Apparatus Operator Flashcards
The main purpose of a fire department pumper is to ____ ____ ___ ____ __ _____ ___ ____.
provide adequate water pressure for effective fire streams.
____ ____, ____ __ _____ ___ ____, contains the requirements of pumper design.
NFPA 1901, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus
NFPA 1901 specifies a minimum pump capacity of ___ ___ and a water tank with a capacity of at least ___ _____.
750 gpm
300 gallons
____ ____ specifies the minimum portable equipment that must be carried on all fire department pumpers.
NFPA 1901
The ___ ____ ____ commonly found on municipal fire pumpers are scaled down versions of those used for industrial fire pumpers. Likewise, the foam tanks are correspondingly smaller, usually ranging from __ to ___ _____.
foam proportioning systems
20 to 100 gallons.
Specially designed apparatus that combines the functions of both a rescue vehicle and a fire department pumper.
Rescue Pumper
Generic term used to describe a high-energy foam-generation system consisting of a water pump, a foam proportioning system, and an air compressor that injects air into the foam solution before it enters a hoseline.
Compressed Air Foam Systems (CAFS)
Fire apparatus whose primary purpose is to initiate a fire attack on structural and wildland fires and support associated fire department actions.
Initial Attack Fire Apparatus
Small fire apparatus mounted on a pickup sized chassis, usually with a pump having a rated capacity less than 500 gpm. Its primary advantage is speed and mobility, which enables it to respond to fires more rapidly than larger apparatus.
Mobile water supply apparatus have ___ ___ functions on the fire ground.
____ ____ ____
____ ____
two basic
mobile water shuttle operation
nurse tender
A ___ __ ___ system that allows the apparatus to be driven while discharging water is an _____ when combating wildland fires. They perform this action by the use of a ____ ___ ___ (___).
pump and roll
power take off (PTO)
IFSTA does not recommend ____ on the outside of the apparatus, and this practice is prohibited by ____ ____, ___ __ ___ ____ _____ ___ __ ____ ____.
NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational safety and Health Program
Specific requirements concerning the design of wildland apparatus can be found in?
NFPA 1906, Standard for Wildland Fire Apparatus
A ____ is an apparatus equipped with a fire pump, water tank, and hose, in addition to an aerial device and ground ladders.
According to NFPA 1901 a quint must be equipped with a pump rated at a minimum of ____ ___ and a water tank of at lest ___ _____.
1,000 gpm
300 gallons
_____ are used to power electrical equipment used at scenes.
Step up transformer that converts a vehicle’s 12- or 24- volt DC current into 110- or 220-volt AC current.
Ranging from ___ to ___ ____, portable lights are advantageous during incidents where illumination is needed some distance away from a piece of apparatus, or where additional lights are required.
300 to 1,000 watts
As pertaining to electric cords, Some jurisdictions may specify ____, ____ cords with _____ _____ and twist lock receptacles to provide secure connections.
12-gauge, 3-wire cords with 600-volt insulation
____ ___ are used to supply power to several connections from one supple source.
Junction boxes
____ should also be carried on the apparatus to allow rescuers to plug their equipment into standard electric outlets or electrical equipment from other agencies that use different types of connections.
Portable generators powered by small gasoline or diesel engines generally have _____ and/or ___ volt capacity.
Portable generators are available with a variety of power capacities; _____ _____ is typically the largest capacity.
5000 watts
Vehicle mounted generators have capacities up to _______ ____.
12,000 watts
______ ________ programs and routine maintenance checks are ________ measures that can ensure that apiece of fire apparatus is maintained in the highest state of readiness and will operate safely and efficiently at emergency scenes.
Preventive maintenance
NFPA _____ requires that driver/operators be skilled in the performance of certain maintenance tasks.
NFPA 1002
_________ refers to keeping apparatus in a state of usefulness or readiness while _____ means to restore that which has become inoperable.
NFPA _____ provides a basis to train and certify fire apparatus mechanics and fire department maintenance officers.
NFPA 1071
During the first ____ _____ after an apparatus is received, while the paint and protective coating are new and unseasoned, the vehicle should be washed frequently using cold water to harden the paint and keep it from spotting.
six months
NFPA _____ requires that all tires be replaced every seven years, regardless of their condition.
NFPA 1911
The _____ ________ turns on various lights at specified intervals so that the startup electrical load for all the devices does not occur at the same time.
load sequencer
The ____ _______ “watches” the system for
any added electrical loads that threaten to overload the system.
load monitor
If an overload condition occurs, the load monitor will shut down less important electrical equipment in order to prevent the overload. This is referred to as _____ ________.
load shedding
An inspection method in which the driver or inspector starts at one point of the apparatus and continues in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction inspecting the entire apparatus.
Circle or walk around method
Inspecting an apparatus and equipment on the apparatus to ensure that all equipment is in place, clean, and ready for service.
Operational readiness inspection.
A visual inspection of an apparatus to ensure the major components of the chassis are present and in proper working condition.
Pre-trip road worthiness inspection
An inspection where a certain system or component of an apparatus is operated to ensure it is functioning properly.
Functional check
In general, steering wheel play should be no more than approximately __ _____ in either direction.
10 degrees
Per NFPA 1901 and 1911, a side-to-side variance in weight should not exceed _____ ________.
seven percent
Amount of travel the clutch has before it begins to disengage the engine from the transmission.
Free play
The component used to push on the internal clutch fingers connected to the clutch pedal and when activated, disengages the clutch from the engine.
throw-out bearing
A braking system that uses a fluid in a closed system to pressurize wheel cylinders when activated.
Hydraulic Braking system
An electronic system that monitors wheel spin. When braking and a wheel are sensed to begin locking up, the brake on that wheel is temporarily released to prevent skidding.
Antilock braking systems
A braking system that uses compressed air to hold off a spring brake (parking brake) and applies air pressure to a service brake for vehicle stopping.
Air-actuated braking systems
Apparatus with air brakes are to be equipped with an air pressure protection valve that prevents air horns or other nonessential devices from being operated when the air pressure in the air reservoir drops below ____ psi.
80 psi
The SAE number indicates only the ______ of the oil.
Most automotive batteries contain _____ and ________ _____.
lead and sulfuric acid
Batteries can off-gas _______ ____, which is highly explosive and a mere spark can ignite it.
hydrogen gas
A battery detonation will likely throw ______ ____ into your eyes or skin.
Caustic acid
A specific inspection to an area of a chassis or apparatus to ensure that the unit is operating properly in accordance with the manufacturer’s initial design.
Post-maintenance/ Repair Inspection
During an Air brake test: With the truck off, brake pedal depressed, and parking brake is released the air pressure should drop more than ____ psi during ___ minute(s).
1 minute
During an Air Brake test: The warning light and buzzer should activate before the gauge reads ____ ____.
60 psi
During an Air Brake test: The parking brake should pop out between _____ _____ and ____ _____.
20 to 40 psi
During an Air Brake test: Air pressure should build to 85-100 psi in ____ seconds at full engine RPM.
During an Air Brake test: The needle should stop climbing between ____ and ____ psi.
The most common place for a collision to occur is at an _________.
An act of proceeding to do something with a conscious awareness of danger, while ignoring any potential consequences of so doing.
Reckless disregard
Breach of duty in which a person or organization fails to perform at the standard required by law, or that would be expected by a reasonable person under similar circumstances.
Willful and wanton disregard
Gross disregard
Perception of one’s surrounding environment and the ability to anticipate future events.
Situational awareness
In a study conducted by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), it was determined that in _____ percent of all collisions, the driver/operator was not aware of a problem until it was too late to correct.
42 percent
Angle formed by level ground and a line from the point where the front tires touch the ground to the lowest projection at the front of the apparatus.
Angle of Approach
Angle formed by level ground and a line from the point where the rear tires touch the ground to the lowest projection at the rear of the apparatus.
Angel of depature
Angle formed by level ground and a line from the point where the rear tires touch the ground to the bottom of the frame at the wheelbase midpint.
Breakover angle
It may take ____ to ___ time’s greater distance for a vehicle to come to a complete stop on snow and ice than it does on dry pavement.
3 to 15
At speeds above ____ mph, an emergency vehicle may outrun the effective range of its audible warning device.
The _______ ________ is the distance the vehicle travels from the time the brakes are applied until the apparatus comes to a complete stop.
braking distance
The ______ _______ distance is the sum of the driver/operator’s reaction distance and the vehicle’s braking distance.
total stopping
the driver/ operator’s ______ _______ is the distance the apparatus travels while the driver/ operator transfers his or her foot from the accelerator to the brake pedal.
reaction distance
While backing the apparatus, a spotter must be positioned in a preferred spot located ___ to ____ feet behind and slightly to the _____ of the apparatus.
8 to 10 feet
While driving the apparatus: At 5 mph, ___ feet of hose is pulled out each second.
NFPA 1901 requires that all apparatus with a GVWR of __________ or greater be equipped with an auxiliary braking system.
36,000 lb.
NFPA _______ specifies the number of practical driving exercises that driver/ operator candidates should successfully complete before being authorized to drive apparatus on emergency calls.
NFPA 1901 specifies that any __________ not needed while driving to the scene must be secured in brackets or contained in a storage cabinet.
___-_______ ________ and district familiarization will assist the driver/ operator to make informed decisions regarding apparatus positioning.
Pre-incident planning
Incident scene ______ determines the most advantageous position for the attack pumper.
_____ ______ is the first tactical priority at any incident.
Life Safety
Point at which the fire department can connect into a sprinkler or standpipe system to boost the water pressure and flow in the system. This connection consists of a clappered Siamese with two or more 2 ½-inch intakes or on large-diameter (4 inch or
larger) intake.
Fire Department Connection
To shuttle water between a source and an emergency scene using mobile water supply apparatus.
With _____ ______, one strong hydrant is used to supply two pumpers. Generally, they are located close together and are both being used as attack pumpers
Dual pumping.
Two pumpers in-line close together to boost the pressure.
Tandem pumping
(1) Overhaul of a fire or hazardous material incident scene. (2) In wildland fire fighting, the act of making a fire safe after it is controlled by extinguishing or removing burning material along or near the control line, felling dead trees (snags), and trenching logs to prevent rolling.
For fire protection purposes, ordinary fresh water is considered to weigh _______ or ________.
62.4 lb/ft3
8.3 lb/gal
At 212°F, water converted to steam occupies approximately ______ times its original volume, helping to dissipate heat in a well-vented room. The expansion ratio is even greater at higher temperatures.
The _______ ________ that surrounds the earth has depth and density, exerting pressure on everything.
atmospheric pressure
A pressure of _____ psi makes the column of mercury about 2.04 inches tall. At sea level, the column of mercury is 2.04 x 14.7, or 29.9 inches tall.
______ refers to the height of a water supply above the discharge orifice.
Above sea level, atmospheric pressure decreases approximately ____ psi for every 1,000 feet.
Force per unit area exerted by a liquid or gas measured in pounds per square inch (psi).
Simple measure of weight.
Fluid pressure is perpendicular to any surface on which it acts.
First principle
Fluid pressure at a point in fluid at rest is the dame intensity in all directions. Used in hydrostatic testing.
Second principle
Pressure applied to a confined fluid is transmitted equally in all directions
Third principle
The pressure of a liquid in an open vessel is proportional to its depth.
fourth principle
The pressure of a liquid in an open vessel is proportional to the density of the liquid.
fifth principle
The pressure of a liquid at the bottom of a vessel is independent of the shape of the vessel.
Sixth principle
Any pressure less than atmospheric pressure is called _______, and absolute zero pressure is called a ________ ________.
perfect vacuum
To convert head in feet to head pressure, you must divide the number of feet by _____ (the number of feet that 1 psi will raise a one square inch column of water).
______ means at rest, or without motion.
__________ ________ is the portion of the total available pressure not used to overcome friction loss or gravity while forcing water through pipes, fittings, hoses, or adapters.
Residual Pressure
________ refers to the center line of the pump or the bottom of a static water supply source above or below ground level.
________ is the position of an object in relation to sea level.
The pressure losses or gains due to gravity are called _______ _______.
Elevation Pressure
The diameter of the hose determines the ________ for a given volume of water. The smaller the hose, the greater the _____ needed to deliver the same volume.
What is the reduction percentage of friction loss by using a 4 inch hose instead of a 3 inch hose?
Means of Moving Water
Uses one or more pumps that takes the water from the primary source and discharges it through the filtration and treatment processes. Then a series of pumps force water into the distribution system.
Direct pumping system
Means of Moving Water
Uses a primary water source located at a higher elevation than the distribution system. The gravity flow from the higher elevation provides the water pressure.
Gravity system
Means of Moving Water
A mix of direct pumping and gravity systems. In most cases, elevated storage tanks supply the gravity flow. These tanks serve as emergency storage and provide adequate pressure through the use of gravity.
Combination system
The three components of a grid system.
1) Primary feeders
2) Secondary feeders
3) Distributors
Large pipes or mains, with relatively widespread spacing, that convey large quantities of water to various points of the system for local distribution to the smaller mains.
Primary feeders
Network of intermediate-sized pipes that reinforce the grid within the various loops of the primary feeder system and aid the concentration of the required fire flow at any point.
secondary feeders
Grid arrangement of smaller mains serving individual fire hydrants and blocks of consumers.
The average amount of water used per day based on the total amount of water used in a water distribution system over the period of one year.
Average daily consumption
The maximum total amount of water that was used during a 24-hr interval within a 3-year period.
maximum daily consumption
The maximum amount of water used in an 1-hr interval over the course of a day.
Peak hourly consumption
A ______ _______ ______ is produced with a fixed orifice and a smooth bore nozzle. It is tight with little spray or shower effect.
solid fire stream
mathematical equation for determining the flow rate of a solid stream nozzle.
The force as water is discharged from a nozzle at a given pressure, a counterforce pushes back against the firefighters operating the hoseline.
nozzle reaction
Newton’s third law of motion:
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Mathematical equation for determining nozzle reaction for solid stream nozzles
Customary system of measurement is NR=Q/3 for an approximation.
Mathematical equation for nozzle reaction of a fog stream nozzle
Mathematical equation for determining friction loss.
Equation for elevation pressure loss.
Elevation pressure loss in multistory buildings
EP=(5psi)x(number of stories-1)
With proper calibration, a flowmeter in good working order should be accurate to a tolerance of plus or minus _________.
3 percent
Each discharge equipped with a flowmeter must have a digital readout display mounted within ___ inches of the control valve for that discharge.
If a pressure gauge is mounted at the 6-inch
location, then the flowmeter must be mounted within ___ inches adjacent to the gauge.
The Condensed Q formula may be used for operations in which the friction loss can be determined for 3-, 4-, or 5-inch hose.
3-inch hose–FL=Q2
4-inch hose–FL=Q2/5
5-inch hose–FL=Q2/15
i.e. FL of 200gpm being flowed from 100ft of 3in hose.
FL = (200/100)2= 2squared= 4psi per 100 feet of 3in hose.
________ _________ pumps are self-priming, deliver a definite volume of water or air, and exhaust air from the pump and deliver water.
Positive displacement
_____ _______ operate using a piston that moves back and forth in a cylinder.
Piston pumps
Referring to piston pumps:
These multi-cylinder, PTO-driven pumps can provide pressures up to ____ psi for high-pressure fog lines, or to inject foam concentrate into a waterline or manifold at a higher pressure than the water pump is creating.
The total amount of water that can be pumped by a ______ _______ pump depends on the size of the pockets in the gears and speed of rotation.
rotary gear
_______ ______ pumps are constructed with moveable elements that automatically compensate for wear, maintaining a tighter fit with closer clearances as the pump is used.
Rotary vane
Pump with one or more impellers that rotate and utilize centrifugal force to move the water. Most modern fire pumps are of this type.
Centrifugal Pump
The _______ acts as the disk receiving its water through the ____ in its center. This water is thrown out to the ______ around the outside edge of the pump housing.
Hinged valve that permits the flow of water in on direction only.
Clapper valve
Automatic valve that permits liquid to flow in only one direction. For example, the inline valve that prevents water from flowing into a foam concentrate container when education pressure is disrupted.
Check Valve
A very close tolerance must be maintained between the pump casing and the hub of the impeller. This opening is usually limited to ____ inch or less.
Replaceable rings that are attached to the impeller and /or the pump casing to allow a small running clearance between the impeller and the pump casing without causing wear of the actual impeller or pump casing material.
Wear rings
As packing rings wear with the operation of the shaft, the ______ _______ can be tightened in order to control any leaks and allow the pump to draft.
packing gland
Heat develops by friction where the
packing rings come into contact with the shaft. In order to overcome this, a spacer, known as a
______ or slinger _______ is supplied with the packing to provide cooling.
lantern ring
With the engine idling and the pump engaged, most speedometers will indicate between ___ to
10 to 15
Centrifugal pumps are rated to pump their maximum volume capacity at _____psi at draft.
A relay operation begins with the ________ capacity pumper working from the water source.
It is advisable for driver/ operators to maintain an intake pressure of ____ to _____psi as a relay pumper.
20 to 30
Apparatus equipped with pressure governors should be set in the ______ mode when acting as the attack pumper and in the ______ mode while working as a relay pumper.
Mathematical equation for determining the number pumpers needed for relay pumping:
P= Total number of pumpers needed
R= Relay distance (water source to attack pumper)
D= Distance from tables 12.1a (ch.12, pg.429)
Many modern fuels, including gasoline, are blended with up to ____ percent solvent additives. Treat these products as polar solvents during emergency operations.
Foam extinguishes and/ or suppresses vapors by the following methods:
-Separating: Creates a barrier between the fuel and the fire
-Cooling: Lowers the temperature of the fuel and adjacent surfaces.
-Suppressing or smothering: Prevents the release of flammable vapors, reducing the possibility of ignition or re-ignition
Class A foam concentrates maybe mixed with percentages as little as ____ to ____ percent.
0.1 to 1
The shelf life of class A foam can be as long as ___ ______.
20 years
Foam concentrate tanks on municipal fire apparatus generally range from ____ to ______ gallons while foam pumper tenders may carry _____ gallons or more of concentrate.
20 to 200
Class __ foam concentrates should be stored in cool areas to maximize shelf life: approximately 10 years for protein-based foams and 20- 25 years for synthetic foam.
________ foams are derived from animal protein sources such as hooves, horns, or feather meal.
___________ of these products is determined by the rate at which natural bacteria can degrade the foam.
Raw foam liquid in its storage container before being combined with water and air.
Foam concentrate
Device that injects the correct amount of foam concentrate into the water stream to make the foam solution.
Foam proportioner
Mixture of foam concentrate and water before the introduction of air.
Foam solution
Completed product after air is introduced into the foam solution.
The _______ _____ refers to the minimum amount of foam solution that must be applied to a fire, per minute, per square foot of fire.
application rate
Foam low expansion rate
Foam medium expansion rate
20:1 up to 200:1
Foam high expansion rate
200:1 to 1000:1
Ability of a foam blanket to resist direct flame impingement such as would be evident in a partially extinguished petroleum fire.
Burnback resistance.
To cause or undergo a chemical process of decomposition involving the splitting of a bond and the addition of the element of water.
During road testing the apparatus must accelerate to ___mph from a standing start within ___ seconds.
The apparatus must achieve a maximum top speed of ___mph.
The apparatus must come to a full stop from ___mph within ___ feet.
A _______ _____ is performed to ensure that the pump and associated piping are capable of withstanding high-pressure pumping demands.
hydrostatic test
The pump body as well as the entire intake and discharge piping system, with the exception of the tank fill and tank-to-pump lines on the tank side of the valves, are subjected to a minimum hydrostatic test pressure of ____psi for a minimum of ___ minutes.
10 minutes
The air temperature when pump testing is conducted should be between __°F and ___°F
0 and 110
The water temperature should be between 35°F and 90°F
The barometric pressure should be at least 29 inches of Mercury when corrected to sea level. This adjustment is necessary because a 1-inch drop in barometric pressure reduces the static lift of a pumper by approximately 1 foot.
______ pump discharge pressure is the
difference between the intake pressure and the discharge
Performance tests are conducted at 150psi, 165psi, 200psi, and 250psi net pump discharge pressure.
NFPA 1911 specifies that all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within ____ days of the testing.
60 days
A _________ test evaluates the priming device, pump, and intake hose for air leaks.
If the pump fails to reach ____ inches of mercury, remove the apparatus from service until repairs can be made.
22 inches
Any apparatus that achieves results less than ____ percent of its original rated capabilities has two options for continued use: It may be placed out of service and restored to its original capabilities and tested again, or the apparatus may be given a lower rating based on the results of the most recent testing.
90 percent
The goal of preventative maintenance is to eliminate unexpected and catastrophic failures that may endanger firefighters and the general public.