Visual Separation
A means employed by ATC to separate aircraft in terminal areas and en route airspace in the NAS. there are two ways to effect this separation:
>the tower controller sees the aircraft involved and issues instructions, as necessary, to ensure that the aircraft avoid each other
>A pilot sees the other aircraft involved and upon instructions from the controller provides his/her own separation by maneuvering his/her aircraft as necessary to avoid it. this may involved following another aircraft or keeping git in sight until it is no longer a factor.
See and Avoid
When weather conditions permit, pilots operating IFR or VFR are required to observe and maneuver to avoid other aircraft.
General {Wake Turbulence}
Separation minima must continue to touchdown for all IFR aircraft not making a:
Visual approach or maintaining visual separation.
Radar Arrivals {Approach Separation Responsibility}
The radar controller performing the approach control function is responsible for separation of radar arrivals unless:
Visual separation is provided by the tower, or an LOA authorizes.
Visual {Class A Airspace Restrictions}
What can’t you do in class A airspace?
Apply visual separation or issue VFR or “VFR-on-top”
Visual Separation {Visual Separation}
Visual separation may be applied when other separations is:
Assured before and after the application of visual separation.
Approaches {visual approach}
Clear an aircraft for a visual approach when:
The aircraft is to follow a preceding aircraft and the pilot reports the preceding aircraft in sight and is instructed to follow it
Terminal Radar Service Area (TRSA)- Terminal {Separation}
You can separate VFR aircraft from VFR/IFR aircraft by:
Visual separation
(AFI 13-204v3:
Visual separation
Is use of visual separation between UAS and manned aircraft or UAS and UAS authorized?
(GFK LOA: 5b)
What is ATCT authorized to do to ensure separation?
Apply visual separation between aircraft under control of either facility
(GFK LOA: 5c)
ATCT is authorized to clear an aircraft for:
A visual approach
(GFK LOA: 10a(6)
IFR Departure Procedures
ATCT must advise departure when using pilot-applied:
Visual separation, prior to communications transfer
(GFK LOA: 11a(2)d
IFR Arrival/VFR Practice Approach Procedures:
RDR must ensure IFR aircraft cleared for a visual approach join final no closer than
5 miles
(GFK LOA: Attch C)
What is the scratch pad entry for visual separation?
General {Wake Turbulence}
Issue wake turbulence cautionary advisories including the position, altitude if known, and direction of flight to aircraft operating behind an aircraft that requires wake turbulence separation when:
IFR aircraft accept a visual approach or visual separation.
Visual Separation {Visual Separation}
Weather conditions must:
Allow the aircraft to remain within sight until other separation exists.
Visual Separation {Visual Separation}
Visual separation may be applied between aircraft up to but not including FL180 under what conditions for pilot-applied visual separation?
> maintain comm with at least one of the aircraft involved and ensure there is an ability to comm with the other aircraft
> the pilot sees another aircraft and is instructed to maintain visual separation from the aircraft
> if the pilot reports the traffic in sight and will maintain visual separation from it (the pilot must state both), the controller may “approve” the operation instead of restating the instructions
Visual Separation {Visual Separation}
What are the steps to have the pilot see the other aircraft and instruct it to maintain visual separation from the aircraft?
> tell the pilot about the other aircraft (traffic call)
> obtain acknowledgment from the pilot that the do the aircraft is in sight
> instruct the pilot to maintain visual separation from that aircraft
Visual Separation {Visual Separation}
If aircraft are on converging courses, what do you inform the other aircraft?
Inform them of the traffic and that visual separation is being applied
Visual Separation {Visual Separation}
If target appear likely to merge while applying visual separation, what do you do?
Inform the pilots
Visual Separation {Visual Separation}
Control of aircraft maintaining visual separation may be transferred to:
An adjacent position/sector/facility.
Approaches {visual approach}
Clear an aircraft for a visual approach when the pilot reports the airport or runway in sight but not the preceding aircraft. Radar separation must be maintained until:
Visual separation is provided.
Approaches {visual approach}
When conducting visual approaches to multiple runways ensure that the respective aircraft’s primary radar targets do not touch unless:
Visual separation is being applied
Approaches {visual approach}
When conducting visual approaches to multiple runways ensure when the aircraft flight paths intersect, ensure approved separation is maintained until:
Visual separation is provided
Approaches {visual approach}
On parallel runway separated by less than 2,500’, unless approved separation is provided by ATC, an aircraft must report sighting a preceding aircraft making an approach (instrument or visual) to the adjacent parallel runway. When an aircraft reports another aircraft in sight on the adjacent final appraoch course and visual separation is applied:
Controllers must advise the succeeding aircraft to maintain visual separation.
(However, do not permit a super or heavy aircraft to overtake another aircraft.)