April 9 Flashcards
What is release from steroli cells that allow for male differentiation?
MIF–Mullerian inhibiting factor–causes mullerian duct to involute–stopping formation of female internal genitals
- -Defective steroli cells in male fetus will result in male and female internal genitalia
- –Leydig cells secrete testosterone which allows wolffian ducts to develop into male internal genitalia
Midshaft fracture of the humerous can result in damage to what nerve and what artery?
Radial nerve–C5-T1–wrist drop
Deep brachial artery
What heart defect is associated with head bobbing?
Aortic regurgitation
Wide pulse pressure results in bounding femoral and carotid pulses with abrupt collapse
What is Bosentan used for and with is its MOA?
Used for Pulmonary HTN
–Competitively antagonizes Endothelin-1 receptors–decreasing pulmonary vascular resistance
a-Amanitin, found in Amanita phalloides–mushroom inhibits what?
RNA polymerase II–which makes mRNA
–Causes severe hepatotoxicity
A humoral response with antibodies directed against _______ is the most important source of protection against influenza.
Dopamine is dose dependent, having different effects with increased dosing, what are these effects?
Low doses–Stimulate D1 on renal and mesenteric vasculature –resulting in vasodilation and increased blood flow to these areas
Higher dose–stimulates B1-adrengeric receptors in the heart and increase contractility
Even higher dose–stimulates a1-adrengeric causing vasoconstriction
What disease presents with dermatitis (necrolytic migratory erythema), diabetes, DVT, declining weight, depression and normocytic normochromic anemia?
NME–elevated, painful and pruritic rash typically affecting the face, groin, and extremities–crusting and scaling with bronze-colored indurations
Glucagonoma–tumor of pancreatic a-cells causing overproduction of glucagon
Tx: octreotide, surgery
What is the MOA of opioid analgesics, such as morphine, fentanyl, codeine, loperamide, methadone?
Act as agonists at opioid receptors to modulate synaptic transmission
- Open K+ channels, close Ca2+ channels–> Decreases synaptic transmission
- -Inhibition of release of ACh, NE, 5-HT, glutamate, substance P
Fructose intolerance is a hereditary deficiency of aldolase B causing fructose-1-phosphate accumulation–causing inhibition of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis –sym: hypoglycemia, jaundice, cirrhosis and vomiting. What should be avoided in the diet of these pts?
Fructose and sucrose (glucose + fructose) intake
What lymphoid neoplasm is seen mostly in adult males and causes marrow fibrosis resulting in a “dry tap” on aspiration of the bone marrow?
Hairy cell leukemia–Mature B-cell tumor
Pts usually present with massive splenomegaly
What part of the bronchial tree has the most amount of resistance and which has the least?
Most–med sized bronchi
Least–terminal bronchioles–due to large # in parallel
Anterior nose bleeds are most likely caused by damage to what structure located where?
Kiesselbach plexus–located in anterior segment of the nasal septum
What is the most common cause of meningitis in adults?
Strep pneumoniae
What adverse effects are seen with the 1st generation antihistamines?
Antimuscarinic–blockage of ACh
anti-a-adrenergic —hypotension and postural dizziness