Appendix B: Muscles and nerves of lower extremity Flashcards
dermatome L1
anterior thigh just below inguinal lig
motor L1
hip flexors
dermatome L2
middle and anterior thigh
motor L2
hip flexors and ADductors
dermatome L3
anterior thigh just above knee
motor L3
knee extensors
dermatome L4
medial malleolus
motor L4
ankle dorsiflexors
patellar reflex
dermatome L5
dorsal aspect foot and big toe
motor L5
toe extensors
S1 dermatome
lateral malleolus
S1 motor
ankle plantar flexors
achilles reflex
inn and action iliopsoas
femoral N L1!! L2!! L3
flex hip
inn and action of sartorius
femoral N L2, L3
flex ABduct and externally rotate thigh
inn and action rectus femoris
femoral n L2, L3!! L4!!
flex hip and extend knee
inn and action vastus medialis
femoral n L2 L3!! L4!!
extend knee
inn and action vastus lateralis
femoral n L2 L3!! L4!!
extend knee
inn and action vastus intermedius
femoral n L2 L3!! L4!!
extend knee
What mm are inn by obturator n
ADductor longus L3
ADductor brevis L3
Adductor magnusL3/L4 (part of magnus)
gracilis L2 –protectis virginalis because ADduct and flex
what mm are inn by sciatic nerve
ADductor magnus, other part
semitendinosus- tibial part L5 S1
semimembranosus- tibial part L5 S1
biceps femoris (long head tibial, short head peroneal)
what is innervated by superior gluteal n L5 S1
gluteus medius– ABduct hip
TFL– flex and ABduct
what is inn by inferior gluteal n S1 S2
gluteus maximus– extend hip!!!!!!!!
piriformis innervation
sacral nerve S1 S2
externally rotate leg
deep peroneal nerve innervates what mm
tibialis anterior– dorsiflex and invert
extensor halllucis longuse– extend big toe, dorsiflex foot
extensor digitorum longus– extends digits
peroneus tertius– dorsiflex and evert foot
extensor digitorum brevis
extensor hallucis brevis
superficial peroneal innervates what mm
peroneus longus– evert and plantar flex
peroneus brevis– evert and plantar flex
what is innervated by tibial nerve
gastroc-- plantar flex &! flex knee soleus-- soley plantar flex foot! plantaris popliteus flexor hallucis longus flexor digitorum longus tibialis posterior-- plantar flex and invert!!!
where does perosneus longus insert
base 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform
wraps under foot from lateral side so helps with eversion and plantar flexion