Ars Poetica 140-160 Flashcards
mōlior mōlīrī mōlītus
to work at, devise; labor to bring about, devise
fūmus –ī m.
fulgor –ōris m. or fulgur –ūris n.
lightning, flash, brightness
speciōsus –a –um
handsome, beautiful, attractive
then next
mīrāculum –ī n.
a marvel
prōmō –ere –prōmpsī –prōmptus
bring out; put on stage
Antiphatēs –ae m.
King of the Laestrygonians (Odyssey Book 10)
Scylla –ae f.
The sea monster of Odyssey 12
Cyclōps –ōpis m.
The monster of Odyssey 9
Charybdis –is f.
The whirlpool of Odyssey 12
reditus reditūs m.
return, revenue
Diomēdēs –is m.
Diomedes, the Greek hero of the Trojan War
interitus interitūs m.
Meleager (Meleagros) –ī m.
An uncle of Diomedes, killed hunting the Calydonian Boar
geminus –a –um
ōrdior ōrdīrī ōrsus sum
to begin
ōvum –ī n.
ēventus ēventūs m.
result; denoument
festīnō festīnāre festīnāvī festīnātus
to hurry
secus; comp. sequior –ius
otherwise, differently, not so, the contrary
dēspērō dēspērāre dēspērāvī dēspērātus
to despair
tractō tractāre tractāvī tractātus
to deal with, treat
nitēscō –ere nituī
to become bright
mentior mentīrī mentītus
to lie
remisceō –ēre — –mīxtus
to mingle again; mix
discrepō discrepāre discrepuī
to be discordant in sound; (fig.)
īmus –a –um
deepest, last
plausor (plōsor) –ōris m.
one who applauds
egeō egēre eguī
to want, need (+ gen.)
aulaeum –ī n.
sedeō sedēre sēdī sessus
to sit
cantor –ōris m.
singer; performer
plaudō plaudere plausī plausum
to strike; clap; approve, applaud
decor –ōris m.
elegance, charm; an appropriate quality or shape
signō signāre signāvī signātus
to mark; leave a visible trace of contact on
humus humī f.
gestiō gestīre
to desire eagerly; act without restraint, exult
collūdō –lūdere –lūsī –lūsum
to play (with); collude with
rashly, without cause