Ars Poetica 408-425 Flashcards
quaerō quaerere quaesiī/quaesīvī quaesītus
to seek
dīves dīvitis
rich; as substantive rich man
vēna vēnae f.
vein; supply, store (of talent, etc)
rudis –e
poscō poscere poposcī
to demand
coniūrō coniūrāre coniūrāvī coniūrātus
to swear together; conspire; form an alliance
in a friendly manner, with good will
cursus cursūs m.
course, advance; race
mēta mētae f.
limit, goal, boundary, turning point
sūdō sūdāre sūdāvī sūdātus
to sweat
algeō algēre alsī —
to be cold, feel cold
Pȳthia, ōrum,
a hymn to Apollo played at the Pythian games
tībīcen –inis m.
piper, a performer on the tibia
pangō pangere pepigī pactum
to fasten, fix; settle for, agree upon, contract for; compose (poetry etc)
exter extera exterum
outward, foreign
scabies –em –ē f.
mange, scab (as term of abuse); the name of a children’s game
turpis turpe
praecō –ōnis m.
herald, auctioneer
merx mercis f.
emō emere ēmī ēmptus
to buy
assentātor –ōrism
a flatterer
lucrum lucrī n.
gain, profit
faenus (fēnus) –ōris n.
interest (from loaning money)
certainly; however
ūnctus, a, um
oily; (of means) rich, nice
spondeō –ēre spopondī sponsum
to make a solemn promise; go bail for
levis –e
light, trivial; worthless
artus –a –um
straitened, narrow; difficult
līs lītis f.
lawsuit; quarrel
internōscō –noscere –nōvī –nōtum
to distinguish between, recognize the difference between
mendāx –ācis
false, deceitful
beātus –a –um
happy, blessed