API 653 Sec- 12 (Examination and Testing) Flashcards
NDE shall be performed in accordance with …….. supplemental requirements given as per …….
API 650, Section 8
API 653
Personnel performing NDE shall be qualified in accordance with ………
..API 650, Section 8 & API 653
Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with …….
..API 650, Section 8 & API 653
Each newly deposited weld or any cavity resulting from gouging or grinding operations shall be visually
examined ………..length
over its full
…………may be used to provide additional guidance in qualifying personnel and procedures when magnetic flux leakage (MFL) tools are used to examine tank bottoms
Annex G
………..examination of shell plate for laminations shall be made in the immediate area affected when:
- adding a reinforcing plate to an existing unreinforced penetration
- adding a hot tap connection.
Cavities resulting from gouging or grinding operations to remove attachment welds of existing reinforcing
plates shall be examined by …………….
magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods.
New welding on the shell-to-bottom joint shall be examined for its entire length by using a ………….., or…………
right-angle vacuum box and a solution film
by applying light diesel oil
New welding on the shell-to-bottom joint first weld pass shall be examined by applying ………… to the side ……….. the first weld pass made
light diesel oil
The oil shall be allowed to stand at least …………
(preferably overnight) and then the weld examined for ……… action.
4 hours
As an alternative to (right-angle vacuum box and a solution film or by applying light diesel oil) to the initial weld passes is the welds shall be tested by pressurizing the volume between the ,,,,,,,,,,, welds with air pressure to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,and applying a solution film to both welds
inside and outside
15 psig
The existing weld at the shell-to-bottom joint shall be examined by visual, as well as by ,,,,,,,,,,, for the full length under a welded-on patch plate
magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods,
welds joints at Bottoms the root and final pass of a welded-on patch plate weld in the critical zone shall be,,,,,,,,,, and examined by either ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, over its full length.
visually examined
magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method
welds joints at Bottoms, the repaired area shall also be tested using ………….. or ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
a vacuum box and solution
a tracer gas and detector
Number and Location of Radiographs, (Vertical joints)
new replacement shell plates to existing shell plates, ,,,,,,,,,,,,additional radiograph shall be taken in each joint;
repaired joints in existing shell plates shall have …………. additional radiograph taken in each joint.
Number and Location of Radiographs, (Horizontal joints)
new replacement shell plates to existing shell plates, ………. additional radiograph for each ,,,,,,,,,of repaired horizontal weld;
repaired joints in existing shell plates shall have additional radiograph taken for each ,,,,, of repaired
horizontal weld
50 ft
50 ft
Number and Location of Radiographs, (Intersection joints)
new replacement shell plates to existing shell plates, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,intersection shall be radiographed
all repaired intersections in existing shell plates shall be ,,,,,,,,,,,,
For reconstructed tanks, radiographic examination is required for ………..of all junctions of new welds over
existing seams.
25 %
The minimum diagnostic length of each radiograph shall be ,,,,,,,,,,,
6 in
For penetrations installed using insert plates as described in 9.8.6, the completed butt welds between the insert plate and the shell plate shall be ,,,,,,,,,,,,,radiographed
Radiographs and radiograph records of all repaired welds shall be marked with the letter ,,,,,,,,
A full hydrostatic test, held for 24 hours, shall be performed on the following.
- A reconstructed tank
- tank under major repairs or major alterations
- engineering evaluation indicates the need for the hydrostatic test
exiting tank materials stress in the repair area shall not exceed,,,,,,,
7000 lbf/in.2
Bottom Repair within the Critical Zone
Annular plate butt-welds shall also be examined by ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,methods after the final pass
Shell-to-bottom Weld Repair
A portion of the weld (of any length) may be removed and replaced does not represent more than ,,,,,,,,,,,,,of the required weld cross-sectional area.
50 %
Shell-to-bottom Weld Repair
The weld on one side of the shell may be completely removed and replaced for a length not exceeding ,,,,,
Shell-to-bottom weld repairs replacing more than 50 % of the required weld cross-sectional area shall not be
closer than ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, including repairs on the opposite side of the shell.
12 in.
12 in. to each other
Repairs shall be examined prior to welding, after the ,,,,,,,,,,,,, and after the,,,,, by visual,
root pass
final pass
No ,,,,,,,,, is required for Repair or Alteration Made to a Floating Roof
New or altered reinforcing plates of shell penetrations shall be given an ,,,,,,,,,,test in accordance with API 650
air leak
the tank settlement shall initially be surveyed with
the tank ,,,,,, using an ,,,,number of elevation measurement points, N,
even ,
An initial settlement survey, prior to the first hydrostatic test, provides ,,,,,,,, readings for future
settlement evaluation
In the absence of this initial survey, the tank shall be assumed to be ,,,,,,,,
initially level.
The minimum number of elevation points shall be as indicated by the following equation:
N = D/10
D is the tank diameter, in feet (ft)
N is the minimum required number of settlement measurement points, but no less than eight
tank settlement shall be measured during ,,,,,, and
when the test water reaches ,,,,of the test level.
100 %
New full penetration welds attaching existing shell plate to existing or new shell plate shall be examined by