approaches key studies ( classical conditioning )) Flashcards
What is classical conditioning?
Classical conditioning is a learning process where a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response.
Who is the psychologist most associated with classical conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov
What was the famous experiment by Pavlov that demonstrated classical conditioning?
Pavlov conditioned dogs to salivate (conditioned response) to the sound of a bell (neutral stimulus) by pairing it with food (unconditioned stimulus).
What is an unconditioned stimulus (UCS)?
A stimulus that naturally and automatically triggers a response (e.g., food causing salivation).
What is an unconditioned response (UCR)?
An automatic and natural reaction to an unconditioned stimulus (e.g., salivation to food).
What is a neutral stimulus (NS)?
A stimulus that initially does not trigger a response (e.g., a bell before conditioning).
What is a conditioned stimulus (CS)?
A previously neutral stimulus that, after association with the unconditioned stimulus, triggers a conditioned response (e.g., a bell after conditioning).
What is a conditioned response (CR)?
A learned response to a conditioned stimulus (e.g., salivation in response to the bell).
What is acquisition in classical conditioning?
The process of learning the association between the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus.
: What is extinction in classical conditioning?
The gradual weakening and disappearance of a conditioned response when the conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus.
What is spontaneous recovery?
The reappearance of a previously extinguished conditioned response after a rest period.
What is stimulus generalization?
When a stimulus similar to the conditioned stimulus also elicits the conditioned response.
What is stimulus discrimination?
The ability to differentiate between the conditioned stimulus and other similar stimuli that do not signal the unconditioned stimulus.
How does timing affect classical conditioning?
The neutral stimulus must be presented shortly before the unconditioned stimulus for effective conditioning