ARRT TEST 4 Flashcards
Analog mammography is able to capture calcifications as small as what size?
1-2 mm
Which of the following is used to protect the breasts from injury?
adipose tissue
The FIRST degree of breast compression should be applied with which of the following?
moterized foot pedal
Which of the following is used to manage all aspects of how a hospital is operated?
Which of the following stimulates milk production in the glandular tissue?
The glandular tissue which opens at the nipple and which consists of alveoli containing milk-producing cells is known as which of the following?
lobes of the mammary gland
According to the FDA, mammogram units should be evaluated after which of the following situations?
A new unit is brought into the facility
After undergoing a major repair
A mammogram unit has been disassembled and then reassembled in the facility
All of the above
All of the above
A woman’s risk for breast cancer increases if they have their first live child after which age?
The technologist’s role in the medical outcomes audit is to:
Gather pathology reports
Read the pathology report
Interpret the mammography report
Document findings in a pathology report
Gather pathology reports
Which of the following is NOT true of inflammatory breast cancer?
The prognosis is typically positive.
There may be no palpable mass.
Metastasis develops early.
It is the most malignant form of breast cancer.
The prognosis is typically positive.
The automatic exposure control (AEC) is designed to control the amount of exposure from the mammography tube by doing what?
Stopping exposure after a certain measure of time.
Slowly increasing exposure until the appropriate level is reached.
Stopping exposure when the pre-determined level is reached.
Slowly decreasing exposure once the image is complete.
Stopping exposure when the pre-determined level is reached.
The mediolateral projection (ML) helps to:
Localize nonpalpable abnormalities
One of the reasons for a patient to have a prophylactic mastectomy is if the patient has had radiation therapy at which of the following ages?
65 and 80.
40 and 50.
25 and 35.
10 and 30.
10 and 30.
A woman should be counseled to perform monthly breast exams beginning at the age of?
Of the following, which would be considered a function of a digital detector?
To absorb x-ray energy
Transmission of x-ray energy
To produce light current
To produce dark current
To absorb x-ray energy
The American Cancer Society recommends a baseline mammogram at what age?
Which of the following cancers begins in the duct and then invade the deeper structures of the breast and will possibly metastasize into the rest of the body?
invasive ductal carcinoma
What kVp is used with a rhodium target tube?
22-30 kVp
26-32 kVp
32-40 kVp
20-28 kVp
26-32 kVp
Estrogen causes the development of what?
Adipose tissue
Pectoralis major muscle
Glandular tissue
Pectoralis minor muscle
Glandular tissue
Along with mammography, breast MRIs can help do what?
Determine if a tumor is cancerous.
Relieve patient anxieties.
Determine if a tumor is benign.
Define and measure tumors.
Define and measure tumors.