- Restricted ROM
- Fever
What are the investigations?
- Bloods: ↑ WCC, ↑ CRP
- Joint aspirate (before ABx):
- Turbid, yellow
- Low viscosity
- ↑ WCC (neutrophils >90%)
- MC&S
A 32 yr old woman presents to A&E with severe pain in her right knee and an inability to weight bear. An examination of the knee joint reveals a red, tender and swollen knee. Which of the following investigations is most likely to reveal the diagnosis?
A.Serum calcium
B.Serum urate
C.Blood culture
D.Joint aspiration
What is this condition?
What pathogen usually causes it?
What are the different types?
What is the presentation
What are the investigations? What would you find?
What joints are usally affected in adults and children?
What is this condition? osteomylitis
What pathogen usually causes it? staph aureus
What are the different types? haematogenous, contigeus, direct
What is the presentation?
- Inflammation (pain & swelling)
- Reduced mobility
- Fever
What are the investigations? What would you find?
- ↑ WCC
- Blood cultures
- X-ray
- MRI (most sensitive)
What joints are usally affected in adults and children?
- Children: Long bones
- Adults: Vertebrae - Pott’s disease (TB)
A 25yr old man presents to his GP with a 3 day history of pain and stiffness in his right knee and ankle, and pain on passing urine. He has no significant past medical history, however he mentions that he suffered from a “stomach bug” approximately 2 weeks ago. His blood results show:
WCC: 14*109/L (Normal: 4-10)
CRP: 52 (Normal: <5)
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A.Henoch-Schonlein purpura
B.Rheumatoid arthritis
C.Reactive arthritis
D.Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
E.Microscopic polyangiitis
A 51 yr old obese man presents to A&E with severe pain in his right toe. The pain came on over the course of an hour and he is now unable to weight bear. He is afebrile. The A&E consultant suspects that this man is suffering from gout, and requests a joint aspirate. Which of the following findings on joint aspiration would support the consultant’s diagnosis?
A.Needle shaped, negatively birefringent crystals
B.Needle shaped, positively birefringent crystals
C.Rhomboid shaped, negatively birefringent crystals
D.Rhomboid shaped, positively birefringent crystals
E.Diamond shaped, negatively birefringent crystals
A 63 year old lawyer presents to her GP with a 3 month history of pain in her right thumb. She mentions that the pain is predominantly at the base of her thumb, and it is so severe that at the end of the day that she can no longer type or write with her right hand. Her observations and PMHx are otherwise unremarkable. Which of the following investigations would help to confirm the diagnosis?
A.DEXA scan
C.Anti-CCP antibodies
D.Rheumatoid factor
E.CT scan
What does this X ray show?
rheumatoid arthtritis
What does this X ray show?
Fill out the table
Fill out the table
What does this X ray show?
fill out the table
Fill out the table
fill out the table
fill out the table