application of info processing approach Flashcards
what does the info processing approach compare the human brain to
a computer
what is the brain referred as in the info processing approach
the hardware
-the hardware in the human body is the brain and nervous system
what is the software of the computer model in humans
the software in humans is the processing that occurs in the brain
-includes mental programmes like roles of logic
computer model as a child develops
as a child develops and maturation occurs, hardware and software improvements are seen
who composed the MSM
atkinson and shiffrin 1968
what causes info to enter the sensory store in the MSM
environmental input
what are the 3 main stores in MSM
sensory store, STM, LTM
what causes info to pass from sensory store to STM in MSM
what causes info to pass from STM to LTM in the MSM
what causes info to go from LTM to STM
what is another name for STM store in MSM
working memory
is there an output from the STM
yes, response
what are 2 types of memory in the sensory store
echoic and iconic
what executive control processes enter the sensory store, STM and LTM in the MSM
regulate attention
select memory strategies and processes
monitor quality of possible solutions
how does the hardware/software model apply as the brain matures
-improvements in brain capacity
-improvements in speed and automaticity
-improvements in strategies
-ability to reason is developed
-improvements in executive function e.g better metacognition (awareness becomes implicit e.g we dont need to think about speaking english)
what change is seen in information processing approach and development
changes in attention
-attention broken down into voluntary/selective attention, inhibition, shifting attention, sustained attention
-as child develops so do these aspects
memory and information processing approach
-in first year, babies make largest gain in weight of brain and connections (synapses) in brain
-brain maturation explains processing speed
–over time myelination occurs increasing processing speed
–myelin sheath = layer of myelin around neurons speeds up info processing
–when babies are born their sense are well developed bc these senses already have a myelin sheath, neurons for cog function do not have these myelin yet so processing is slow
what are the weaknesses of the info processing approach
-doesnt have theoretical unity, not always clear how all ideas fit together
-computers process serially (in order) but humans can process multiple things at once, it is unknown whether humans process 2 things at a time or switch from one to the other
-analogy between human cog and computer functioning adopted by info processing approach is limited: human brain has capacity for parallel processing and humans are influenced by conflicting emotional and motivational factors
-evidence for info processing based on experiments in controlled scientific cond so lack ecological validity: everyday cog processes linked to a goal but motivation is removed in lab
-assumes stimulus driven info in cog is important but indiv expectations and past experiences also important, expectation often overrides info actually available in the stimulus we are attending to
strengths of info processing approach
+tries to explain what is happening using the scientific method
+considers dev as gradual ongoing process (this may be most reflective of what we actually see)
+explains some variations in indiv diff
+explains why dev may not always be progressive
+supported by evidence e.g developmental changes in attention, structural brain changes and metacognition