Ars Poetica 281-301 Flashcards
vitium viti(ī) n.
fault, crime
excidō excidere excidī
to fall out, drop; perish; fall, lapse into
vīs vis f.
force; violence (esp. personal assault, physical or verbal)
regō regere rēxī rēctus
to rule
in an unbecoming or disgraceful manner
obticescō –ere –uī
to be struck silent; meet a situation with silence
intemptātus –a –um
mereō merēre meruī meritum
to earn, deserve; serve as a soldier
decus decoris n.
beauty; ornament; glory
vestīgium vestīgi(ī) n.
dēserō dēserere dēseruī dēsertus
to leave, abandon
praetexta –ae f.
a toga with a purple border; a serious Roman play (fabula praetextata), in which the toga with a purple border is worn
potens, potentis
līma –ae f.
a carpenter’s file; (fig.) literary revision
litūra –ae f.
blotting out, erasure
coerceō coercēre coercuī coercitus
to enclose, control, restrain
praesecō –āre –uī –secātus (–sectus)
cut at the end
deciēs or deciēns
10 times; (of money) a million
castīgō castīgāre castīgāvī castīgātus
to chastise; correct, attempt to correct
unguis –is m.
fingernail; claw, talon
Helicōn –ōnis m.
a mountain in Boeotia, home of the Muses
Dēmocritus –ī m.
Presocratic philosopher, famous for his atomic theory
pōnō pōnere posuī positus
to place; have one’s hair or nails cut
barba –ae f.
balneum (balineum) –ī n. or balneus –ī m. or balnae –ārum f.
a bath
vītō vītāre vītāvī vītātus
to avoid, shun
nancīscor nancīscī nanctus (nactus) sum
to obtain; meet
in fact, for
pretium pretiī n.
price, value, payment; reward
Anticyra –ae f.
a Greek city, famous for producing hellebore (an anti-insanity medicine)
caput capitis n.
head, one’s life; capital punishment
īnsānābilis –e
tonsor –ōris m.
laevus –a –um
left, on the left side