ARRT TEST 4 Flashcards
Analog mammography is able to capture calcifications as small as what size?
1-2 mm
Which of the following is used to protect the breasts from injury?
adipose tissue
The FIRST degree of breast compression should be applied with which of the following?
moterized foot pedal
Which of the following is used to manage all aspects of how a hospital is operated?
Which of the following stimulates milk production in the glandular tissue?
The glandular tissue which opens at the nipple and which consists of alveoli containing milk-producing cells is known as which of the following?
lobes of the mammary gland
According to the FDA, mammogram units should be evaluated after which of the following situations?
A new unit is brought into the facility
After undergoing a major repair
A mammogram unit has been disassembled and then reassembled in the facility
All of the above
All of the above
A woman’s risk for breast cancer increases if they have their first live child after which age?
The technologist’s role in the medical outcomes audit is to:
Gather pathology reports
Read the pathology report
Interpret the mammography report
Document findings in a pathology report
Gather pathology reports
Which of the following is NOT true of inflammatory breast cancer?
The prognosis is typically positive.
There may be no palpable mass.
Metastasis develops early.
It is the most malignant form of breast cancer.
The prognosis is typically positive.
The automatic exposure control (AEC) is designed to control the amount of exposure from the mammography tube by doing what?
Stopping exposure after a certain measure of time.
Slowly increasing exposure until the appropriate level is reached.
Stopping exposure when the pre-determined level is reached.
Slowly decreasing exposure once the image is complete.
Stopping exposure when the pre-determined level is reached.
The mediolateral projection (ML) helps to:
Localize nonpalpable abnormalities
One of the reasons for a patient to have a prophylactic mastectomy is if the patient has had radiation therapy at which of the following ages?
65 and 80.
40 and 50.
25 and 35.
10 and 30.
10 and 30.
A woman should be counseled to perform monthly breast exams beginning at the age of?
Of the following, which would be considered a function of a digital detector?
To absorb x-ray energy
Transmission of x-ray energy
To produce light current
To produce dark current
To absorb x-ray energy
The American Cancer Society recommends a baseline mammogram at what age?
Which of the following cancers begins in the duct and then invade the deeper structures of the breast and will possibly metastasize into the rest of the body?
invasive ductal carcinoma
What kVp is used with a rhodium target tube?
22-30 kVp
26-32 kVp
32-40 kVp
20-28 kVp
26-32 kVp
Estrogen causes the development of what?
Adipose tissue
Pectoralis major muscle
Glandular tissue
Pectoralis minor muscle
Glandular tissue
Along with mammography, breast MRIs can help do what?
Determine if a tumor is cancerous.
Relieve patient anxieties.
Determine if a tumor is benign.
Define and measure tumors.
Define and measure tumors.
Why do AEC systems make adjustments?
To get an image that is considered diagnostic quality.
To decrease the imaging speed.
To get any type of image, regardless of quality.
To increase the radiation exposure being used.
To get an image that is considered diagnostic quality.
What is the 6th section of the HL7 standards?
Rules and references
Which of the following is associated with the amount of a specified absorbing material that is required to decrease the intensity of the beam?
The kVp for a mammography produces:
Low-energy x-ray beams
A precancerous condition of the breast is referred to as which of the following?
Atypical lobular hyperplasia
Paget’s disease
Atypical lobular hyperplasia
The mammography technologist is needing to improve the appearance of the specimen. Which of the following interventions could potentially help them do this?
Use a kVp setting of above 25
Stop compressing the specimen
Do not magnify the specimen
Use a kVp setting of less than 25
Use a kVp setting of less than 25
Breast cancer that has metastasized to any other organ in the body is classed as which of the following stages?
Stage 4
According to the FDA, each mammogram system should have compression paddles available to match the different sizes of what?
Technician height
The source-to-image distance
The full-field image receptors
Patient breast size
The full-field image receptors
The various sizes of the compression paddles ensures which of the following?
Proper exposure of the breast tissue
Correct angling of the breast
Proper compression of the entire breast
The patient is fully comfortable
Proper compression of the entire breast
Which of the following gene is a location where breast cancer starts?
Gene 11
The skin on the breasts is:considered which of the following?
Different from anywhere else on the body
The thinnest skin on the whole body
The thickest skin on the whole body
Similar to the skin on the rest of the torso
Similar to the skin on the rest of the torso
Collimators control the:
amount of motion.
the beam energy level.
amount of compression.
size and shape of the x-ray beam.
size and shape of the x-ray beam.
When using the CC Implant Displaced view, which of these would be considered the second step?
The patient bends forward from the waist. The breast tissue is pullled forward, while posteriorly displacing the implant. The patient then stands up.
Gently pull breast tissue onto the cassette holder. Hold the inferior tissue against the edge of the bucky.
Have patient push body against image receptor.
Apply compression.
Gently pull breast tissue onto the cassette holder. Hold the inferior tissue against the edge of the bucky.
What is/are the advantage(s) of using caudocranial (FB)?
Helps view lesions in the upper portion of the breast
Gives a smaller path to an inferior lesion when performing needle localization
Maximizes the area of tissue viewed on male breast or a patent with pacemaker
All of the above
All of the above
CAD (or computer-aided detection) is pattern recognition software that identifies suspicious features on the image and brings them to the attention of the radiologist. The CAD algorithms require which format?
a digital file
Pain from breast compression can be reduced by obtaining the mammogram:
During menses
7 to 14 days after the onset of menses
1 week prior to onset of menses
7 to 14 days after the onset of menses
Which of the following is removed in a modified radical mastectomy?
Breast’s skin
All of the above
All of the above
An incisional biopsy removes what from the suspicious area?
Half of the tissue
A sample piece of tissue
Three-quarters of the tissue
The entire tissue
A sample piece of tissue
Which of the following help trigger the milk ejection reflex of prolactin?
Lymph nodes
Adipose tissue
Which of the following statements is true about the breasts?
The breast is made entirely of muscle.
There is no muscle in the breast.
There is only one muscle in each breast.
There are two muscles in each breast.
There is no muscle in the breast.
In which of the following years was the first reported appearance of breast cancer performed radiologically?
What is another term for Eklund views?
implant displaced views
What type of biopsy is performed using a small needle to withdraw a tissue sample from the suspected area?
Core needle biopsy
Open biopsy
Surgical biopsy
Fine needle aspiration biopsy
Fine needle aspiration biopsy
A BIRADS rating of 3 indicates which of the following?
The patient’s images show a known malignancy.
The mass or abnormality on the patient’s images is probably benign.
The mass or abnormality on the patient’s images has been confirmed to be benign.
The patient’s images show a highly suspicious abnormality that should be assessed further.
The mass or abnormality on the patient’s images is probably benign.
Digital image acquisition offers all but which of the following advantages?
CAD (computer-aided detection)
Enhanced film processor
Image availability
Increased contrast resolution
Enhanced film processor
HVL reduces the intensity of the beam by exactly what percent of the original x-ray output that comes from the tube?
Which tissue(s) is/are best visualized with the Superolateral to Inferomedial Oblique view?
posterior and medial
One type of paddle used in compression is the SOFT paddle. What does SOFT stand for?
Special optimized full tilt paddle
A lumpectomy is typically followed by what?
radiation therapy
Grids that move back and forth during the exposure are referred to as which of the following?
Reciprocating grids
Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) is considered a type of healthcare technology which is used for both long and short term storage of images. PACS is used for all but which of the following?
Retrieval of medical images