Ars Poetica 220-239 Flashcards
certō certāre certāvī certātus
to fight, compete
hircus –ī m.
he goat
agrestis agrestis agreste
rural, rustic
satyrus (saturus) –ī m.
a satyr
nūdō nūdāre nūdāvī nūdātus
to bare, strip
asper –a –um
incolumis incolumis incolume
gravitās gravitātis f.
iocus iocī m.
tentō tentāre tentāvī tentātus
to try
there, in that place; for that reason
illecebra illecebrae f.
fungor fungī fūnctus sum
to perform (+ acc. or abl.)
pōtō pōtāre pōtāvī pōtus
to drink; (in perf. part.) drunk, drunken
exlex exlēgis
not bound by law, lawless
but indeed
commendō commendāre commendāvī commendātus
to entrust, recommend, approve
dicāx –ācis
witty, sarcastic
sērius –a –um
important, serious
lūdus lūdī m.
adhibeō adhibēre adhibuī adhibitus
to apply; bring (a character) on stage, introduce
hērōs –ōis m.
demigod; hero
cōnspiciō cōnspicere cōnspexī cōnspectus
to catch sight of, behold
not long ago
ostrum –ī n.
the purple fluid of the murex; purple dye; purple
migrō migrāre migrāvī migrātus
move, move to, change residence
taberna tabernae f.
shop, hut
vītō vītāre vītāvī vītātus
to avoid, shun
effūtiō –īre –īvī/iī –ītus
to blab, babble
indīgnus –a –um
unworthy (of); whom it does not befit
tragoedia –ae f.
moveō movēre mōvī mōtus
to move; dance
intersum –esse –fuī
to be between, be present; be in the company of
pudibundus –a –um
ashamed, shamefaced
protervus –a –um
bold, impudent
dominor dominārī dominātus
to be lord or master; rule; be in general use
ēnītor ēnītī ēnīsus/ēnīxus sum
to struggle, strive, give birth to
differō differre distulī dīlātus
to scatter; divulge; differ
ēmungō ēmungere ēmunxī ēmunctum
to wipe the nose; cheat, defraud
lucror lucrārī
make a profit; acquire as profit, win
Simōn (Sīmōn) –ōnis m.
Simon (name)
talentum talentī n.
a talent; (a large sum of Greek money)
or, whether, if
famulus –ī m.
a house slave
alumnus –ī m.