Arteries vasculature system Flashcards
what are blood vessels?
closed system of tubes that carry blood around the body
what do arteries do?
carry pumped blood away from the heart
what are capillary beds?
branched arteries that pass through tissues and organs to form smaller vessels that branch into capillary beds
what goes on in capillary beds?
gas, nutrient, and waste exchange takes place
how is blood drained from the capillaries?
via the veins
what do veins do?
carry blood to the heart
what does the systemic circuit do?
delivers oxygenated blood to most organs and tissues in the body
What does the coronary circuit do?
delivers oxygenated blood to the heart
what does the pulmonary circuit do?
delivers deoxygenated blood to the lungs
What does the systemic arterial circuit begin with?
the aorta
what is the largest artery in the body?
where does the aorta originate from?
left ventricles as the ascending aorta
What are the three major branches of the aorta?
Brachiocephalic artery, Left common carotid artery, Left subclavian artery
where does the brachiocephalic artery travel?
superiorly and to the right
where does the brachiocephalic artery split?
near the clavicle
What two branches does the brachiocephalic artery split into?
right subclavian artery and right common carotid artery
What does the right subclavian artery supply?
upper limb(right)
What does the right subclavian artery become?
axillary artery
What does the axillary artery become?
brachial artery
What does the brachial artery branch into?
radial artery and ulnar artery
Where does the right common carotid artery travel?
What does the right common carotid artery split into?
internal carotid artery and external carotid artery
what does the internal carotid artery supply?
what does the external carotid artery supply?
face and scalp
what does the left subclavian artery supply?
left upper limb
Where does the arterial supply to the brain primarily come from?
internal carotid arteries and basilar artery
Where is the basilar artery?
base of the brainstem
what is the basilar artery derived from?
fusion of two branches off the subclavian artery called vertebral arteries
what are vertebral arteries?
two branches off the subclavian artery
what is the circle of willis?
aka cerebral arterial circle; branches of vessels and set of anterior and posterior communicating arteries, they are connected to provide alternate routes of circulation to the brain if one of the supplying arteries becomes blocked
What are the major branches of the abdominal aorta?
Celiac trunk, renal arteries, superior mesenteric artery, inferior mesenteric artery
what does the celiac trunk branch into?
common hepatic artery, splenic artery, left gastric artery
What do the renal arteries supply?
Where does the superior mesenteric artery travel through?
membranes of the intestines
What does the superior mesenteric artery supply?
small intestine and much of larger intestine
What does the inferior mesenteric artery supply?
remainder of large intestine
How does the abdominal aorta terminate?
by bifurcating into two common iliac arteries
what does the iliac artery split into?
internal iliac artery and external iliac artery
What does the internal iliac artery supply?
What does the external iliac artery travel to?
deep into the inguinal ligament to enter the thigh
what does the external iliac artery turn into?
femoral artery
what does the femoral artery turn into?
popliteal artery
What does the popliteal artery branch into?
anterior tibial artery and posterior tibial artery
what does the anterior tibial artery turn into?
dorsalis pedis artery