Appendix B: Muscles and nerves of upper extremity Flashcards
neuro exam strength levels
5 normal 4 with some Resistance 3 no Resistance but against gravity 2 without gravity 1 tiny amount 0 none
dermatome C1
skull vertex
dermatome C2
temple and occipital area
dermatome C3
supraclavicular fossa
dermatome C4
superior aspect shoulder
dermatome C5
lateral aspect elbow
motor C5
elbow flexors
biceps reflex
dermatome C6
lateral forearm and thumb
motor C6
wrist extensors
brachioradialis reflex
dermatome C7
middle finger
motor C7
elbow extensors
triceps reflex
dermatome C8
little finger and middle forearm
motor C8
deep finger and wrist flexors
dermatome T1
medial elbow and medial arm
motor T1
finger ABduction
ulnar nerve distribution in hand, sensory
4th and 5th digits
radial nerve distribution hand, sensory
dorsal 1-3 fingers and lateral thumb
inn action of deltoid
axillary n C5 C6
ABduct, ADduct, flex extend shoulder
inn and action supraspinatus
suprascap nn C4 C5!! C6
begin Abduct arm
infraspinatus inn and action
Suprascap n C4 C5!! C6
externall rotate arm
supscapularis inn and action
upper and lower subscap nn
C5 C6!! C7
internally rotate arm
action inn of teres major
lower sub scap C6!! C7
ADduct and internally rotate arm
action and inn of teres minor
axillary n C5!! C6
externally rotate
action and inn of latis dorsi
thoracodorsal C6 C7 C8
ADduct, extend shoulder, int rotate arm
what mm insert on greater tubercle humerus
teres minor
what mm insert on lesser tubercle humerus
mm of the arm
biceps brachii
triceps and anconeus??
inn and action coracobrachialis
musculocutaneous C5 C6 C7
flex and ADduct arm
inn and action of biceps brachii
musculocutaneous C5 C6
flex elbow and supinate forearm
inn and action brachialis
musculocutaneous C5 C6
flex elbow
insertion biceps brachii
radial tuberosity of radius, why it can supinate
long head starts glenoid labrumm
short head starts coracoid process
innervation and action of triceps
radial n C6 C7!! C8!!
extends elbow
heads of triceps origin
long head- lateral edge scapula
lateral head- superior to radial groove on humerus
medial head- humerus inferior to radial groove
inn and action of anconeus
radial n C7 C8 T1
extend elbow
mm innervated by median nerve
pronator teres– pronation
flexor carpi radialis– flex and ABduct hand
palmaris longus– flex hand
flexor digitorum superficialis– flex PIP and hand
1-2 fingers flexor digitorum profundus– flex DIP
flexor pollicus longus– flex thumb
pronator quadratus– pronates forearm
ABductor pollicis brevis
flexor pollicis brevis
opponens pollicis1&2 lumbricals– flex MCP and extend IP
mm innervated by ulnar nerve
flexor carpi ulnaris- flexus and adducts hand
3-4 fingers flexor digitorum profundus– flex DIP
ADductor polliculs
ABductor digiti minimi
flexor digitorum minimi brevis
opponens digiti minimi
lumbricals 3-4— flex MCP extend IP
DABs and PADs: dorsal interossei ABduct (x4), Palmar interoseei ADduct(x3)
mm inn by radial nn
brachioradialis extensor carpi radialis longus extensor carpi radialis brevis extensor digitorum extensor digiti minimi extensor carpi ulnaris supinator ABductor pollicus longus extensor pollicis longus extensor pollicis brevis extensor indicis