Ars Poetica 79-98 Flashcards
Archilochus –ī m.
Archilochus of Paros, Greek iambic poet (7th cent BCE)
proprius –a –um
one’s own
rabiēs –em –ē f.
iambus iambī m.
iambic foot
soccus –ī m.
a loose, low-heeled shoe, worn by comic actors
cothurnus (coturnus) –ī m.
buskin; high boot worn by tragic actors
strepitus –ūs m.
noise; an uproar; din
fidēs –is; mostly in the pl. fidēs –ium f.
lute string; (in plural) lyre
pugil –ilis m.
a boxer, fist-fighter
certāmen certāminis n.
contest, struggle
vicis vicis f.
turn, change, succession
salūtō salūtāre salūtāvī salūtātus
to greet
pudens –entis
proper, decent, modest
prāvus –a –um
discō discere didicī
to learn
indīgnor –ātus sum
to deem unworthy; to fret
prope propius proximē
near (prep. + acc.)
cēna cēnae f.
Thyestēs (–ae) –is m.
Athenian hero tricked by Arestes into eating his own children
sortior –ītus sum
to cast lots; obtain
decens decentis
attractive, seemly
nevertheless, however
Chremēs –ētis m. (voc. Cremē)
a Greek man’s name, associated with miserly characters in the comedies of Terence
tumidus –a –um
dēlītigō dēlītigāre dēlītigāvī dēlītigātus
argue intensely
ōs ōris n.
mouth, face
doleō dolēre doluī dolitus
to feel pain/grief
pedester –tris –tre
pedestrian, unmounted
Tēlephus (Tēlephos) –ī m.
Telephus; a Greek hero, son of Heracles
Pēleus (disyllabic) –eī acc. Pēlea voc. Pēleu
Peleus, the father of Achilles
exsul exsulis m.
uterque utraque utrumque
each of two
prōiciō –icere iēcī –iectum
to cast forth, throw out, fling to the ground
ampulla –ae f.
a flask, bottle, jar
sesquipedālis –e
one and a half feet long
tangō tangere tetigī tāctus
to touch
querēla querēlae f.