Ars Poetica 366-382 Flashcards
fingō fingere fīnxī fīctus
to shape, invent
sapiō sapere sapivī
to discern; taste of; be intelligent
certus –a –um
sure, fixed
tolerābilis –e
endurable, tolerable; merely tolerable
consultus or iuris consultus or iurisconsultus –ī m.
legal expert, jurist
causa causae f.
cause, reason, lawsuit
Messāla –ae m.
Messala Corvinus, a distinguished orator of the Augustan Age
Cascellius –iī m.
Aulus Cascellius, a distinguished iuris consultus
concēdō concedere concessī concessus
to withdraw, allow, concede; overlook (an offence), grant indulgence (to)
columna, ae, f.
column; (in plural) portico (the location bookshops)
grātus –a –um
pleasant; grateful
symphōnia –ae f.
harmony, music; a group of musicians, a band
crassus –a –um
thick, fat; crass, coarse
unguentum unguentī n.
Sardus –a –um
Sardinian, of Sardinia
mel mellis n.
papāver –eris n.
the poppy; poppy seeds
nāscor nāscī nātus sum
to be born, come into being
iuvō iuvāre iūvī iūtus
to help; please
paulum or paululum
a little
dēcēdō dēcēdere dēcessī dēcessus
to move away, withdraw
vergō –ere
to incline; go down, sink
īmus –a –um
deepest, last
lūdō lūdere lūsī lūsus
to play; play with; play sports
campester –tris –tre or campestris –e
flat; of the plains; of the Campus Martius, the Roman sports ground
abstineō abstinēre abstinuī abstentus
to hold back, keep away from
pīla –ae f.
discus –ī m.
trochus –ī m.
an iron hoop (used in sports)
spissus –a –um
close, dense, thick
with impunity; safely
corōna corōnae f.
garland; crown; a circle of spectators (esp. at a trial)
quid nī or quidnī
why not? (rhetorical)