Ars Poetica 202-219 Flashcards
tībia tībiae f.
the larger of the shinbones; a pipe or flute
orichalcum –ī n.
mountain copper; brass
vinciō vincīre vīnxī vīnctum
to tie up
tuba –ae f.
aemulus –a –um
striving to equal
forāmen –inis n.
an opening, hole
aspīrō (adspīrō) adspīrāre adspīrāvī adspīrātus
to breathe to or upon
spissus –a –um
close, dense, thick
sedīle –is n.
flātus –ūs m.
blowing; wind; blast
reasonably; certainly, to be sure
numerābilis –e
easy to count, possible to count
namely; as one might expect
frūgī (indecl. adj.)
sober, thrifty
verēcundus –a –um
bashful, modest, shy
coeō coīre coīvō/coiī coitus
to come together
amplector amplectī amplexus sum
to embrace
diurnus –a –um
genius –iī m.
the birth–spirit; a tutelar deity
with impunity; freely
sapiō sapere sapivī
to discern; taste of; be intelligent
cōnfundō cōnfundere cōnfūdī cōnfūsus
to pour together; combine, unite
turpis turpe
priscus –a –um
mōtus mōtūs m.
motion, movement
luxuriēs –ēī f.
luxury, extravagance; disregard of moral restraints
tībīcen –inis m.
piper, a performer on the tibia
trahō trahere trāxī tractus
to drag
pulpitum –ī n.
a platform for recitations or private performances
fidēs –is; mostly in the pl. fidēs –ium f.
lute string; (plural) lyre
ēloquium –ī n.
īnsolitus –a –um
unfamiliar, strange
praeceps praecipitis
dīvīnus –a –um
divine; able to know future things
futūrum –ī or futūra –ōrum n.
the future
sortilegus –a –um
lot-drawing; prophetic
discrepō discrepāre discrepuī
to be discordant in sound; (fig.)
Delphī –ōrum m. pl.
Delphi, famous for the Pythian Oracle