APWH Flash Card Set
One of the main outcomes of the Neolithic revolution was
a rise in local population rates.
sedentary agriculture gave rise to permanent communities that could stay in one place and produce food. when surpluses resulted , they made higher birthrates possible. the community could feed more people, and populations could then increase over time.
One commonality of both the Roman and Hellenistic empire was their tactics of
military conquest and pacification.
both the Macedonians and the Romans built powerful armies that facilitated the expansion of the two empires in the ancient era. their militaries would generally engage an enemy and after defeating them, pacify the population and absorb the territory into their empire. SOldiers could often stay and colonize the new addition to the empire and participate in its rule
From 27 B.C.E., the period of relative peace in the Mediterraean became known as
PAx Romana.
The consolidation of the Roman Empire under Octavian produced a period of over two centuries of stability that became known as Pax Romana, or Roman Peace. Roman law, commerce, and culture spread to Northern Europe and into North Africa. Roman Caesars ruled over a vast territory that was pacified by their military and run by their civil administrators
What was the reason that caused Athens and Sparta to unite in common interest in the fifth century B.C.E.
The external military threat of Persia.
In 479 B.C.E. the encroachment of the Persians into the Aegean helped unify some of the Greek city-states in common defense. Thirty-one Greek city-states, including Sparta and Athens, decided to resist the rule of Xerxes and defeated the Persians to maintain their independence.
What is the correct chronology for the following eras in prehistory?
Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age.
The Paleolithic era, c. 12000 B.C.E., is the beginning of the so-called Stone Age. It was characterized by wandering clans who used stone for crude implements. With the discovery of copper and its use in combination with tin around 3500 B.C.E., more durable metal objects could be fashioned. This new alloy, bronze, could be used for both tools and weapons. Its military application and use in agriculture were significant. Around 1500 B.C.E., it is believed the Hittites discovered how to smelt iron from the raw ore found in nature. This was another advance in the fashioning of better tools and weapons in ancient times.
Which people migrated south into ancient India and replaced the older Harappan civilization around 1500 B.C.E.?
The Aryans.
The Aryans were originally pastoral nomads who raised cattle and domesticated horses. THey came across the Hindu Kush mountains and arrived in the subcontinent of ASia, overrunning the people already living there. Recent research has reexamined the Aryan migration into South ASia, and new theories are being advanced about the origins of Vedic culture in the Indus Valley
What is a true statement about the Shang dynasty, c. 1500 B.C.E.?
It was an early Chinese dynasty that was based on bronze technology.
The Shang dynasty was the earliest recorded Chinese era that rose because of its technological achievements, particularly in the area of bronze metallurgy. The agricultural dynasty grew millet and wheat, and kings managed the distribution of food to the population.
Which of the following religious figures lived most recently?
Islam is the most recent world religion to be established. While CHristianity, Judaism, and Buddhism came into being over 2000 years ago, Islam began around 600 C.E. on the Arabian peninsula. Mohammed was the founder of the desert religion and claimed to be the last and most important prophet.
What is a statement that does not relate to the concept of the Mandate of Heaven?
It relates to the duties and responsibilities of the ruler over the people.
The Mandate of Heaven was first used by the Zhou dynasty to justify the takeover of the Shang dynasty. It suggested a relationship between the quality of leadership and the authority enjoyed by the ruling emperor or king. Europeans also came to believe that kings rule under the guidance of God.
Paleolithic society can be characterized by which of the following traits?
The division of labor was based on gender in a hunter-gatherer system.
Social groups in the Paleolithic era grew from clans into tribes and sustained themselves through hunting and gathering food. Warfare became more organized with the use of clubs and spears. Women and men had different roles to play in finding food and preparing it.
The earliest urban settlements are believed to have been established
by the sumerians in southern Mesopotamia
The Sumerians established settled urban areas about 3500 B.C.E. It is theorized that they came from the Caspian Sea area, THese early cities evolved into more sophisticated social orders, with government and administration.
The city of Teotihuacan in Central America, c. 200 B.C.E., was known for
massive pyramids dedicated to the sun and moon.
Teotihuacan was one of the great urban wonders of ancient America. Its pyramids were focused on worship of the heavens. It is believed to have grown to over 100,000 people by 600 C.E., and it was some 8 square miles. With no written records, all knowledge of this great city is limited to archeological excavation.
What religious ideas of Zoroastrianism influenced ideas found in Christianity and Judaism?
The concept of good and evil in the world.
Zoroaster was believed to have lived in ancient Persia c, 1200 B.C.E. He departed from the polytheistic culture of his time and proclaimed a single creator god and also evil spirits who opposed this god. He shared his teachings with his followers, and some of these ideas of one God are believed to have influenced the Hebrew monotheism that evolved around the same time period in the Levant.
The democracy of classical Athens allowed participation only for
free adult males.
As a city-state, Athens had an early form of democracy but alloed only free males to vote in assembly. Poor farmers sometimes ended up in debt and became slaves, thus losing their political rights. This limited sharing of power by the Athenians would have some impact on Roman republican systems and have a great impact on later governments in the modern era.
What did Ancient Rome and Sparta have in common?
Military values pervading the culture
Both Rome and Sparta had strong militaristic traditions. Young men were raised to serve as soldiers, and mothers prized the ability to bear sons. Soldiering was a prestigious profession, and one could rise in social rank based on one’s service to the state.
The Olmec, c. 1400 B.C.E., were known as
an early Mesoamerican society with a central authority.
The Olmec created the first organized civilization along the Gulf Coast of America. These people formed small urban communities that shared religious practices. Giant basalt sculptures were carved with hand tools and probably represented powerful rulers.
The world’s first empire was created by the
Akkadians, who ruled the Fertile Crescent c. 2300 B.C.E.
The Akkadians conquered the Sumerians and established rule beyond the Tigris and Euphrates area, from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf.
What relationship was NOT stressed in Confucian society?
Sister- brother.
Confucius laid the framework for a harmonious society by suggesting that certain hierarchical relationships suggested superior and inferior hierarchies within families and the nation as a whole. Sibling relationships involving sisters were not underscored.
Italian artifacts, c. 30 B.C.E.,, found on the Asian subcontinent suggest
a thriving trade between ancient Roman and South Asia.
Ceramics and small buildings linked to Ancient Rome have been excavated near present-day Madras in India. Dated around the time of Augustus, this evidence suggests that trading took place in the earliest years of the Roman Empire between Rome and ancient India.
The four noble truths of Buddhism do not include
Reincarnation is endless suffering.
Buddhists believe less in reincarnation than in the need to separate oneself from desire, which causes suffering. All yearning creates pain, and the path to bliss and happiness must end in nirvana or a state of ideal detachment.
What territory did the Roman Empire not include?
The Roman Empire was established in Britain but did not pacify the northern part of the island, where present-dat Scotland exists. Emperor Hadrian built a wall to separate that part of Britannia controlled by Rome and the northern region held by non-pacified tribes.
The successful warrior emperor of India who repented his military excess and converted to Buddhism was
Ashoka, c. 250 B.C.E.
Ashoka ruled parts of India in the third century B.C.E. and was so disheartened about one of his battles that he became a Buddhist and pacifist. He sent missionaries throughout the land to preach repentance and peace.
The central location for Jewish worship and ritual in ancient times was the
temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.
The temple built by Solomon was the geographical center of Judaic worship until it was destroyed for the second time by the Roans in 70 C>E. There, the priests oversaw the national rituals of atonement and worship for the Hebrew people. The Holy of Holies housed the arc of the covenant, which dated back to the time of Moses and the Exodus. These were the most important artifacts of the early Judaic experience.
Early written evidence of China’s first dynasties has been found
on oracle bones used for divination.
The bones of birds and turtle shells were used to record religious ritual and history during the Shang dynasty. Shamans or diviners used the bones to tell the future or to determine what should be done. Questions would be posed and then hot pokers would be used to fracture the bones. The resulting cracks or breaks would then be interpreted to guide people.
The Medes and the Persians were united under
Cyrus the Great, c. 550 B.C.E.
Cyrus the Great was one of the early and successful Persian conquerors in the Middle East. Under Cyrus, the empire stretched from Persia to the Mediterranean. The nearby Medes and Lydians were incorporated into the Persian sphere and the so-called Achaemenid Empire was formed.
The expansion of ancient Chinese culture and rule over surrounding peoples was accomplished through
persistent assimilation of neighboring kingdoms.
Cultural transference often took place when Chinese dynasties conquered or were overrun themselves by neighboring peoples. Two more recent examples of the latter were the Mongols and Manchus. But even in earlier times, China would pacify and absorb so-called barbarian peoples who became culturally Chinese over time.
The victory of Christianity over roman paganishm was advanced when
Constantine legalized the religion throughout the empire.
After having a battlefield vision of a cross in the heavens, Constantine ceased the persecution of Christians and even sponsored church councils so that early theology could be codified. A network of urban bishoprics was also established so church leadership could solidify.
The rugged mountainous character of Ancient Greece led to the
the development of separate poleis, or city- states.
Greece is a peninsula covered with mountains and valleys. Communities grew up in isolation and developed their own political traditions. There were dozens of city-states, including Sparta and Athens
What is not a feature of traditional Hinduism?
the concept of nirvana as the absence of pain.
Hinduism is a combination of religious practices that evolved over many years in South Asia. Folk religion, fertility rites, and other practices are part of the belief system. However, nirvana is a feature of Buddhist theology
Greater urbanization in the Andean highlands was in part a product of
the introduction of maize into the diet of the Incas.
Many times in world history, the introduction of a stable crop allows more people to survive into adulthood, which in turn leads to an increase of population. Maize is a hardy crop that supplies a reliable source of carbohydrates for the people.
As early as the second century B.C.E., the Chinese used plant fibers to make
Paper was an ancient Chinese innovation and was made from organic plant fibers soaked with bark and pounded with a mallet. It could then be formed into sheets and dried to make crude paper.
Commonalitites between Ancient Greece and Persia included
languages that stemmed from the same Indo-European origins.
Among some of the common features of Greek and Persian cultures were languages that belonged to the same Indo-European family of languages
The Phoenicians were a seafaring people in the Mediterranean who colonized
the Levant and parts of northern Africa.
The Phoenicians were associated earlier with the easter Mediterranean area called Canaan. After900 B.C.E., the Phoenicians established colonies on Cyprus and eventually the northern western coast of Africa. Eventually, their trade routes covered most of the Mediterranean.
Ancient Greek philosophy caused controversy when its advocates.
challenged traditional Homeric religion.
Pre- Socratic philosophers sometimes rejected popular myths about the origins of humankind and the world. They postulated different ideas about the material that made up the natural world and even questioned the anthropomorphic gods that were worshipped in the area.
A reason for the decline of the Roman republic was
a series of powerful military leaders who destabilized the political order.
After 88 B.C.E., a number of ambitious senator-warlords wanted to gain power. They took power unto themselves and undermined the old democratic order. In fighting one another, a series of civil wars led to the rise of a new series of dictator-emperors, starting with Julius Caesar.
The long cycle of imperial history in China began with the
Han dynasty c. 230 B.C.E.
Historians mark the Han dynasty as the beginning of a tradition of political and cultural continuity for China. Dynasties followed one another in turn as a family would take power and rule until another group would rise up and replace them. Emperors ruled from a capital and divided territories into provinces.
What was the most important factor in enabling the Macedonians to defeat the Persians?
Alexander was tireless in his pursuit of revenge and victory.
Alexander wished to punish the Persians for the destruction of athens in 480 B.C.E. and pursued Darius across the Middle East. After numerous victories, the Persians turned on Darius and killed him. Alexander was then able to take control of one of the most well-known ancient empires.
How can Hellenism best be described?
THe sum of Greek culture associated with Macedonian conquest under Alexander the Great.
Hellenism is the descriptor used for Ancient Greek culture. From the Golden Age of Athens to the conquest of the world under Alexander, Greek culture was spread from the Aegean to India by the conquering macedonians.
What statement best describes the inequalities of Roman political life?
The patrician elites had more rights than did the plebeians.
The conflict of the orders was a struggle between the patricians and the majority of the population, the plebeians. Over time the plebeians won more concessions from the ruling patricians. Some plebeian leaders were lured into an expanded elite class, and thus the patricians could hold on to some of their privileges.
What is a true statement about the Bantu migration in Africa is true?
Migration of Bantu speakers paralleled the spread of iron making.
Some African languages can be traced to Bantu culture, which spread southward after the first millennium B.C.E. It is believed the Bantu originated in the area of present-day Nigeria and migrated south into sub Saharan Africa over many generations.
Trade aided the spread oF Buddhism to China via what route?
THe Silk Road.
As an ancient trade route, the Silk Road was used as a means of spreading Buddhism by King Asoka from South Asia after the third century b.C.E. Asoka had sent out monks, missionaries, and pilgrims to promote the spread of the religion. These representatives helped spread the Buddhist faith to East and Southeast Asia by the second century C.E.
Roman persecution of Christianity was based on which of the following viewpoints?
Romans viewed the new religion as a threat to traditional polytheism as well as to the authority of Caesar.
Rome was initially perplexed by the growing popularity of what was at first a sect of Judaiam in Judea. As more people converted to Christianity, it came ot be viewed as a dangerout cult focused on a Jewish rabbi. Persecution took many forms, from loss of rights to execution, but many roman citizens were also converted by the second century C.E.
For many centuries ancient Egypt was protected from its enemies by
the surrounding geography.
The nile region is protected by desert to the east and west. The Nile itself is hard to navigate to the south given the rapids as it descends from the Sudan. To the north is the Mediterranean, so invasion from there would have to be amphibious.
At its apex, c. 500, classical Mayan civilization can be characterized as a
sophisticated urban culture with grandiose architecture.
Mayan civilization was discovered by archeologists and historians in the last century. Large cities such as Tikal on the Yucatan peninsula reveal an urban culture with sophisticated religious rituals that involved worship of numerous nature gods. The civilization declined rapidly after 900 C.E. for reasons that are still being debated.
The Xia and Shang dynasties of China in the second millennia B.C.E. were known for
the first known writing in East Asia.
Few records of the earliest Chinese dynasties have survived. Around 2000 B.C.E., the earliest evidence of a written language begins to appear. The pictographic drawings evolved into symbols with meanings and pronunciations. Early materials such as bone and stone were used as surfaces that early Chinese would make records on.
Cuneiform writing was first used in
Mesopotamia, c. 3500 B.C.E.
Writing is first traced to West asia in the fourth millennia B.C.E and was used to record business transactions. A reed was used to make wedge-shaped marks in clay. These tablets record early communication in the Tigris and Euphrates area.
The term paterfamilias can best be describes as which of the following?
A definition of the authority of the eldest male in a Roman family.
The father or eldest male had great authority over his family in Ancient Rome. He had the final say in family matters, and the wife, slaves, and all children had to defer to him in most matters. This male-dominated order was a center-piece of Roman culture.
Earl animism was associated with the worship of
spirits found in nature.
Ancient humans lived in close relationship with nature. Early civilization is characterized by the polytheistic and animistic worship of natural spirits. Rituals were developed that sought to appease the forces of their natural world.
The expanding base of agrarian society in Shang China was mainly due to
more efficient use of irrigation.
A key development to expanding sedentary farming was the ability to control water flow and access. Early Chinese farmers began to divert rivers into canals and used human-powered wheels to bring water to fields. The farther the distance from the source of water, the more ingenious the system of irrigation needed to be.
The Byzantine empire proposed greatly in large part because of
its geographical location.
The Byzantine empire lies at the crossroads between Europe and the rest of west Asia. The known ancient world could be accessed to the east ad the west. The Black Sea also provided a gateway to the Rus, the predecessors of the Russians.
The kingdom of ancient Israel was ruled by
a king anointed by a prophet.
The people of Israel were first led by Moses out of Egypt, after which a series of judges led the twelve tribes as they settled in Canaan. Later a larger kingdom was created , and a king was chosen by a prophet. The kingdom reached its greatest power under King David and then his son Solomon.
THe main legacy of Spartan society is
a military culture with few civil liberties.
Spartan society in Ancient Greece was highly regimented and militaristic. Young men were trained from an early age to fight and die as citizens of their city-state. This fostered a collectivism that allowed for few personal liberties. It had a slave class; its members were called helots and they had no rights.
In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was regarded as a
demigod who oversaw rituals to ensure harmony and continuity.
Ancient Egypt was a quasi-theocracy with a pharaoh who was a monarch who also had religious duties. Many rituals centered on the animistic worship of the Nile RIver. The pharaoh was a divine personality who had special knowledge of the divine.
A common feature of ancient Chinese rule was the
use of forced labor to construct buildings and defensive barriers.
The first emperor Shi Huangdi set the pattern for rule in China by creating large public works projects such as the Great Wall to protect China on the northern frontier. Thousands of people were forced to work on these construction efforts. He also burned scholars who criticized him, thus showing the intolerance for dissent in imperial China.
THe earliest variant of the Homo sapien was the
Neanderthal man.
The neanderthal man is traced back to a quarter million years ago. He wore clothing and created semipermanent dwellings.
Persons could become slaves in ancient Persia by
Being captured in war or by rebelling against the authorities.
Slaves were often the spoils of war, after which the Persian army would capture large numbers of the enemy and bring them back as booty. Slaves could also be political dissenters who were sold into slavery for opposing the imperial government. Slave status meant the loss of all personal freedom.
Ancient oligarchies were societies in which
a small group of wealthy elites had political power.
An oligarchy, by definition, is the “rue of the few” This often meant the rich and powerful controlled the political system. POwer and wealth were often a function of land ownership. In Rome, senators were often patricians with wealth and family connections who made up the elite of society.
What was one kingdom created by the breakup of Alexander’s empire c. 330 B.C.E.?
Alexander’s empire was divided among his generals after his death in 330 B.C.E. Seleucis was given SYria and Persia as his domain, he he created a dynasty to rule It until the Romans conquered them in 80 B.C.E.
The teacher/philosopher of ancient Athens who was accused of corrupting the youth was
In 399 B.C.E. Socrates was accused of teachings that were detrimental to the youth of the city of Athens. HE was tried and sentenced to commit suicide. His trial is one of the most famous in history and highlights the difficulties in maintaining freedom of thought.
After the death of Alexander the Great, India was united under the
Maurya empire.
THe Maurya empire filled the void that was left in India after the great macedonian and Persian armies withdrew. After the death of Alexander, his appointed rulers were vulnerable to attack and Chandragupta led his armies to defeat the remaining provinces left from the Hellenistic empire.
In Hinduism, to be released from the cycle of reincarnation is called
Hindus believe in the transmigration of the human soul, and one can be reborn as another living being after death. One goes through multiple existences and hopes to escape this rebirthing at some point in time. To rise to another spiritual plane without being reborn is called moksha.
Which of the following is NOT a shared characteristic of both Mesoamerican and South American regions in ancient times?
BOth developed monotheistic belief systems.
Both the Aztecs and the Incas established city-states and regional empires. THeir religious practices were polytheistic, however, and it took the Spanish to introduce the idea of a single creator God.
What is TRUE of artisans in the Neolithic Age?
Village artisans fashioned tools from stone.
The Neolithic or New Stone Age, c. 8000 B.C.E, saw both the beginnings of prehistoric village life but also the use of stone materials for tools. Obsidian was a volcanic glassy rock found in nature and was used for sharp implements. Hunting and fishing became more efficient with the production off better tools and weapons.
Artifacts used in early forms of nature worship were often represented by
human and animal forms that suggested fertility
Fertility is one of the most common themes of ancient idol worship. Fertility encompassed both the human desire for offspring and also the need for the land to yield crops for human consumption. Temple worship and other rituals could revolve around appeasing the gods of nature so that there would be enough food to eat.
Which of the following is an accurate statement about earlly Roman land reform?
Opposition in the Senate led to violence and murder.
Tribunes were chosen to represent more of the people, and the tribunes were often in favor of giving land to the poorer classes. This met with strong resistance from older patricians, especiallt leaders in the Senate Around 133 B.C.E., a tribune, Tiberius Sempronius, as murdered by conservative supporters of the Senate because he wanted to give land to pooer soldiers as a reward for their service.
Knowledge about the nomadic barbarians who invaded Ancient Greece and Rome is limited because
they had no written language and left no records
Anciient peoples who had no written language ae difficult to study. THe only sources that describe them are from the peoples who contacted them or vice versa. The Huns and Goths fought with the ROmans and Greeks and are mentioned in their records. But the information is limited to military contacts, and less is known of their culture and way of life
WHich of the folowing lands were NOT includded in the Byzantine empire?
After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, the eastern part of the Roman Empire became known as the Byzantine empire. It included parts of North Africa, the Balkans, and the Middle East. Gaul (present-day France), however, was part of the western empire, and not part of Byzantium
One of the philosophies that bolstered support for the state in ancient CHina was
Legalism grew out of the HUNDRED SCHOOLS of thought that followed tyhe chos of the Warring States period. It promoted strict laws and obedience to the state and gave great power to the ruler. It is an early ttalitarian school of political thought that sllowed for abuses by the authorities.
In the early istory of the Christian church, many converts came from
the lower urban classes.
The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth were more attractive to the poorer city dwellers, who found comfort in a personal God that did not differentiate between peoples. Equality of the sexes and respect for slaves were radical new ideas that CHristianity espoused.
THe codification of Roman law c. 560 was done under the rule of
In the early Byzantine empire, the emperor Justinian called for a comprehensive review of Roman law. From this review, he distilled the legal principles of ancient ROme and codified it for huis use as ruler of Byzantium.
THe practice of Jaiism in SOuth ASia advocated the 0ractice of
ahmisa, or nonviolence to living things.
In India, a religious teacher named Vardhamana Mahavira preached com;rehensive nonvoilence and respect for all living things. Devout followeers woulld even brush the ground in front of the, as they walked to aavoid stepping on insects.. Jainism stressed that all creatures are sacred, so they have a strict diet of only organic plants.
Which of the following was a natural rescource that was central to southern Saharan trade in ancient times?
Salt was a crucial commodity in the Saharan desert frontier to the south. Cut into slabs, it was a valuble item in African trade beginning around 300. In the hot desert environment, salt was vital for survival.
The SIlk Road encouraged the spread of which of the following military technologies?
Mounted bowmen and the stirrup.
Men on horseback with bows were a Mongol innovation that was used to devastating effect by the khan and his armies. The Silk Road, as an established trade route, also served s a route for conquering armies after 1230. THe use of the stiittup to keep the rider in his saddle was also seen along the Silk Road as the Mongol armies spread west.
Which of the following were Buddhist departues from Hindu values in South Asia?
Introspection and detachment.
Buddhism differed because it did not have a pantheon of epic gods like Hinduism did. It also preached detachment and meditative, personal introspection that challenged the fatalism of the Hindu worldview.
Which of the following was typical of the Indian OCean Maritime System/
Small port cities were often isolated from the hinterland.
in the Middle East and along the east coast of Africa, small port cities developed for ships to stop at and trade their goods.. often poorly supplied with water, these small cities were isolated from the interior of ASia and Africa by climate and geography. Island ports such as Zanzibar were disconnected from te rest of East Africa and became multicullltural communities, given the many peopless who came from other parts of the world.
What instrument is a common cultural characteristic of ancient African music?
THe Drum.
DIffereent groups in Africa played various instruments in their celebrations and tribal rituals. The drum was widely used as a basic rhythemic centerpiece of African expewruience. This gave African music a distinctive percussive character that is observable throughout the continent.
Which of the following was NOT a common trait of early civilizations? A- Writing B- Formal state structures C- Urban Life D- Monument building E- Nomadism
E- Nomadism.
Civilization in this sense implies a level of complexity in social organization that requires a sedentary lifestyle
Based on the preponderance of archaeological evidence, which region of the world saw the development of the earliest cililizations?
The Middle East.
Archaeologists have discovered the oldest evidence of civilization in the Tigris, Euphrates, and Nile River valleys, all of which belong to the greater Middle East region
Which of the following early river valley civilizations developed in the greatest state of isolation from the others? A- Tigris River B- Euphrates River C- Indus River D- Huang He River E- Nile River
Huang He River.
Formidable mountain ranges and desert expanses separate the Chinese river valleys from the MIddle East. However, archaeological evidence of long-distance trade connecting early Indus civilization and the Middle East has been found
Which of the following was true for ALL of the early agricultural systems?
Domestication of perennial plants in each region
Wheat and barley cultivation
Economic activity based on raising a combination of domesticated plants and draft animals
Primary reliance on pastoral forms of social organization
Abandonment of sedentary agriculture
Domestication of perennial plants in each region.
Perennial means “growing once a year”
Confucianism, Hinduism, and Christianity had what in common?
They helped justify and preserve social inequality
This characteristic is more widely recognized by Westerners in Confucian and Hindu traditions than in the Christian tradition. Numerous biblical passages exhort the poor and the slave to accept their lots in life and obey their masters
The period 8000 BCE to 600 CE saw all of the following EXCEPT Birth of major world religions Origin of agriculture Use of gunpowder Urbanization Development of Writing
Use of gunpowder.
Recreational use of gunpowder dates from the Song Dynasty (tenth to thirteenth centuries CE, roughly) with military application coming thereafter
River valley civilizations, such as the Egyptians or Sumerians, developed all of the following EXCEPT Craft specialization Social stratification Constitutional monarchy Long-distance trade COmplex religious rituals
Constitutional monarchy
While monarchs before may have been limited by custom, historians date the emergence of constitutional monarchy to the British Isles in the centuries following the signing of the Magna Carta in the early thirteenth ceuntry
Which example from the classical world best characterizes the principle of cultural diffusion?
Preference for silk garments among the Roman elite
Victory of Sparta in the Peloponnesian War
Conversion of Asoka to Buddhism
Growing influence of Confucianism in CHina during the Han dynasty
Sacking of Rome by the Visigoths in 410 CE
Preference for silk garments among the Roman elite
Cultural diffusion means “the spread of ideas or practices from one region to another” and this was evident with the Roman elite and their taste for silk garments
All of the following were important impacts of the rise of metalwork in the ancient world EXCEPT
Metal tools make farming easier
Metal arms revolutionized war fighting
Specialized labor developed further
Metal ships revolutionized trade and naval warfare
Metallic coins facilitated trade
Metal ships revolutionized trade and naval warfare
Construction of ships from metal required industrial techniques not developed until the nineteenth century when blast furnaces and the Bessemer process for creating steel were developed. Before the Industrial Revolution metalwork was limited to projects or items that could be produced by hand by a blacksmith
What additional challenge do historians studying the Harappan civilization of the Indus River valley face that does not exist when studying Sumerian or Egyptian civilizations?
Harappan writing has never been deciphered
One of the great unsolved mysteries of the ancient world is that Harappan writing has not yet been deciphered
The order in which these empires or civilization emerged was
Sumerian Shang Roman Han
SUmerian Shang Roman Han
Archaeological excavation at all four sites reveal the earliest tracesk of monumental building, writing tablets, and urban living in the TIgris-Euphrates valley, where Sumerian civilization was born
Based on available knowledge, which of the following was NOT a part of Homo erectus' world? Tool making Language Bipedaism Hunting Agriculture
Archaeological findings indicate that agriculture emerged roughly ten thousand years ago- long after homo erectus had gone extinct by all available data
Compared to other revolutions in world history, which feature of the Neolithic Revolution is most unusual?
Attenuated unfolding over thousands of years in diverse locales
Revolution is a term applied to any abrupt shift in a course of human events that was sparked in a specific location or region. This question asks us to consider time frame. Political revolutions, such as the French or Russian revolution, tend to unfold more quickly. while nonpolitical revolutions (scientific, industrial) take place over a period of centuries or even millennia.
In what respects did pastoralism lay important foundations for subsequent stages of human development?
Domesticated mammals began to provide more consistent sources of hides, bone, and protein
Pastoral nomads established the viability of herding of animals as an economic activity; this viability continued through history until today.
Which of the following early crops was unique to the early civilizations of what would later be termed the New World Oats Millet Barley Wheat Maize
the “New World” refers to the AMericas and the Western Hemisphere, Maize was an early crop that was unique to these civilizations
Which of the following best describes the development of Agriculture during the Neolithic era?
It was a gradual process, arising independently in diverse region and climatic conditions on the globe
It spread from the Americas across a land bridge to Asia and then to Europe
It was limited to China until the first millennium BCE
It was practiced only on hilly terrain
It generally brought on lower population densities in the areas to which it spread
It was a gradual process, arising independently in diverse regions and climatic conditions on the globe
Biological and archaeological evidence supports this choice and none of the others
What, in general, was the health impact as human populations abandoned nomadism and settled into a sedentary agriculture lifestyle?
Greater exposure to pathogens due to proximity to farm animals and human waste caused new sickness.
Ailments such as chicken pox, swine flu, and bird flu in their very names indicate the propensity for pathogen sharing between people and domestic animals. It also took awhile for plumbing to be invented. Sedentary peoples settled next to their pathogen-producing waste as well. Nomadic people never had to deal with these health hazards as they moved away from their wastes. All other choices are false
Which of the following is associated with the “Out of Africa” thesis on human origins?
I. Origin of anatomically modern humans in Africa
II. Separate origins of anatomically modern humans across the Old World
III. Evolution of Homo neanderthalensis into Homo sapiens
Origin of anatomically modern humans in Africa.
Genetic research supports the origin of anatomically modern humans in Africa, only
Broadly speaking, which choice places the developments associated with the Neolithic revolution in the correct chronological order?
Specialization of labor, social stratification, surplus food production
Surplus food production, specialization of labor, social stratification
Social stratification, specialization of labor surplus food production
specialization of labor, surplus food production, social stratification
surplus food production, social stratification, specialization of labor
Surplus food production, specialization of labor, social stratification
To some extent these three developments occurred simultaneously, but to the extent that one is a precondition for the next, this choice lays then out in correct order
The preponderance of evidence would suggest that human settlement reached which of the following regions most recently? Australia South America Scandinavia India South Africa
South America
Radiocarbon dating of human remains, rock paintings Australia in particular), and genetic studies all support this choice
Hellenistic culture epitomizes which of the following historical forces or trends? Isolationism Cultural diffusion Patriarchy egalitarianism democracy
Cultural diffusion
Hellas was the ancient name for Greece. Hellenistic, therefore, means “Greek-like” and dates from the spread of Greek culture along with the armies of Alexander, the greatest Greek empire builder
Hellenistic culture brought together the traditions of which of the following regions?
Mediterranean, Mesoamerican, sub-Saharan African
Middle eastern, Mediterranean,Scandinavian
Mesoamerican, scandinavian, mediterranean
East Asian, south asian, sub-Saharan african
middle eastern, Mediterranean, south asian
Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, South Asian
The rapid conquests of Alexander’s armies fostered a Greek-directed sharing of ideas from the Indus River valley across the MIddle East to the Mediterranean basin
Which choice best describes the position of women in classical Athens in terms of divorce and property rights as compared to women in classical Roman society? Greek women had Far greater rights somewhat greater rights about the same level of rights somewhat fewer rights far fewer rights
far fewer rights
Athenian women experienced a highly cloistered lifestyle even in relation to other women in the ancient world
Which of the following pairings most accurately reflects existing trade connections in the Greco-Roman era? Han-Roman Scandinavian-Greek Polynesian-Roman Gupta-Greek Olmec-Greek
The silk roads connected these two civilizations. Scandinavia was more or less uncivilized while polynesian and Olmec people were isolated by vast oceans. Gupta civilization had yet to exist in the days of Classical Greek rule
Which of the following best describes BOTH the Roman and the Han empires?
Neither empire was linked to the Silk Roads
Both empires used the family as the model for state organization
Mounting costs associated with defending imperial frontiers led to economic and political crises
New religions were easily assimilated into existing imperial religious ideologies
Taxation of mercantile activity accounted for most government revenue
Mounting costs associated with defending imperial frontiers led to economic and political crises
is accurate for both empires
What was a common feature of classical civilizations in India, China, and the Mediterranean?
Social hierarchy.
A social hierarchy was common to all three and is also key to state formation
What similarity did early Buddhism and early Christianity share?
Allowance of women to enter monastic life
Monastic life refers to life in a monastery or in this case, a nunnery. Monasticism represented one of the few exits for women from the generally restrictive gender roles of family life of the classical and postclassical worlds.
What did the Columbian Exchange introduce to the Europeans?
From the mid-1600s to the mid-1800s, Japan controlled foreign influences on its society by using what?
Toussaint L’Ouverture led a successful revolution against French rule where?
The American Revolution influenced independence movements in SOuth America by-
Providing an example of a successful colonial rebellion
Vladimir Lenin’s New economic Policy differed from Joseph Stalin’s Five-Year Plan because the New Economic Policy-
allowed some privately-owned businesses
During the decades before World War II, industrialization in Japan led to a growing demand for-
natural resources
The Soviet Union entered World War II-
in response to German invasion
The ideological basis of the Cold War was conflict between communism and-
During the Congress of Vienna, what was the goal of the “balance of power” doctrine?
preventing one nation from becoming more powerful than others
Which of Napoleon’s achieveents influences governments today?
The codification of the law
How did the INdustrial Revolution improve the standard of living in England?
By increasing the production of affordable goods
NAFTA increased the economic interdependence of the United States, Mexico, and Canada by-
limiting tariffs