Approaches Flashcards
What are the evaluation points for the humanistic approach?
-) anti-reductionist
C.P-> Lacks enoiugh empirical evidence to support aims
+) positive approach
-) cultural bias
How is being anti-reductionist a limitation of the humanisitc approach?
P - anti-reductionist
Ev - as humanistic psychologitsts refuse to reject any attempt to break up behaviour and experiences into smaller components
Ex - advocate holism, subjective experience can onyl be understood when considering the whole person
L- approach may have more validity than alternatives as it considers meanignful human behaviour in real-world context
What is a counter of anti-reductionism is humanistic psychology?
P - relatively few concepts that can be reduced to single variables and measured
Ev - lacks empirical evidence to support it’s claims
L - not useful IAPIAPATT
How is being positive a strength of the humanisitc approach?
P - humanisitc psychologists promote positive image of the human condition, seeing people as in control of their lives and having the freedom to change
Ev - Freud sees humans as slaves to their past and said we all exist simewhere between common unhapiness and absoloute depsiar
Ex - H.S offers refreshing, optimistic alternative
L - useful anf valuable IAPIAPATT
How is cultural bias a limitation of humanistic psychology?
P - many humanisitic ideas associated with individualidt cultures like US
Ev - Collecitivist cultures may not identify greatly with H.A
Ex- approach lacks generelaisability and is a product of the cultural context it was developed in
What are the evaluation points of the psychodynamic approach?
+) introduced psychotherapy
C.P-> Psychoanalysis is inappropiate for some mental disorders
-) includes untestable cocepts
+) explanatory power
How is introducing psychotherapy a strength of the psychodynamic approach?
P - Freud’s psychoanalysis 1st attempt to treat mental disorders psychologically
Ev - Psychoanalysis claims to help clients with everyday problems by providing acsess to their unconscious
Ex - psychoanalysis is the fore-runner to talking therapies like counselling
L - valuable IAPIAPATT
What is a counter for the psychodynamic approach introducing psychotherapy?
P - sucsessfu for patients with mild neuroses, harmful for more serious mental disorders
Ev - Schizophrenia
L - Freudian theory may not help with mental disorders when client has lost touch with reality
How is explanatory power a strength of the psychodynamic approach?
P - huge influence on Western contemporary thought
Ev - used to explain a wide range of behaviours and drew attention to the influence of childhood on adult personality
Ex- suggests the psychodynamic approach has had a positive influence on psychology and modern-day thinking
L - useful IAPIAPATT
How is including untestable concepts a limitation of the psychodynamic approach?
P - Popper said that the P.A doesnt meet the criteria of falsiaification
Ev - many of Freud’s concepts like Oedipus complex and Id occur at an unconscious level making it dfficult to test
Ex - Freud’s ideas lack scientific rigour, pesudoscience rather than real science
What are the evaluation points for the biological approach?
+) RWA
C.P - > research evidence does not support
+)scientific methods
-) determinist explanations
How is RWA a strength of the biological approach?
P - RWA as understanding of neurochemical proceses in the brain led to use of psychoactive drugs to treat serious mental disorders
Ev - drugs that treat clinical depression, increase seretonin and reduce depressive symptoms
Ex - people with depression are more iikely to manage condition and live a normal life, rather than confined to a hospital
L - valuable in society
What is a counter for the RWA of the biological approach?
P - everyone responds differently to drugs
Ev - Cipriani et al (2018) compared 21 antidepressants and found wide variations of effectiveness
Ex - challenges B.A as it suggests brain chemistry alone may not account for all cases of depression
How uis using scientific methods a strength of the BA?
P - uses precise and objective methods
Ev - include scnaning techniques like fMRI which assess biologicla processes in ways not open to bias
Ex - based on objective and reliable data
L - scientific credibility
How is determinism a limitation of the BA
P - Biological expalantions tend to be determinist, as it believes human behaviour is governed by internal, genetic causes we have no control over
Ev - environment heavily influences pheniotype as not even genetically indentical twins look and think exactly the same
L - suggests biological view is too simple and ignores the effect of the environment- cannot fully explain human behaiour