APP 3 - Système immunitaire adaptatif Flashcards
Quel type de molécule CMH sont exprimé sur TOUTES les cellules nucléées?
CMH-II est exprimé sur quels types de cellules?
Cellules présentatrices d’antigène (CPA)
- Macrophages
- Cell. dendritiques
- B-cells
Helper T-cells (CD4) recognize which type of MHC?
Cytotoxic T-cells (CD8) recognize which type of MHC?
Which type of T-cells can bind on receptors that are present on all nucleated cells?
Cytotoxic T-cells
Which type of T-cells are effective against virus-infected cells?
Cytotoxic T-cells
Which type of cells are effective ONLY against extracellular pathogens?
Helper T-cells
- Because they bind to MHC-II on CPA
Which type of molecules does MHC-I present?
Endogenous peptides (ex: viral antigens)
Do CPA also express MHC-I?
If infected by a virus, they will bind CD8 t-cells
Combinaison des allèles d’HLA (human leukocyte antigen) chez un individu
Haplotype HLA
T or F?
MHC molecules are specific for one peptide
MHC molecules have a broad specificity for peptide binding
T of F?
Each MHC molecules can only present one peptide at a time
However, a single cell has many MHC molecules and they can present many different peptides from the same pathogen
Can cells express “empty” MHC molecules (which do not present an antigen) on their surface?
Only MHC which present a peptide are expressed in a stable manner on cell surface
CD28 receptor
Co-receptor on T-cells
- Bind B7 expressed on APC upon pathogen infection
Role of co-activators (CD28 on T-cells)
- Control T-cell migration into tissues
- Amplify activation signal via Signal 2 (to avoid false positives)
B-cell receptor complex (BRC) are composed of
- IgM
- Signal molecules (Ig-alpha and Ig-beta)
CD21 (also known as CR2)
B-cell co-receptor
- Binds C3d (complement protein fragment) often found on pathogen
- Induces signal 2 (= activation of B-cell)
How do macrophages participate in the humoral response?
They bind to pathogens that are opsonized by
- Ab
- Complement proteins
Phagocytoses them
Destroys them
How do macrophages contribute to the adaptive cellular immune response?
Reciprocal activation between Helper T-cells and macrophages
2 types of dendritic cells
- Cellules dendritiques interdigitées (conventionnelles)
- Cellules dendritiques folliculaires
Which type of dendritic cells activate T lymphocytes?
Cellules dendritiques interdigitées
Which type of dendritic cells activate B lymphocytes?
Cellules dendritiques folliculaires
Where are Cellules dendritiques interdigitées located?
- Immature: in epithelium (ex: cellules de Langerhans)
- Mature: dans zones de lymphocytes T (tissus lymphoides)
Where are Cellules dendritiques folliculaires located?
Rate et ganglions:
dans les centres germinaux des follicules lymphoides
Where are T-cells located?
- In circulation
- Rate et ganglions: zones périartériolaire (“pulpe blanche” et interfolliculaire
Where are B-cells located?
- In circulation
- Follicule des tissus lymphoides périphériques (ganglions, rate, amygdales, tissus muqueux)
Les DC des ganglions lymphatiques captent quel types d’antigènes?
Antigènes solubles
Dans la lymphe
Les DC dans la rate captent quel types d’antigènes?
Antigènes solubles
Dans le sang
Rôle du chimiokine CCR7
Guider la migration des DC
Épithélium –> Vx lymphatiques –> Ganglions lymphatiques (site de rencontre avec T-cells)
Quelles cellules expriment le chimiokine CCR7? (pour attirer DC)
- cellules épithéliales des vx lymphatiques
- cellules dans la zone des ganglions lymphatiques
- Lymphocytes T naifs
Pourquoi les DC migrent vers la rate, les ganglions, tissus lymphoides?
Car plus grande concentration de T-cells à ces endroits = plus grande chance de rencontrer T-cell avec le bon récepteur
Les macrophages activent quels lymphocytes?
Lymphocytes T
Comment les macrophages activent les T-cells?
En présentant antigènes sur leurs MHC
et en sécrétant des cytokines (IL-6, IL-12, IL-23)
Quel type de protéines sont présentées sur les MHC-I ?
Antigènes cytoplasmiques (produits par virus)
Naive B-cells produce which type of antibodies?
- IgM+
- IgD+
Production of functionally different Ab, all with the same specificity, relies on which process?
Heavy-chain class (isotype) switching
What does the T-cell receptor (TCR) recognize on APC?
Antigen-MHC complex
What are CD4 and CD8? (function)
Co-receptors on T-cells
- Function as co-activators along with TCR (signal 1)
What does CD4 recognize?
MHC-II molecules
What does CD8 recognize?
MHC-I molecules
Do CD4 and CD8 play a role as co-stimulators?
No. They contribute to activating Signal 1 along with the TCR.
Which molecules on CPAs work as co-stimulators?
B7 (CD80 and CD86)
their expression is up-regulated upon infection
Which receptor do CD80 and CD86 on CPAs bind to?
CD28 receptor on T-cells
= signal 2
What is the role of adherence molecules on T-cells? (ex: integrines)
Stabilize the interaction between T-cell & CPA (to allow sufficient stimulation to occur to activate T-cell)
Quel est le rôle du ligand CD40 (CD40L) sur les lymphocytes T?
Lier récepteur CD40 sur les CPA
- Stimulate APC expression of B7 + cytokine production
= indirectement favoriser la différenciation des T-cells
Pourquoi faut-il ajouter un adjuvant dans certains vaccins protéiques?
AG protéines: pas toujours suffisants pour déclencher réponses immunitaires dépendantes des T-cells (ce qui est nécessaire pour générer des cellules mémoires)
Adjuvant: induit l’expression de molécules de co-stimulation sur les CPA (ex: B7)
What are the 2 primary lymphoid organs?
- Thymus (for T-cell development)
- Bone marrow (for B-cell development)
Name some secondary lymphoid organs
- Spleen (rate)
- Lymph nodes (ganglions)
T or F:
DC can phagocytose infected cells, and then present antigen peptides from these cells on their MHC-I
True! This is especially useful with infected cells that cannot display antigens (ex: RBC)
Where do T-cells undergo (+) and (-) selection?
In the thymus
Negative selection of T-cells
If TCR binds to self-antigen presented by MHC-I or MHC-II on thymic cell: T-cell will undergo apoptosis
Positive selection of T-cells
CD8 and CD4 on T-cells = able to recognize and bind specifically to MHC-I and MHC-II (respectively)
Otherwise: T-cell will undergo apoptosis
How does a T-cell become a CD4 or CD8 T-cell?
At first, after undergoing both + and - selection in the thymus, T-cells express both CD4 and CD8 co-receptors.
It is by CHANCE that they will interact more strongly with either MHC-I (= up-regulate CD8) or MHC-II (= up-regulate CD4). The other type of MHC will be down-regulated.
Role of regulatory T-cells
Prevent auto-immune reactions
Where are regulatory T-cells found
Corpuscule de Hassal (dans thymus)
T or F: T-cells are made in the thymus
They are made in the red bone marrow